Tagged with panasonic - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/panasonic/p11/feed.rss Wed, 05 Jun 24 02:55:37 +0000 Tagged with panasonic - Personal View Talks en-CA FS - Panasonic GH4 Body - UK https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10428/fs-panasonic-gh4-body-uk Wed, 21 May 2014 18:04:49 +0000 andrew00 10428@/talks/discussions Hey,

For Sale - Panasonic GH4 Body - UK

I bought this less than two weeks ago. It's brilliant but I prefer the BMPCC for my needs, so I'm selling it.

Less than 50 shots taken, only used video for testing. In as new condition.

Sells for £1299 new - I'll sell for £1349.

The camera is out of stock most places, if not all, so if you're looking for one and want to save some cash then let me know.

I'm in London, can do an exchange in person therefore, or I can post it if required.

Panasonic G3 worse standard quality compared to GF1 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10374/panasonic-g3-worse-standard-quality-compared-to-gf1 Tue, 13 May 2014 08:14:02 +0000 5Lion 10374@/talks/discussions I ´ve been using Panasonic GF1 for years and even hacked it successfully. Now I bought the Panasonic G3 and I am very disappointed with the picture quality for pictures and video compared to GF1. Have more user´s noticed differences? Could Panasonic have altered the firmware between different GF, GH and G models to produce differences to justify price increases between models? If, how can one see it? I checked the .bin firmware with Ptool but could not find clues.

London Meeting with Nick Driftwood at Park Cameras - Plus try out the GH4! https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10219/london-meeting-with-nick-driftwood-at-park-cameras-plus-try-out-the-gh4 Tue, 22 Apr 2014 03:35:46 +0000 driftwood 10219@/talks/discussions On Friday 25th April 2014, at Park Cameras new store in Central London, I'm inviting personal-view members to join me for a FREE presentation I'm giving about the GH4.

Using the new Panasonic LUMIX GH4, I'll be taking you through the best options on recording videos using Panasonic's impressive new camera, including the setup, audio, picture setting, and the range of lenses and accessories that will work alongside the camera.

As you know, the LUMIX GH4 is the first stills camera in the Micro 4/3's arena to be capable of filming 4k video. Not only that, it can shoot at 200mb/s (broadcast quality) All Intra at 4:2:2 10-bit colour output. I'll be looking at how personal-view users can make their shoots as best they can for broadcasting purposes and how you can get the best out of the h264 compression plus how to finalise your work for Vimeo/Youtube and Theatre/Cinema release.

During the session, I'm hoping to be able to provide a live demonstration, and show the output on a large 4K monitor. A technical expert from Panasonic UK will also be on hand to answer any queries you might have.

This is a brilliant opportunity for personal-view members in the London and South East to meet me and other members and have a great chat about our experiences.

Park Cameras will also be offering exclusive instore only deals for you to take advantage of, when attending this event. The camera itself will be available from early May.

There's two sessions available one in the morning at 11:00 to 12.30pm and the other in the afternoon at 2.30pm to 4pm. To reserve your place, goto to this page;-


GH3 for timelapse work https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5195/gh3-for-timelapse-work Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:02:08 +0000 neokoo 5195@/talks/discussions Hi, does anyone here have info on following yet:

  • is the full 60-1/4000 shutter speed range available in electronic shutter mode or is the slowest speed limited to 1 second like on G5? ( Answered: it is limited to 1 second. )

  • what are the options in built-in intervalometer? Can the interval be lower than one second? Is there a setting for unlimited number of images or is 9999 maximum it will allow?

  • what is the fastest burst mode that allows automatic exposure between frames?

  • what is the save delay in burst mode and can it save previous shot while taking next one? In practice, can the equivalent of 360 degrees shutter angle be achieved at any shutter speed?

Contax lenses to Canon EF + Speed Booster https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10258/contax-lenses-to-canon-ef-speed-booster Sat, 26 Apr 2014 09:37:21 +0000 spencerb 10258@/talks/discussions I have a Panasonic GH3 and am investing in some old Zeiss Contax Yashica glass. I intend to use the Metabones Speed Booster with them but also want to keep my options open in the future.

  • Safe Option 1: Buy Metabones Speed Booster in Contax/Yashica -> Micro Four Thirds mount. Connect C/Y Zeiss glass. Profit.

  • Theoretical Option 2: Buy Metabones Speed Booster in Canon EF -> Micro Four Thirds Mount. Adapt Zeiss C/Y glass to Canon EF mount. This allows me to share lenses with Canon bodies if necessary and also mount standard Canon EF glass to the Speed Booster as well. With the limited range of wide angle Zeiss C/Y glass available this also could make things easier. It saves me buying multiple $400 Speed Boosters.

Question is: Is there any reason NOT to do option 2? I know it will allow a greater chance of error in the adaptors, but will the C/Y -> Canon EF even mount to a Canon EF -> MFT Speed Booster? Is this entire idea completely stupid or have I stumbled on accidental brilliance?


Where do I see reflected the changes after flow motion v.2 hacking ? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10259/where-do-i-see-reflected-the-changes-after-flow-motion-v.2-hacking- Sat, 26 Apr 2014 11:53:54 +0000 falconking 10259@/talks/discussions Hi. I recently bought my GH2 and decided to hack it with the flow motion v2 hack. But since I am new to this camera, I don´t know where to look to see the changes the hack has made in the system. I searched the entire site, but nobody explains how to operate the new features after the hack, they just explain them, but not how to find them in the camera menus. Can somebody please tell me where to find the new controls ? thanks !

Claiming panasonic limited world wide warranty https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10229/claiming-panasonic-limited-world-wide-warranty Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:28:14 +0000 Gamer_s 10229@/talks/discussions Bought a panny 2.8 35-100mm lens last year and was unlucky enough to ge one with the Power OIS jitter problem (havent used the lens very much and just recently found out while filming at the quicksilver pro surf comp here in Oz. Bought the lens in the UK so need to fill out the limited world wide warranty. Everything is pretty straight forward exept the the box that says:

"original importer/country, area"

Is it as simple as Panasonic UK Ltd. or what? anyone else done this?

Only got 1 month left on the warranty so need to get this done asap ;)


Feature length documentary shot in Iceland with GH2 & GH3 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10225/feature-length-documentary-shot-in-iceland-with-gh2-gh3 Tue, 22 Apr 2014 14:52:11 +0000 Imagitoriam 10225@/talks/discussions Dýrafjörður, a documentary on life, nature, and creativity is now available on Reelhouse.org The film was shot on a GH2, hacked with EOSHD's vanilla 44, then later Sanity 5, the GH3, and a couple shots and timelapses using the GH1. The film was cut using Adobe PP 5.5 and colored with film convert.


GH2 body - 16x9 Adaptor (wideangle lens adaptor) and MacBook Air 11" https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10223/gh2-body-16x9-adaptor-wideangle-lens-adaptor-and-macbook-air-11 Tue, 22 Apr 2014 11:13:16 +0000 djhessler 10223@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I got 3 items for sale if anyone is interested:

GH2 Lumix body $500 16x9 Adaptor (wideangle lens adaptor) $200 Macbook Air 11" $700

Please PM me if interested, US buyers only.

Thank you all !!!!!

FS Cosmicar / Pentax 25mm F1.4 lens - 1" version so no vignetting on BMPCC https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10199/fs-cosmicar-pentax-25mm-f1.4-lens-1-version-so-no-vignetting-on-bmpcc Sat, 19 Apr 2014 09:41:28 +0000 austinchimp 10199@/talks/discussions For sale - As new Cosmicar / Pentax 25mm F1.4.

It's the 1" version so full coverage on the BMPCC sensor, and good on the GH2, GH3, GX7. I've tested on all of those.

A great lower cost alternative to the Voigtlander 25mm lens and Panasonic 20mm 1.7.

Shipping from Spain to all of Europe - listed on Ebay here - http://cgi.ebay.es/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=141261491409

Jitter/choppy playback - solution? GH4 same issue? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10140/jitterchoppy-playback-solution-gh4-same-issue Fri, 11 Apr 2014 07:42:08 +0000 cogumelo 10140@/talks/discussions I'm still having trouble to playback MOV 1080 60p footage from my GH3 on my macs (a macbook retina displays and a MacPro 8core 24GB Ram). Those files playback normally on the camera, but it's quite choppy or jittery on my computer, specially on pan movements. Does it has a solution? conversion or transcoding? Is it a mac problem? a codec problem? or GH3 problem? I also got jitter recoding on all setting of 1080 60p, using my other camera, NEX 5N, that also records 1080 60p AVCHD I got no problems at all, the files playbacks just right, but I also think the NEX footage is 59,94i converted on camera to 60p or 59,94p... I don't now... I think if maybe the gh3 were capable to records 60i in MOV mode it wouldn't happen.... I think the problem is due the progressive fields, or YUV to RGB conversion problem....I don't know... because when I transcode the files using 5dtoRGB software, it gets better, less jitter, but they still there! If we're having trouble to playback 1080p 60p, can you imagine what gonna happen with the 4k files? I've pre-order a GH4, but I'm thinking twice if it's worth to... I don't want more headache with playback issues... I'm thinking to move to Sony A7s.... That's SAD!!! Anyone knows the real reason why we can't playback those files??? what should I say to my clients that got choppy footage? my camera is rubbish! or your computer is rubbish!??? WTF? That's just sad!

BMD Ultrastudio mini recorder(thunderbolt) + GH3 + Wirecast for streaming https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8577/bmd-ultrastudio-mini-recorderthunderbolt-gh3-wirecast-for-streaming Mon, 28 Oct 2013 01:13:41 +0000 andrevanberlo 8577@/talks/discussions Hey everyone,

To do some live streaming I’ve looked at many solutions and this one seems (at this point) the most ideal for my multi camera setup : hook up 3 gh3’s to 3 Ultrastudio mini recorders with thunderbolt and use wirecast to do the streaming and encoding on the mac pro/hackintosh.

I’ve seen however some conflicting messages on forums where it seems that the GH3 signal will not pass through the mini recorder, so does any one have experience with this? Can anyone confirm the mini recorder works with the GH3 and wirecast?

I believe the GH3 has 4:2:0 out and the codecs supported by the mini recorder are:   AVC-Intra, AVCHD, Canon XF MPEG2, Digital SLR, DV-NTSC, DV-PAL, DVCPRO50, DVCPROHD, DPX, HDV, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD, XDCAM HD422, Apple ProRes 4444, Apple ProRes 422 (HQ), Apple ProRes 422, Apple ProRes (LT), Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy), Uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2, Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2.

So perhaps the GH3 might not work due to different colorspace?

 Here a post where you see a setup using to minirecorders thunderbolt + usb camera to stream live with wirecast: htttp://forum.telestream.net/forum/messageview.aspx?catid=45&threadid=13444 The guy doesn't use a dslr but dedicated camera but you can use the mini recorders with wirecast, only question is, will it work with the GH3?!

Hope one of you can shed some light on this matter


Interesting links for this thread: Setup using mini recorders: http://forum.telestream.net/forum/messageview.aspx?catid=45&threadid=13444 How to setup GH3 for HDMI output: http://provideocoalition.com/atepper/story/how-to-make-the-lumix-gh3-camera-deliver-proper-recordable-1080p-over-

Young Pop x HO5 Spring Break Session - Snowboard Edit with GH3 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10121/young-pop-x-ho5-spring-break-session-snowboard-edit-with-gh3 Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:53:17 +0000 switchmag 10121@/talks/discussions A short edit from a pure sunny day with talented riders.

Everything shot with the GH3, all Natural -5, -5, 0, -5, 1080p @ 50Mbs MOV I've used Olympus 12mm f2 and 45mm f1.8. Some shots with ETC mode, mostly handheld with the Aputure MagicRig.

Edit in Premiere Pro CS6, some correction with Fast Color Correction.

Your comments are welcome !

Panasonic accelerates m43 cameras production, GH4 is big on preorders https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10010/panasonic-accelerates-m43-cameras-production-gh4-is-big-on-preorders Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:03:12 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10010@/talks/discussions

Last week multiple sources on the web told that starting of new financial year Panasonic will focus on improving their camera division.

Only last day it become known how deep they will be thanks to leaked recording.

Digital cameras division staff will be significantly increased and focused on improving existing and introducing new amazing m43 cameras and lenses.

Remember to check http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10019/ask-developers-of-the-panasonic-lumix-gh4-plus-answers-about-the-m43-format#Item_19

Panasonic LF1 topic https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6712/panasonic-lf1-topic Tue, 16 Apr 2013 12:13:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6712@/talks/discussions image


  • 1/1.7 LX7 size sensor
  • Build in 28-200mm F2.0-F5.9 lens with Power O.I.S.
  • 200k dots EVF, bad, in other words
  • 10fps burst shooting
  • 1080i60/p30 video (sic!)
  • NFC and Wi-Fi
  • $499 price


Available at:

35-100mm Panasonic vintage lens alternative https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6972/35-100mm-panasonic-vintage-lens-alternative Wed, 15 May 2013 05:57:02 +0000 Sph1nxster 6972@/talks/discussions Looking for suggestions for a cheaper alternative to the 35-100 X lens from Panasonic.

So far I have looked at the 35-105 3:5 Canon FD, which is pretty close.

Is there anything better than this in any other mount?

For Sale: like NEW Panasonic GH3 with 2 original batteries https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9513/for-sale-like-new-panasonic-gh3-with-2-original-batteries Sat, 01 Feb 2014 06:28:02 +0000 yiannis_zach 9513@/talks/discussions Hi all,

for your considaration, my Panasonic Lumix GH3, in like NEW condition, with 2 original batteries.

All original packaging of course. I used it over a week-end & that was all. So camera is really like new.

Total price is only €850 (including Paypal & shipping) for this beast...

The camera will be shipped from France.

Kind Regards,


Panasonic G6 Spring promotion - help please... https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10018/panasonic-g6-spring-promotion-help-please... Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:38:26 +0000 Spinsterboy 10018@/talks/discussions Hi,

long time PV user - first time poster.

I'd like to ask some opinions - Here in the UK Panasonic are about to launch a spring promotion (it's a bit hush hush) the deal is, you buy a GH3, and get the battery grip and a 22mm 1.4 Panny lens thrown in for good measure. (could be a 24mm though) anyway, I currently shot with a G6 making music videos and youtube stuff, but I do occasionally shoot higher end stuff. Do i trade in the G6 (and pray it then doesn't get hacked the week after) and trade up to the GH3, or stick with the G6?

I like the weather sealing feature, and the higher bitrates, but i'll miss peaking...

I read somewhere that the GH3 has a smaller sensor - is this right?

Will i see a big jump in quality? And if not is this deal too good to miss?

Thanks in advance,


Panasonic G6 Hack https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9978/panasonic-g6-hack Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:40:53 +0000 sebastala 9978@/talks/discussions It's possible to hack the Panasonic G6 using the existing GH2 hack?

Samyang 16mm t2.2 cinelens https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9982/-samyang-16mm-t2.2-cinelens Thu, 27 Mar 2014 09:29:24 +0000 maranfilms 9982@/talks/discussions All shots were done with the Samyang (Rokinon) 16MM cine lens used on a G6. Great lens, little distortion, sharp with good contrast. This lens comes to life as most do around F4-8, but can be pushed either way and still produce a nice image. If your a m4/3rds shooter, I would go for it in that mount to do away with an adapter due to the size. This lens is smooth with a follow focus, although for this vid, I shot it stock, focus was all done in hand.

Speculum (Horror Short) https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9641/speculum-horror-short Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:59:05 +0000 conscius 9641@/talks/discussions Hello,

this is my last shortfilm (6 minutes) Shot with GH3 lumix 12-35mm f2.8 and nokton 25mm f0,95 lens all settings -2

Please tell me what you think.

Glidecam HD-2000/GH3/Zuiko 12mm First Approach https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9913/glidecam-hd-2000gh3zuiko-12mm-first-approach Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:24:41 +0000 Stiffla 9913@/talks/discussions Hi,

I bought myself a Glidecam and the Olympus 12mm and took it for a first test while skaten with my friends. A lot to learn, but not too bad at all

Greetz Stiffla

Panasonic HC-V700 Camcorder Review https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7309/panasonic-hc-v700-camcorder-review Fri, 21 Jun 2013 00:37:27 +0000 QuinEtiam 7309@/talks/discussions I bought the Panasonic HC-v700 Camcorder based on this review:


For me the 1080/60p and the telemacro mode are the two best things about this camcorder.

I shoot for Microstock and Vimeo, I can't tell you a codex from a follow-focus. I point/shoot and hope it looks good.

The 1080/60i mode has weird interlaced kinda lines, not sure if it's my workflow or what.

I've owned the GH1, Sony A55, Nikon P500 and Gopro Hero2 and this Camcorder produces a better image.

Here's a Time Lapse I shot, just sped-up to 800% in Motion5.

Grizzly shot a full zoom, slowed from 60p to 30p.

Telemacro shot.

another one

60i shot

There's a 180 photo burst mode that is kinda neat...

I have shaky hands but I think someone could make the zoom work smoothly

Apparently the updated Panasonic HC-v720 model is slightly better. http://thewirecutter.com/reviews/the-best-camcorder-is-the-panasonic-hc-v720/

For $460 it's a pretty good Camcorder. I think.

Suggestion for Memory Card FAQ/topic thread https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9831/suggestion-for-memory-card-faqtopic-thread Mon, 10 Mar 2014 11:04:51 +0000 Brian_Siano 9831@/talks/discussions I'm shopping for new memory cards, and getting good info as to which cards work with what patches (and span) has been difficult. One has to sort through several threads and weigh different reports. And with new cards coming, such as the Sony SDXCs and the newer cards for the 4K cameras, it'd be a big help to pull this info together.

Could we get a dedicated thread, or formal FAQ, going about this? A list of cards, their read/write speeds and general reliability? Names of patches and which cards they work with?

For example: "Sandisk Extreme Pro 32gb: Form: SDHC Read: 95mbps Write: 90mbps Spans with: basic firmware, Cake 2.3 ( both 24fps and HBR modes) Does NOT span with: MoonT7, quantum v9 Known Issues:

Music Video GH2: Creating a vintage look https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9790/music-video-gh2-creating-a-vintage-look- Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:16:27 +0000 dlzn 9790@/talks/discussions I came up with a concept about a midget traveling around the city, kind of like Alice In Wonderland. Video shot - hand held - and edited by me. Using Panasonic GH2 and just Minolta MD 50mm F1.7. A few close-ups were done with the Sigma 19mm F2.8. Hack Flowmotion 2.

Cheers, D.

Panasonic gh lens pinout, who knows ? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9789/panasonic-gh-lens-pinout-who-knows- Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:29:13 +0000 vovka_berd 9789@/talks/discussions Hello. Does anybody know lens pinout for Panasonic gh bayonet? I need to remotely control focus of mft lens connected to gh body. Can I cut some wires of bayonet connector and connect external encoder to control the focus? Or can I do this by adding some DIY electronics? Of course I mean partial disassembling the body. And I need iris still controlled by body controls as usual. Thanks in advance.

Ultimately, GH2 hacked or GH3, what is better for you and why? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9260/ultimately-gh2-hacked-or-gh3-what-is-better-for-you-and-why Sun, 05 Jan 2014 07:42:05 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 9260@/talks/discussions A simple question, based on your experience.

Idea of repeatable focus for GH2/GH3/GH4/etc while using focus-by-wire lenses https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9685/idea-of-repeatable-focus-for-gh2gh3gh4etc-while-using-focus-by-wire-lenses Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:38:12 +0000 brooklynDev 9685@/talks/discussions The thing I would most want in the world from my gear at the moment is repeatable focus moves for my GH3 and it's nice Panny zoom lenses.

As you may or may not know, Panasonic makes some nice lenses for the Micro Four Thirds system. If you are using a M43 camera like the GH3 and you have use for fancy features like small form factors, good optical image stabilization, and excellent clarity there's a good chance you would want to make use of one or more of the these Panasonic branded Leica infused pieces of glass. One issue with them though: are you a videographer or AC doing precise focus? You are S-O-L. No follow focus for you. No repeatable focus. These lenses use the velocity of your barrel movements in it's algorithm for changing the focus in camera so no two moves are the same. The one and only workaround I have found on the net involves using the distance meter from the camera video output as the basis for tape/stickers: http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3344/repeatable-focus-moves-with-focus-by-wire-lenses/p1

With the GH2/GH3 being such useful video cameras, and the GH4 looking like it will be a video freaking monster wouldn't it be GREAT if you could get repeatable focus from the focus-by-wire lenses which make up so much of the M43 system?

I understand that the lens focus is controlled electronically but why couldn't there be a 'repeatable focus' mode where the hardware, to a reasonable range of precision, supported the use of a follow focus and focus marks with consistent moves.

If I were a wealthy individual I'd love to put a software engineer or two on the case and see what could be done. What I have seen done that seems interesting is kickstarter projects crowdsourcing a particular software feature or program. Is it possible there are enough people who want what I want and are willing to throw a few dollars at it? I'd gladly throw some cash into making the lenses I already own more versatile.

Is anyone out there a software engineer with some experience with these systems who would, if the budget was there, be willing to look into solving this issue with focus-by-wire lenses? Are there any other Panasonic camera/lens folk out there who would be willing to throw some money at the promise of repeatable focus for that sweet 12-35mm or even the upcoming Nocticron 42.5mm?

Un Mois Un Module - A Snowboard's contest report - Shot on GH3 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9654/un-mois-un-module-a-snowboards-contest-report-shot-on-gh3 Tue, 18 Feb 2014 07:43:54 +0000 switchmag 9654@/talks/discussions Hi everyone,

This is my first real shoot on my new GH3. Report of a very cool snowboard contest in french Alps (Semnoz). Handheld with two prime lenses : Oly 45mm f1.8 and Oly 12mm f2. Edit in Premiere Pro only.

Your comments are welcome! I'm a newbie, so I need advices.


"Isola Verde". Shooting in Sicily with GH3 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9620/isola-verde.-shooting-in-sicily-with-gh3 Fri, 14 Feb 2014 10:51:00 +0000 AndreHW 9620@/talks/discussions
