Tagged with out - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/out/p1/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 16:48:29 +0000 Tagged with out - Personal View Talks en-CA live signal from composite out - GH1 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25574/live-signal-from-composite-out-gh1 Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:39:50 +0000 FFrank 25574@/talks/discussions Hi, I own an old GH1. This can be hacked. I want to use it as an security camera (I work in the music busines and want to check what it going on on stage). I do not need to record or anything. I just want to send the live picture out of the composite out. I can not achive this. Is this possible?

Thanks for the help.

Best. F. Frank

Gh2 720p live out hack? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25101/gh2-720p-live-out-hack Sat, 16 Jan 2021 19:04:23 +0000 ellis 25101@/talks/discussions Is there a hack to get 720p 60fps instead of the 1080i 24fps for the hdmi live out? The BMD video switch need all cams to be the same.

Thank you!

GH2 Stills Problem https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15933/gh2-stills-problem Mon, 24 Oct 2016 13:00:10 +0000 jondshank 15933@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to using it for it's AMAZING video.

When I manually focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed and 200ISO. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

GH2 Stills look soft (Tokina 28-70m f/2.8 + Metabones) https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15928/gh2-stills-look-soft-tokina-28-70m-f2.8-metabones Mon, 24 Oct 2016 00:03:00 +0000 jondshank 15928@/talks/discussions Recently I started taking stills with my gh2 in addition to the amazing video performance.

When I focus, whether through the LCD or LVF just before the image is in focus to my eye it looks soft and dreamy more so than out of focus, and beyond the subject it will start to actually look out of focus.

I took some when it actually looked IN FOCUS and I feel like it just doesn't look as sharp as my old Canon 60D (By quite a bit to be honest)

I'll post a picture so you can see. I shot this in manual, f/2.8 at 70mm on a tripod with around 160 shutter speed. I'll post a before and after grade.

Before: http://imgur.com/a/H3bPw

After: http://imgur.com/JjxF8ZD

Do you think this is an operator, lens, or camera problem?

Also please do critique my grade, I'm relatively new to all this.

GX7 live video out https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11158/gx7-live-video-out Fri, 29 Aug 2014 23:51:57 +0000 nufan 11158@/talks/discussions Good Day

I'm new to this forum. Have already done some research but havent found the information so far. i'm owning the panasonic lumix gx7 and i'm pretty happy so far. but one big dissapointment is, that there is no live video output during filming. it is not working on hdmi nor on the av out. dissapointed that panasonic does not mentoin that on their product specifications... anyway i wanted to ask if someone here is working on a hack on this camera which would enable live video output. i think it is "only" a firmware related limitation...?


GF3 Live HDMI output? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7683/gf3-live-hdmi-output Sun, 04 Aug 2013 05:28:55 +0000 chrisz78 7683@/talks/discussions I have a GF3 which I am using occasionally for transfer of old 8mm and 9.5mm films, rigged together with a projector through a "custom-tinkered" combination of lenses to project the tiny film frame on the GF3 sensor. I find the "pseudo-live" video output very useful because it helps focusing and adjusting the image a lot if you can watch on a full-size monitor. But as you know, the A/V output is switched off the moment I turn video recording on, and on the small GF3 monitor I often won't notice when the film slips slightly out-of-focus due to mechanical problems, or a hair or other bit of debris gets stuck in the picture area during projection. Now I don't have HDMI input facility at hand, so could someone with a HDMI monitor and a GF3 please check if the video output via HDMI stays on during recording? I've googled and used the search function here, but couldn't find anything definitive enough to make me buy a HDMI converter or new monitor for the purpose. If "live HDMI out" depends on the firmware version or on certain hacks being installed, I'd appreciate clear instructions as to what I need. I have little spare time to re-invent the wheel and try out everything available in the hope that something will work.... Thank you!

GH2 vs GH3 HDMI Monitor Output? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5194/gh2-vs-gh3-hdmi-monitor-output Wed, 14 Nov 2012 10:01:00 +0000 willianaleman 5194@/talks/discussions The only feature that would make me jump and upgrade from GH2 to GH3 is the limitation in the GH2 of output monitoring though the HDMI to an external monitor. When using an external monitor during recording, spanning gets interrupted no matter what spanning patch is being used. The GH2 just stops recording.

Accordingly to the last response I got from V. Kiselev in this forum was that it hasn't been fixed. Then, accurate focus is the biggest issue I have been encountering with the GH2, specially for run and gun type of shooting. I'm hoping that the GH3 doesn't have this issue.

No VGA Mode when connected to HDMI? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4788/no-vga-mode-when-connected-to-hdmi Tue, 02 Oct 2012 02:56:07 +0000 kraqman 4788@/talks/discussions Hi all,

The VGA shooting mode under MANUAL MOVIE MODE is gone after I connect my GH2 to a monitor via HDMI. Other options are gone too and the only ones left are FSH and FH. Is this a limitation of HDMI output? Or is there a hack to enable other manual modes?


GH2 with Livestream for live webcasting? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1477/gh2-with-livestream-for-live-webcasting Thu, 17 Nov 2011 07:34:16 +0000 Blackout 1477@/talks/discussions
Procaster is free software on windows or mac and I use it for webcasting live events. I am thinking it could take the 1080 50i and deinterlace it and you could livestream at 25 progressive.

I am going to buy the blackmagic intensity and test it out..... http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/

So do I need to hack the camera first or does it not matter?

Do I need to hit the record button or does it not matter?

Any help on this ASAP would be appreciated as I have the event Sunday. I have backups should the gh2 / blackmagic to laptop into procaster livetsream software not work.... but I would love for it to work.

I want to set up the gh2 with the 1.7 pancake lens for a wide live stream and the jump around with my gh13 for actual coverage. I'm still very new to the GH2 and make some boo boos where as I know every crevice of the gh13 like my ex girlfriend.

ps to give you an example of what is capable with livestream: this is a live broadcast in hd with webcams and the gh13 prerecorded footage cued and played live from a laptop:

pretty f-ing impressive.. make sure you full screen it.


- Blackout

Enable audio video component monitoring https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2300/enable-audio-video-component-monitoring Thu, 16 Feb 2012 15:28:04 +0000 madrenderman 2300@/talks/discussions I'm wonder that audio video out from analog out is enable only during play, but never during recording... panasonic not answer me why... the fact is that you cannot monitor audio during recording (with simple stereo rca to jack 3,5 adapter), you cannot use video out to monitor camera applied on flying elicopter (most of them have simple analog video transmitter), and more... you cannot use a 6$ usb grabber to use gh2 with stop motion software... and more... Any chance to enable them by hack?

Hacked GH2 24p patch - Does Live Hdmi Out Monitoring work? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1975/hacked-gh2-24p-patch-does-live-hdmi-out-monitoring-work Mon, 09 Jan 2012 19:02:14 +0000 Toronto 1975@/talks/discussions Hi, I have a hacked GH1 and like it because of the blackout-powel native 24p hack that allows the native 24p where I don't have to do any fiddling with pulldown bla bla stuff at all. Problem with GH1 is that I can't have HDMI live out monitoring, so it is almost impossible for me to keep eyes in focus with a manual lens since I can't make out details well enough on the lcd screen alone. I can setup the focus sharp using the focus assist zoom at first, but if someone moves a tiny bit after recording starts then the shot is basically no good to use. I am hoping the GH2 can help me with this but I have a question about it.

Q: If I get a GH2, and hack it with the GH2 version of the blackout-powell native 24p patch, can I hook up my hdmi computer monitor to it and be able to monitor the output live with that 24p patch installed (at 1080p)? I want the live HDMI out so that I can easily see when the focus goes out and be able to keep adjusting the manual lens as I look at the hdmi computer monitor while recording. My question is I don't know if after I hack the GH2 into 24p native if it will have a live HDMI monitoring feed that is useable direct into an hdmi computer monitor or not. I read that the output from the GH2 only works in 1080i mode, so from that I was thinking if I hack it and put on the 24p native patch the hdmi out may then not work, and that I may be forced to keep it in 1080i mode only if I want to get a live HDMI feed that works into a computer monitor while recording.

I hope everyone can advise me on this if you have tried what I am talking about and know what the results are. Since I don't yet have a GH2 I can't test this and don't want to buy one unless I know I can do this because I don't want to ever again work with anything except native 24p footage, and I don't ever want to work with any new camera that can't do that and give me a live 1080 output that I can use as a focus aid while recording, since the lcd is not sufficient to visually see well enough to focus at a professional level of exactness.

The live hdmi 1080 will probably work as i or p, as long as it is true 1080 out, since I am not recording the live output to a recorder, I just need it for a visual focus aid to magnify the image into a big computer monitor so I can get better focus whenever someone moves a bit out of focus.

Thanks very much.
