Tagged with hackable - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hackable/p1/feed.rss Sat, 22 Jun 24 09:52:10 +0000 Tagged with hackable - Personal View Talks en-CA Smallest/Lights AP Point and Shoot Camera Reco's? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10496/smallestlights-ap-point-and-shoot-camera-recos- Fri, 30 May 2014 21:46:48 +0000 deathtoprint 10496@/talks/discussions I've been on the fence about a Sony RX100 M3, but haven't really sold myself on it. I am wanting something as compact as possible, that takes sharp autofocus stills, but can also shoot great HD video. My objective is to build a super solid micro AP rig, in the form of a Blackout Spider Hex quad. (http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/01/09/uze8utuv.jpg) I may build a gimbal setup on rails that sling beneath the hex, but that will be figured out once i figure out what my optimal camera will be. I'm looking under 300 grams, but under 250 grams would be even better.

I have been a long time lurker here since buying a GH2 years ago and trying lots of patches you guys did shitloads of hard work to provide, and have come to love the options of a hackable camera provides. I would def. say spoiled by the GH2 patch community. I was about to settle on the new RX100 when I came across the Panasonic ZS line of cameras which seam about 50 grams lighter than the Sony's w/ a 16MP resolution similar to my old GH2, can't tell if hacks exist for any panasonic point and shoots though. does anyone know of any?

What do folks here use, or what would you prefer in the smaller compact point-and-shoot options. Would you steer me away from the RX100 M3 for something more hackable?

I've looked into the canon CHDK stuff too, and that is really neat, I just don't think I know of a canon that compares to the IQ of the RX100, or possibly that a ZS40 for example.

What would happen to the GH3! https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3463/what-would-happen-to-the-gh3 Sun, 03 Jun 2012 17:35:09 +0000 sicovdplas 3463@/talks/discussions He dudes,

I guess i'm not the only one waiting for the new Panasonic Gh3, it's rumored to be announced somewhere in Aug/Sept. this year. What i was wondering was, Since PV (Vitaliy) is now working for Panasonic, we thought why would Panasonic make the Gh3 hackable, or will it be needed to hack it at all?

We thought you would have to sign a confidentiality contract(?) in terms of what you can or cannot do with the information provided at your (new) work. In our taste it would not make sense if the upcoming succesor of the GH2 would be hackable.

for example: - If the gh3 is hackable, what would happen to the AF100 line? It would destroy this higher end model, something that is already happening now. - Why would a Engineer such as Vitaly be hired, and after 'some' time it would be hackable, while he is providing for panasonic. - Maybe it will ship with 100mbit+ AVC Ultra? And we don't need a hack, but why would panasonic do this? - Diffrent models, pricing for diffrent bitrates? it would not make sense since it is a consumer camera, people that do vacational photography would not care.
- Can we expect higher priced models, with mayb a new(ish) sensor, higher rates, no new features?

Let's ramble up the discussion! Cheers.
