Tagged with fat32 - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/fat32/p1/feed.rss Mon, 03 Jun 24 10:42:46 +0000 Tagged with fat32 - Personal View Talks en-CA Faster FAT32 write speed using new formatter? https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5865/faster-fat32-write-speed-using-new-formatter Tue, 22 Jan 2013 05:58:27 +0000 _gl 5865@/talks/discussions I just heard about this utility that formats FAT32 devices (like memory cards) with a better alignment - it's supposed increase write speed: http://reboot.pro/topic/16783-rmprepusb-faster-fat32-access-test-version/ I have no time to test this now, maybe someone wants to check it out.

People are reporting write increases of ~20%, but this is tested on a PC and maybe that won't translate to cameras. Worth comparing with their in-built formatting though, might help with marginal card/hack combinations.

SD Cards and exFat formatting? Cure for Spanning. https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1316/sd-cards-and-exfat-formatting-cure-for-spanning.- Mon, 31 Oct 2011 01:22:22 +0000 vanawesome 1316@/talks/discussions
Just a thought, sorry if there is a better section to talk about this, please move it and feel free to yell at me. I'd be curious to see what you all have to say about this topic. ]]>