Tagged with dr05 - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/dr05/p1/feed.rss Mon, 17 Jun 24 05:16:49 +0000 Tagged with dr05 - Personal View Talks en-CA Tascam DR-05 topic https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6966/tascam-dr-05-topic Tue, 14 May 2013 13:57:41 +0000 lolo 6966@/talks/discussions hello, i´m having trouble with this recorder, i´m using an external mic (ntg-2) along an "M-audio firewire" solo as a preamp,

the noise appears only when recording, not on the pre rec stage (where we can hear the input mic), it always starts with something that reminds me the noise of a cd rom entering the pc, and then it gets periodic, like a brum, brum, brum... the noise changes the priodicy if i change the recording hz, at 96 is faster, at 48hz is slower, mono or stereo recording makes no difference.

the noise also is only noticeable when there is silence, if there is an ambient noise sometimes is not noticeable, it is there though...

any one knows how to solve this?? i believe it´s hardware related problem, but i think is coming from the tascam and not the "firewire solo" or the mic
