Tagged with climbing - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/climbing/p1/feed.rss Mon, 03 Jun 24 21:42:19 +0000 Tagged with climbing - Personal View Talks en-CA Indoor Climbing is a sport https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11313/indoor-climbing-is-a-sport Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:20:18 +0000 mpgxsvcd 11313@/talks/discussions We had our first climbing comp of the season this past weekend. Climbing in our region is growing very rapidly now. We had over 70 kids competing in one of our smaller venues.

If you haven’t tried indoor climbing before you should. There are climbing gyms in almost every major city in the U.S. and even some in the smaller cities. It is a great low impact sport that really challenges the athlete to use their brain’s to figure out the problem as well.

If your kids don’t like team sports then climbing might be right for them. Check out your local gym or let me know if you can’t find one near you and I will try to locate one for you.

Camera Note: I really need a wider angle lens for these types of events. I was going to buy the 12-35mm for my GH4 but I decided to just get the LX100 instead. These venues are very dark so I need as fast a lens as possible. The LX100 with is Optical Power I.S. should be perfect for these types of events.

Everything was shot in Shutter Priority with Auto ISO. Hopefully, Panasonic will add the min shutter speed setting so I can switch to Program Priority with Auto ISO and gain more aperture control.

I up-converted to 1440p for YouTube. Auto Focus for 4K @ 30 FPS just isn’t where it needs to be yet.

Help with a contest for a sport you might never have tried before. https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4969/help-with-a-contest-for-a-sport-you-might-never-have-tried-before. Tue, 23 Oct 2012 13:22:41 +0000 mpgxsvcd 4969@/talks/discussions I entered a video contest for Misty Mountain Climbing. A link to the video I entered is below. If you want to help me out then please click on the picture at the link below and then "like" the picture on Facebook.


Here is the video that I entered.

This isn't a contest that will make me famous or anything like that. It is just for a bag O swag(AKA gear). However, it is a great way to show people what climbing is all about. If you are like me then your kids are probably climbing all over your house and furniture. Try taking them to your local climbing gym where they will have a lot of fun and where it is much safer for them to do this natural activity.

I was deathly afraid of heights my entire life because my parents were always so afraid I would fall off something. I never even climbed trees when I was a kid because I had such an intense fear of heights. Then when my son was 5 years old he looked up at a 40 foot wall and said "Dad, that is what I want to do". Little did I know that what he really meant was "Dad that is what I want to do the rest of my life".

For someone that is that terrified of heights the thought of climbing a 40 foot wall is almost unbearable. However, I realized that I must overcome that fear in order to teach my son not to fear it. I overcame my intense fear of heights so that I could enjoy the sport my son loves so dearly and I have been climbing right there with him ever since. Needless to say my son definitely lacks a fear of heights.

Here is another video showing what the youth climbing competitions in the US are like. If you have any questions about where the closest place to climb is for you just ask and I will try to help you out.

This was shot entirely with a hacked GH2. I used the No adverse affects settings because I just can't have any write errors at all with these live events that you only get one take for.
