Tagged with austria - Personal View Talks https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/austria/p1/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 10:17:43 +0000 Tagged with austria - Personal View Talks en-CA Glidecam HD-2000/GH3/Zuiko 12mm First Approach https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9913/glidecam-hd-2000gh3zuiko-12mm-first-approach Wed, 19 Mar 2014 03:24:41 +0000 Stiffla 9913@/talks/discussions Hi,

I bought myself a Glidecam and the Olympus 12mm and took it for a first test while skaten with my friends. A lot to learn, but not too bad at all

Greetz Stiffla

Street Skateboarding Part with GH2/GH3/AG-AC90 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8603/street-skateboarding-part-with-gh2gh3ag-ac90 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:28:13 +0000 Stiffla 8603@/talks/discussions I have been shooting a skateboarding part over the last Summer of 2013 in Vienna.

GH2 was equipped with Moon T5 and T7, GH3 in MOV 50P mode and the camcorder was in AVCHD 50P and 28Mbit/s 50p. I am really satisfied with these cameras, but color correction and matching was really tricky with the camcorder. The codec fell apart as well unfortunatly.

Take a look!

regards Stiffla

Another GH2 flowmotion skatevideo https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6357/another-gh2-flowmotion-skatevideo Thu, 07 Mar 2013 10:06:46 +0000 Stiffla 6357@/talks/discussions I did a little videopart for my friend with my Gh2 and flowmotion and I still love that hack. I didn't put to much effort in editing and the intro (which sucks), but it's something. There's also a little gopro stuff used, but from now on I will work with my GH2 and AG-AC90 only as soon as it's delivered

It's Always Sunny With.... Flowmotion Skatepark Edit https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5123/its-always-sunny-with....-flowmotion-skatepark-edit Tue, 06 Nov 2012 09:27:39 +0000 Stiffla 5123@/talks/discussions Hi,

we had been been filming for 2 month in Vienna and this is what came out. I used Flowmotion 2.02 in HBR mode. So far I do not regret it, nevertheless 50p would have been better for slowmotion.

Critical feedback will be much appreciated.

A short skatetrip with my GH2 https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4718/a-short-skatetrip-with-my-gh2 Wed, 26 Sep 2012 03:15:41 +0000 Stiffla 4718@/talks/discussions I did a 4 day trip through Austria with my friends. Flowmotion 2.02 was used on the GH2 (thx to @LPowell), the picture is superb.

Shot in 720p50, smooth -2,-2,0-2 As second camera we used a 60D with a wide angle lens. Even on Vimeo you can see the difference between those two cameras

GH2 Skateboarding Impressions https://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2567/gh2-skateboarding-impressions Tue, 13 Mar 2012 06:51:12 +0000 Stiffla 2567@/talks/discussions As I often read, that some potential GH2 buyers are wondering whether the camera is a good choice to shoot skateboarding or other extreme sports or not, here is my first try to get some good shots with my GH2. I have to say, the handling was quite easy and I am really looking forward to shoot some more. Only shot in in MF mode.

I used one of driftwoods patches out of the Timebuster 1.3 for timelapse. Videoframerates are at ~30Mbit/s 720p, and to me it looks really nice in the original file. Maybe you like it and you can give me some critics. Cheers
