Panasonic Tue, 04 Jun 24 06:50:47 +0000 Panasonic en-CA GH1 : no slow shutter (below 1/30) in FHD ? Tue, 10 Jan 2012 01:03:42 +0000 lenuisible 1976@/talks/discussions I was thinking it was possible to go below 1/30 in FHD on the GH1, but apparently it can't. It's possible in SH, in MJPEG, but not in FHD. I searched, some people say it's possible (having focus and exposure set to M), but no luck on my side. Can anyone confirm that slow shutter in AVCHD FHD never worked (with any official or hacked firmware) ?

Txs !

FP TTL Auto Possible with FL-CB05 Cable? Tue, 15 Jan 2013 00:22:21 +0000 ragnar 5782@/talks/discussions I've got the Panasonic DMW-FL360 on my GH2's hot-shoe. I use it's FP TTL feature so that I can get flash shutter speeds higher than the standard pop-up flash's 1/160 limitation. I'm old and shaky and my subjects are quick moving so I really need and use faster shutter speeds with that flash.

I'd like to get that flash off the hot-shoe and off to the side for my insect photography. I purchased and tried a cheap TTL off camera cable from ebay but it won't allow the FP TTL feature that I use and need. I"m really hoping that someone can verify for me that the OEM Olympus FL-CB05 cable supports FP TTL off-camera functionality on my GH2.

Harold House

GH2 showing fixed darker band/stripe 20 pixels high across footage Wed, 17 Aug 2011 17:19:56 +0000 sam_stickland 693@/talks/discussions
I'm using the settings below on my newly hacked GH2, and I'm seeing a horizontal band of darker pixels in my 24H footage. It's all the way across the image, completely rock solid at around 800 pixels down, and the band is around 40 pixels high. It doesn't move.

It becomes more and more obvious at higher ISOs, and is next to invisible below 400. The attached screen shot is from some ISO3200 footage, at f/3.5 on the 14-42mm lens. It's very noisy - I've drawn around where the bar is.

One thing to note is that I'm inadvertently using a Class 6 card (can't believe Sandisk write 20MB/s on the side of it, cheeky buggers!) so I often can't record for very low with these settings (Class 10 card is now ordered!). Would this really make any difference though?

I realise this isn't a methodical test - I've just gone straight ahead with a bunch of settings, if I get time I'll try enabling settings one by one and see which one causes it.

I'll edit this post to include a link to the .mts file once it's uploaded, the bar is easier to see on moving footage.

Comment=1080p 66Mbps, 6 GOP, AQ=3, FB x 3
Camera=GH2 v1.0E
Version increment=10
Video Bitrate 24H=66000000
Auto Quantizer for 1080 modes=3 - Most to details
1080i50 and 1080p24 GOP Size=6
1080p24 FB1=2350080
1080p24 FB2=2952069
1080p24 Frame Limit=23592960

[EDITED: This problem also existed on my stock firmware]]]>
GH2 is $649, so should I get that one or the G5 or LX7? Wed, 23 Jan 2013 22:39:35 +0000 Fenomen 5885@/talks/discussions Okay, so Lumix GH2 is now only $649 at B&H, half the price of a GH3 (not that you can easily find a GH3 at $1,300 anywhere, mind you). After reading a litany of small but pesky issues with the GH3, I decided to pass on it. So, I could get a time proven GH2 now for only $649 w/o any of the GH3's known issues, or else get the new G5. Not sure if the G5 has same quality hacks for video as the GH2 does? There is also an Lumix LX7, there must be a list someplace that shows all the camera makes and models for which we can find a firmware here, right?

Also, where to see a list of presently available firmwares for either camera, and how can one decide which one to use? Is there like a "10 best" list someplace? Thanks a bunch, ladies & gents.

GH2: Auto ISO while in Manual Mode(s) for video. Fri, 29 Jul 2011 11:37:29 +0000 APXmusic 536@/talks/discussions Need To Know Will GH2 HDMI Give Me A Clean Out Put For youtube Live Stream THX Mon, 21 Jan 2013 17:06:51 +0000 rmartin 5860@/talks/discussions Need To Know Will GH2 HDMI Give Me A Clean Out Put For youtube Live Stream THX

Is it possible for GH3 ? Fri, 18 Jan 2013 05:56:49 +0000 Max_Kislinsky 5818@/talks/discussions Is it possible to increase dynamic range to 4:2:2 10bit or greater?

I've heard, that GH3 can record in 4K 20 frames per second and memory card capable to store 95 Mb/s. Therefore if we narrow size to 16mm (10.6mm x 6mm) is it possible to record RAW video?

In video mode replace exposure numbers with rotary disc shutter angle: 1/32 = 270° (?) | 1/48 = 180° (add) | 1/50 = 172.8° | 1/60 = 144°; | 1/96 = 90° (add) | 1/120 = 72° (add)

Add Frame Line - The aspect ratio frame  1.85:1 (35mm theatrical), 2.35:1 (Cinemascope)

Hacked GH1 vs. Hacked GH2 Thu, 21 Jul 2011 00:49:04 +0000 MrAnthony 451@/talks/discussions
The obvious ones seem to be the teleconverter feature and the possibility of live HDMI out. But what else? Are the videos better? Is the 24p a better codec and worth the upgrade? Is high ISO performance dramatically better? Or am I better off dropping $1000 towards lenses, lighting, stabilizers, focus followers, rig, etc? Or is the GH2 so sweet that I should be getting that body?

GH3 WIFI Hacking Fri, 11 Jan 2013 03:40:04 +0000 Umii 5747@/talks/discussions Hi All,

Hope this is the correct place to post.

I've gotten it in my head that it would be a good use of my Raspberry PI to make it into some sort of WIFI remote control for the GH3, I'd love to have some sort of WIFI rocker focus pull for example.

Over the coming months I'm going to start diving into the detail and seeing how it all works, I'm new to the range of cameras but not to IT and particularity low levelish networking in general where I have a misspent youth and career history to pull on :).

Just wondered if anyone else is working on the same, first steps finding if there is an official Panasonic API or industry standard being for the WIFI camera control used, if not I'll see how far I can get reverse engineering it.


GH2 WHITE BALANCE AND OUT-OF-BOX SETTINGS Fri, 04 Jan 2013 01:40:01 +0000 jasantana 5657@/talks/discussions HERE: - I've found this quote, to do with "improving" on the GH2'S default White Balance settings:

"The Lumix sensors are also all a bit predisposed to green at the expense of warm reds, yellows and oranges. Energy saving lightbulbs especially don’t help, since these have a green cast and the GH2 exaggerates it.

On any white balance preset (even auto) that you intend to use, customize them so that the notch in the color chart is two steps toward yellow (on the left) and 1 step down toward Magenta. Don’t go any further than this because it will give whites a pink cast. This compensates for the green cast, and warms the auto white balance preset slightly to remove the grey and neutral color tones. This will give you much stronger results indoors, in studios and render sunsets and evening skies in a much more lifelike way with deep scarlets and oranges rather than pathetic yellowy greens!"

If true, as a general question, does this still hold true when using the various custom created settings? Again, if the above is true, do the custom settings take this into account and so one should put use the GH2's default White Balance?

I hope I asked that right.

Thank you

Time Lapse on GH3 Tue, 08 Jan 2013 15:58:41 +0000 jfilmmaker 5715@/talks/discussions Hey guys, based on limitations of storage (I.e. 64GB) or battery length, what is the maximum possible duration of capturing time lapse footage? Accordingly, the GH3 can go 500 shots on its standard battery length, which only seems like just over 8 minutes of real time with electronic exposure at 1 shot per seconds, but this seems too short. What is the maximum time length you've managed to capture? Thx!

smooth(er) manual zoom on Panasonic 14-140 (finally!) Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:12:29 +0000 village_west 5614@/talks/discussions I've always been envious of the motor zoom of prosumer camcorders , slow zoom in particular , via lanc. Never been able to get close to that with a 14-140 (on GH2) , until yesterday when I placed (by mistake) a rubber band on top of the focal scale and bingo: the zoom gets the right resistance and now it can be smooth (even on slow action, even on very slow action). almost as good as a lanc zoom controller set slow. the band should be large enough to cover the entire scale (broccoli bands are a little big and don't give a good resistance, but they can be shorten with a clip or something. The band that I used came from a softbox for flash). Works very well with a lensstrap zoom lever. Well, this works for me, just wanted to share.

Hacked GH1, GF1, or GF2 for a student filmmaker? Mon, 07 Jan 2013 10:57:06 +0000 IronFilm 5694@/talks/discussions Based on my research the GH2 offers by far the best bang for your buck in terms of video performance (although maybe the GH3 will take its place latter this year once its price has eased off a little), however for me even the GH2 is just outside my personal budget.

Currently I have an older Nikon DSLR which lacks video, as next month I'm starting a year long film course I have a need for a new camera which does video well (also will be using it for various personal projects too: short films, music videos, web series, etc.. and hopefully even a paying job or two).

It seems to me at first the obvious choice would be the previous model from the GH2 so thus get the GH1 secondhand on eBay, but the GF1 & GF2 also appear to be attractive options?

Made a comparison of what I know so far about GF1/GF2 vs GH1.


a) does "comparable" video to the GH1 (I think it is the same? But struggling to find this out for sure)

b) goes for about half the price as the GH1 on eBay, which is a very compelling point for me at the moment (oddly the GF2 & GF1 are both going for about the same price on eBay??)

c) is exactly the same system and brand as the GH series, thus my future acquired knowledge/lenses/accessories will be very easily transferable when I get a GH2 or GH3 (or GH4? haha)

d) smaller bodies, for extra stealth should I wish for it as they're almost nearing compact size

e) the GF1 & GF2 are also hacked (thanks @Vitaliy_Kiselev! I'm amazed by how much you've contributed to this field)

f) the GF2 uses the same spare batteries as the GH2 (although I think the GF2 does not have the same degree of manual control in video as the GF1 has?)


a) lacks a view finder

b) lacks an adjustable rear screen

Any extra advice or information about a hacked GH1 vs GF2 vs GF1 would be appreciated, thanks :-)

GH2 Lens Kit for Interview Business Videos, Narrative Work and Events Sat, 05 Jan 2013 04:07:25 +0000 dreinz 5666@/talks/discussions Looking for peoples thoughts/experiences on the various Lens Setups I have researched and organized here. Looking for a lens kit that will cover a range of shooting scenarios (Interview Business Videos, Narrative Work and Non-Wedding Events). I prefer to shoot manually and its only for video work (no photos).

Zeiss Setup - Contax Zeiss 85mm f/1.4 | $650 - Contax Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 | $370 - Voigtlander 25mm f/0.95 | $1200 - Olympus 12mm f/2.0 | $800 - Tokina AT-X 270 Pro 28-70mm f2.8 | $290 - Total: $3490

Rokinon Cine Lens Setup - Rokinon 85mm T1.5 Cine Lens| $350 - Rokinon 35mm T1.5 Cine Lens | $550 - Rokinon 14mm T3.1 Cine Lens | $450 - Tokina AT-X 270 Pro 28-70mm f2.8 | $290 - Total: $1640

Nikon Setup - Nikon AF 85mm f/1.8 | $460 - Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AI-S | $170 - Nikon 28mm f/2.0 AI-S | $320 or Nikon 24mm f/2.0 AI-S | $400 - Tokina AT-X 270 Pro 28-70mm f2.8 | $290 - Total: $1240/$1320

Canon FD Setup - Canon FD 85mm f/1.8 S.S.C Lens | $250 - Canon FD 50mm 1.4 | $130 - Canon FD 35mm F2 | $250
- Tokina AT-X 270 Pro 28-70mm f2.8 | $290 - Total: $920

I couldn't find any appropriate wide lenses for the Canon FD or Nikon setups.

GH2 ETC-mode noise penalty Thu, 03 Nov 2011 21:06:56 +0000 balazer 1353@/talks/discussions
The ETC noise penalty is: 2 and 2/3 stops. Specifically, the picture with ETC off at 3200 ISO looks about as noisy as the picture with ETC on at 500 ISO.

What I find interesting about this result is that increasing the sensitivity by a factor of 6.4 increases noise about as much as using 6.76 times as much sensor area (2.6^2) reduces noise. In other words, the GH2 is making very good use of those 16 million pixels when it downsamples to 1080p, giving nearly all the reduction in noise that you would hope to have from using a larger sensor area and correspondingly larger lens aperture.

Though there definitely is aliasing in the downsampled picture. The aliasing is not as bad as in the GH1's 1080p, or in the Canon 5dmkii, but it's there, and it makes you see things that you shouldn't be seeing. I can put together a little demonstration video if anyone is interested, but that's a separate topic.]]>
Gx1 or GF5 for filiming and! photographing Wed, 02 Jan 2013 11:54:54 +0000 mschaa 5644@/talks/discussions Hi. I do own a Gh3 and am thinking about another little camera as a backup.

So possibly the GF5 or GF3 or GX1.

I do not need the viewfinder or hotshoe... GF3 and GX1 are hacked...but GF5 not...

Any ideas when using them 50/50 for photo and video?

Any help welcome!

Regards Michael

Tethered shooting with GX1 Tue, 01 Jan 2013 07:51:44 +0000 docunagi 5634@/talks/discussions Hello,

Is it a way to hack the GX1 firmware and able a function that would let make tethered shootings ? I know that a lot of people out there are waiting for that kind of stuff and Panasonic just doesn't care about its customers needs…

GH3 live view during longer exposure time Sun, 30 Dec 2012 09:54:00 +0000 AKED 5621@/talks/discussions Hi,

I want to make the following picturew iwth the GH3:

and here the tutorial:

2 problems I have with the GH3 there: When I want to make a picture that starts out of focus, it automatoically focusses what I push the button. I have set the menue from "Focus" to "Release" but no difference. OK, I can search for a target elswhere and then refocus or use manual focus mode, so that is possible.

But the 2nd problem is a hard one: When I do a longe time exposure, for example 3 seconds or also "B" Bulb mode, during the taking of the picture, the live viwe is gone. So how can I refocus then? I have to do it blind, trying before hand where it is is focus like written in the tutorial, but he used a 5D Mark II. So he has a mirror. We don't have one and still have no picture.

Does anybody know, how to keep the picture on the screen while taking the picture? Any assistance would be helpful.

(Possible before December 31st, beause ther I would like to try it :-)

Finding Face Exposure on GH2 Thu, 05 Jan 2012 17:50:07 +0000 rchaney 1937@/talks/discussions With video cameras, I usually expose faces to 75%IRE, using zebras set to 75.
How can this be done on the GH2. Record Highlight is locked at 100%, no? I've never used a Histogram and will study it if that's what people use for accuracy.

Hot/Stuck/Dead Green Pixel in Video Footage Fri, 21 Dec 2012 22:28:46 +0000 matt_gh2 5550@/talks/discussions I'm hoping someone has some knowledge on this problem and hopefully a solution. I've got a "green dot" appearing in all my video footage. It's in the same location and doesn't move. It's not always visible, but when panning, I'll see it if it goes over certain types of colors, focus, etc. There's also another gray/translucent dot. I've eliminated the following possible causes (different SD Cards, with or without Hack, different Lens, & different Monitor footage is viewed on.)

So I guess this is what is called a "Hot Pixel"?

How do I fix this? Thanks.

Histogram Thu, 20 Dec 2012 20:12:35 +0000 fran 5539@/talks/discussions Hello everybody! I'm totally freakout with my gh2 histogram! whatever I expose with it, when I hit record the histogram is cuting whites and blacks at the same time. It appears that doesn't affect my final exposition but it is totally weird. Even when the image is not cliping at all when I hit rec an small portion up and down of histogram is cuted and when hit again to stop the whole histrogram recover the amplitud. Does anybody notice this, and how to fix it? Thanks a lot

GH2 ISO Noise tests. Lows, Mids, Highs. Magic ISO? Sat, 21 Jan 2012 00:27:47 +0000 yeehaanow 2078@/talks/discussions I did a series of tests with QB 9b to see what was the cleanest. Info on vimeo.

GH2, GH3, and LX7 resolution charts Mon, 03 Dec 2012 10:43:52 +0000 mpgxsvcd 5366@/talks/discussions GH3, GH2, and LX7 resolution test chart comparison

I haven’t been able to post much this weekend. However, I have been doing a ton of testing. Here are some resolution chart screen captures for the GH3, GH2, and LX7.

I have only included a few of the samples in this post. Honestly, some of them are just so close to others that it really isn’t necessary to post all of them here. For those of you who want to see all of them I have a link below that will allow you to download all of them at once in a .zip file. I will post the original video files to a downloadable Vimeo Account later today.

First off the GH2 and GH3 are very close in resolution and I haven’t been able to detect moire in either of them. They both can exhibit very slight aliasing but only with test charts and not in real world situations.

Whatever moire we saw in pre-production models is not existent in my NTSC GH3.

I included the GH2 1080p @ 24 FPS(Mildly hacked) image here because increasing the bit rate does nothing for resolution of a static image like this. I also included the 1080p @ 60 FPS, 1080p @ 24 FPS All I, 1080p @ 24 FPS regular, 1080i and 720p @ 60 FPS AVC-HD images here. In addition I have charts from -5 sharpness through +5 for the GH3. However, you have to download the .zip file to see those.

All of the GH3’s 1080p settings are very similar except for the ones that are derived from 1080i(ie: 1080i/60 and 1080p @ 30 FPS). The 1080i derived ones show much more aliasing.

Take a look at the GH3 1080p @ 24 FPS AVC-HD and compare it to the 1080p @ 24 FPS all I. The files are almost identical. Again for static scenes the bit rate does not matter and it won’t affect resolution.

I personally like the 1080p @ 60 FPS mode the best. It is absolutely wonderful to have the flexibility to record 1080p @ 60 FPS and play real time or switch to slow motion without having to make that decision beforehand.

I have settled on +2 sharpness for my liking. I am sure yours will vary from that depending on how much you want to edit it. It appears that -2 or -3 sharpness is closest to an unsharpened RAW image. Therefore, shooting with a -5 sharpness and applying in post might not actually be beneficial.

It was too much trouble to post all of those images here so you have to download the zip file if you want to see the sharpness settings. All of the test images are shot with Standard Color mode 0 Contrast, 0 Color, lowest Noise Reduction at ISO 200, with the 35-100mm lens @ 35mm F3.2.

What I found most interesting is how the LX7 did. Don’t get me wrong it isn’t even close to the GH2 or the GH3. However, this is a $300 camera (When I bought it) and it shoots VERY GOOD 1080p @ 60 FPS video. The 720p @ 120 FPS is not good because of severe aliasing. However, it is much better than the 720p @ 120 FPS of my GoPro 3 Black.

GH2 Timelapse Wed, 12 Dec 2012 10:11:46 +0000 Donnie88 5462@/talks/discussions What is the best way to shoot time lapse videos with the GH2?

I've used the intervemoleter with the 5D to do time lapses - is it the same with the GH2?

GH2 Moisture Vulnerability Fri, 07 Dec 2012 13:29:24 +0000 bheath 5405@/talks/discussions Have any of you experienced water damage or malfunction with your gh2? I'm always unsure of how much moisture I can allow to collect on this camera before aborting. Not asking for camera cover suggestions, just your experience with water landing or collecting on the body. A good example is stopping the car in a rainstorm running out to grab a shot and the camera gets moist. Thanks in advance.

GH3 vs D800 Smackdown! Mon, 10 Dec 2012 16:35:21 +0000 sherwood 5444@/talks/discussions A couple of fat, old (but knowledgable) dudes are sold on Panasonic's new flagship DSLR.

GH3 pessimists club, aka Don't cry for me Argentina 2 Sun, 02 Dec 2012 22:14:01 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5360@/talks/discussions

This is topic about all real or imaginary issues with real GH3 or imaginary models of GH3 (inside the minds of our members).

Advice on shooting situation needed involving GH3+GH2 Mon, 03 Dec 2012 09:23:06 +0000 bobsomebody 5365@/talks/discussions I have a shoot coming up which will involve fast motion and situations where I might only get one chance to film a clip. I need the most reliable/highest quality hack for the GH2 that will provide good slow mo if needed. I will also be mainly shooting with my GH3. The clip will be for a web/download clip so which settings do you think would make most sense-Im shooting in PAL. 720p? 24p? any advice? The footage from both cams will be mixed in the edit but I just need to match settings for both so one or the other wont seem out of place too much even after edit and grade. Thanks in advance.

Official Panasonic GH3 topic, series 2 Thu, 27 Sep 2012 10:23:58 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 4733@/talks/discussions - all info about GH3 from Photokina and other sources

Also check

Very big first series -


Short Specifications

  • Effective Megapixels - 16.05 Megapixels (17.20 total)
  • Live MOS/17.3 x 13.0 mm (in 4:3 aspect ratio), not multi aspect
  • 200 - 12800 ISO
  • 3.0" 640k OLED Monitor with static touch control
  • 1.74Mp OLED EVF
  • Video - AVCHD 2.0 1080p50 (PAL), 1080p60 (NTSC), 1080p24 (with slow and fast variations, like 12fps and 50fps).
  • Three containers (AVCHD, MOV and MP4) and large bitrate modes, bot intraframe and interframe.
  • Shutter Speeds - 60-1/4000
  • Flash modes - Auto, Auto/Red-eye Reduction (when iA, iA+), Forced On, Forced On/Red-eye Reduction, Slow Sync., Slow Sync./Red-eye Reduction
  • Battery - Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 1860mAh), old or new?
  • Continuous Shooting Speed - 6 fps
  • Weather Proof
  • WB - Auto, Daylight, Cloudy, Shade, Incandescent, Flash, White Set 1, 2, Color temperature setting
  • SD, SDHC, SDXC cards compatible
  • Dimensions - 132.9 x 93.4 x 82.0mm / 5.23 x 3.68 x 3.23 in
  • USB 2.0
  • Weight - 550g
  • Price - $1299 (body only!)

Available at:

Check other topic below for other countries and other US options: - all info about GH3 from Photokina and other sources

strange display on my GH1 Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:51:00 +0000 fredkaf 5324@/talks/discussions noone as ever had this king of problem defaut on the GH1 ?
