Monitors and viewfinders Sat, 22 Jun 24 06:17:57 +0000 Monitors and viewfinders en-CA medium (15") FullHD monitor for focus puller Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:31:28 +0000 Psyco 6443@/talks/discussions I was looking for quite some time for a medium size portable monitor with HDMI input and 1920x1080 resolution. I need it for my focus puller to judge focus (using a remote follow focus) on set, especially when doing steady-cam work.

  • The monitor must not be to big, as he will have it right in front of him (some times right on his lap). If the monitor is to big, it would be to bulky and it would be to exhausting for the eyes always looking from side to side.

  • Full HD 1920x1080 is a good thing when judging focus. Using a GH2 with FM2 or Moon, the picture is recorded at a very high level of detail and resolution. Being off focus on the main subject is annoying.

BUT...most of the monitors are either big (>19") or not full HD. Most of the monitors advertised for cameras/DSLRs are even only 1024x600 (which is 16:9 SD resolution, not HD!). Or they are very expensive.

Today I stumbled over this monitor:

Which looks quite good for the task I need it for. The biggest downside is probably the 25W power consumption - I will need a big battery mounted to the backside.

What do you think? Any better options?

Strange 7" Monitor Tue, 09 Apr 2013 04:58:32 +0000 Joshua_Cadmium 6642@/talks/discussions I recently have been looking for a decent monitor and I was wondering what other variations out there, as I didn't really need all of the features for some of them, especially since I have an external battery pack. I ran into the newest 7" Lilliput monitor which I found on eBay, which was lacking some options, but which had the exact same specs for the monitor I was previously looking at (same resolution, brightness, contrast, and viewing angle.) I decided to search Google for a 1280x800 7"monitor and see what else was out there.

I think I found what I was looking for here: . A barebones version for sure, but it may get the job done.

Most important for me, it does still have a 1/4-20 mount and will accept anywhere from 5-24VDC. I do wish it had a hood, but I can deal with that.

I should be getting one in the near future since it's only going to be about $175 shipped, so I can let you know what I think.

What do you guys think, though?

Kinotehnik NEW EVF official release day announced Tue, 06 Mar 2012 12:00:03 +0000 klem007 2501@/talks/discussions "Kinotehnik We start shipping to dealers around the world by NAB. Stay tuned we will have official press release soon."

"LCDVFE availability update: We have scheduled an official launch for NAB Expo, which starts in Las Vegas on 16th of April. The units will be available at your favorite Kinotehnik reseller straight after that. Alternatively, you will be able to buy directly from our webshop. Thanks everyone for the patience!"

SmallHD DP7 and AC7 Mon, 16 Apr 2012 06:01:39 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2884@/talks/discussions image






Anamorphic loupe? Sat, 16 Feb 2013 04:31:19 +0000 inqb8tr 6146@/talks/discussions Basically it would be like a normal lcd finder/loupe that optically decompresses the image taken with an anamorphic adapter or lens. For eg. useful when you can't or don't want to use a monitor.

Is there such a thing? I don't think so, or at least I could not find it.

Do you think that something like that would be practical and useful for anamorphic shooting?

Someone here tried to make guerrilla anamorphic adapter, a loupe would be easier to build and perhaps even to sell.

Just an idea :)

Ruige monitors Thu, 01 Sep 2011 05:38:59 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 829@/talks/discussions Note: Deal closed.

Ruige S500HD




Ruige S480HDA back, with HDMI out

Ruige S701HD

Computer monitor not detected after using HD SDI adapater Tue, 05 Feb 2013 20:29:30 +0000 Hutchman 6025@/talks/discussions Hey guys!

I just shot on the Red One Mx, and since it had a broken HDMI-out port, I hooked up a director's monitor by using a cheap HD-SDI to HDMI adapter to my 23 inch Samsung computer monitor. Worked great.

But now my computers doesn't recognise my monitor at all (they all did before). But it still works fine when I connect it to the Red and the adapter.

Can someone PLEASE help?


Mini HDMI to Composite converter Sat, 19 Jan 2013 01:49:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 5835@/talks/discussions image


  • No need to install drivers, portable, flexible, plug and play.
  • Low power, No power adapter
  • Support NTSC and PAL two standard TV formats output
  • Compatible HDMI1.3

Price: $34

Can be useful if you have some rca only transmitter, or very cheap monitor that you use in situation of possible damage.

Samsung MD230X3 multi display monitor Wed, 16 Jan 2013 00:45:00 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 5793@/talks/discussions image

any thoughts on this? looks pretty crazy, designed for gamer's, was wondering if anybody has used one for editing?

HDMI cable over 3m length that works? Wed, 04 Jul 2012 10:52:47 +0000 fatpig 3777@/talks/discussions Hello folks!

I now have a short HDMI cable which works nicely with my cheap 10" chinese monitor.

But both long cables i bought, one with 10m , one with 5m length show no reaction of GH2 whatsoever, I even can switch ex-tele-converter on while connected. It is not a cheap cable, it is quite thick and hdmi 1.3

Are there any details known as to specifications or maximum length of an HDMI cable for the GH2? Help would be very much appreciated.

GH3 VF Solution Wed, 02 Jan 2013 19:12:05 +0000 jimagine 5649@/talks/discussions I mentioned I was talking to the Hoodman people trying to come up with a solution for a VF to fit the new camera. They were unable to get one to do tests, so I was giving them measurements and I came up with a thought.

So I ordered another HoodLoupe and HoodMag for a whopping $120 and I was right. All you need is the Manfrotto 501PL QR plate and you're all set - that's it.

The extended 501 and the existing EVF create a perfect compression fit - I mean better than any system out there, and we've got most of them. When I first measured the camera I realized that the little ridge to the left of the screen should make a perfect stop and it did (although it doesn't need it.)

It's perfectly light leakless (hey, a new word) and fits snug as if it were part of the GH3. It weighs nothing and costs just a little more than that.

I noticed that the new version of the HoodLoupe is a tighter diopter and eyecup than the other couple we have which is great. I mentioned the other day that I thought it was optically equal to the Z-Finder Pro. It's not quite, but it's really good and clear and 3x mag. For a hundred bucks or so, it's a silly good fit.


looking for cheap Studio Monitor 1080p advice Tue, 11 Dec 2012 05:00:34 +0000 fatpig 5449@/talks/discussions Hello guys,

I am currently using an old 15" LCD monitor as my preview device, which is not very accurate. I do not have the need for a real studio monitor. what bothers me about this solution is the black level.

Today, still all TVs start with black at 16 of 255 shades as opposed to 0 of 255 shades in a PC monitor. (This is my understanding, correct me if I am wrong) At least, What looks grey on a PC monitor is often times still black on a TV.

I was thinking about getting a small 1080p TV as a monitor, but maybe you have better suggestions.

I am looking for a small Monitor for my working space (maybe around 20") that has TV black levels. Or would you suggest changing that in the graphics card config...?

Anyone review the 5.6 inch Monitor (1200x800) w/Metal Case? Sun, 09 Dec 2012 22:16:20 +0000 losad83 5430@/talks/discussions Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the monitor. How does it compare to the plastic housed model from the original post here:

Just wondering if I'm paying extra solely for metal housing.

Adapting small EVF through HDMI Fri, 09 Nov 2012 12:35:05 +0000 mojo43 5151@/talks/discussions Hello, I am wondering if anyone knows if someone has tried to adapt something like a samsung evf-10 to work with a mirrored dslr through hdmi? I really miss the GH1's evf and I would love to figure out a way to get a small/low profile evf on something like the Nikon D5100 without having a large loupe...

Thanks in advance!

Wireless HDMI broadcast for under $200 Tue, 30 Oct 2012 23:31:05 +0000 Sangye 5046@/talks/discussions I'm assisting on a production right now that's using a RED Epic, and an Actiontec wireless HDMI transmitter for live previewing of the raw footage + LUT, on a 27" monitor. It seems to be working fantastically well, and the lag time is virtually none. This definitely beats spending $2000+ on a Teradek Cube.

Marshall V-LCD56MD Sat, 14 Apr 2012 01:05:24 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2861@/talks/discussions 1280×800 LCD monitor works well for single-user operating. It supports 720p resolution, which is a nice resolution to operate and pull focus with. However, it also supports the reception of a 1080p signal through both its HDMI and modular 3G-SDI inputs, so there is the inclusion of an improved pixel-to-pixel feature which blows the image up to show its native resolution. To show Full HD it will punch into the image, and smaller resolution it will center them in the middle of the screen. The default view scales everything down to 720p. However, there are also other scaling options that allow you to further adjust the image. An Input crop setting allows you to crop in to any portion of the image based on a customizable crop area that is user adjusted with the knobs no the front of the monitor. There are also aspect ratio crops for 4:30, 16:9, and full screen, as well as a custom aspect ratio crop that you can adjust using the knobs and is graphically represented by a scale.

An expanded marker function allows the user to set markers at the following aspect ratios (4:3, 13:9, 14:9, 16:9, 1.85:1, 2.35:1, 2.39:1), as well as show from 80% to 95% broadcast safe areas. Again, there is a customizable marker that can be user defined using the knob on the front of the monitor. Additionally the user can set line width, color, and transparency.

There are also multiple features to assist you on obtaining a well-exposed/sharp images. For exposure – there is the False color feature, which we have seen on prior models of Marshall monitors. It displays IRE based on a gradient scale of colors, from fuchsia (<0 IRE) to red (>101 IRE). This is great for seeing where you’re blacks and whites are clipping and there is a loss of information. Also to assist with exposure, there is a Clip function that displays over/under exposed areas with a Zebra filter.


Atomos Ninja frying drive? Wed, 12 Sep 2012 06:16:28 +0000 Gabel 4551@/talks/discussions I am an owner of a Ninja that I bought used and as such didn't get any drives with it. I decided on the new Intel 330 series, as they were very good specs at a good price. Everything worked fine in the Ninja, until after a shoot where I left the drive sitting in the caddy on the computer over night (as it was 3 in the morning and we didn't have time to go). I returned the next morning and found everything transferred, phew. But but I had an error message saying that the drive had been unmounted, so I put it into my Ninja... And it didn't register it! I couldn't even format it, to the Ninja I had "nothing" in the drive. It seemed it was dead. I heard that on the 320 series you could get the Bad Context 13x error, where if the drive was unmounted any way that wasn't perfect, it would die on you. Could this be the same here? Because if that's the case, then I'm really scared, as getting unmounted improperly can happen when you pull it in and out of different devices. It seemed to be enough to just have it pulled without the computer unmounting it...

So I wonder, can I do anything to see if I can get the drive working again? Any software, tips? I should mention that I'm a Mac user... And if not, is this a problem with the 330 drives then? If so, any tips on ones that doesn't do this? Because I can not have this happen again on a shoot!

Cheap 10" 1024x600 monitor with battery and HDMI input Wed, 20 Apr 2011 04:34:52 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 18@/talks/discussions Here (Alibaba express shop, shipping directly from manufacturer):

Around $80-85 shipped.

My review:

From hardware standpoint long time ago it was good cheap LCD screen for movie makers.

Processor : MST719DU-LF LCD : CLAA102NA0ACW (1024x600 resolution, LED backlight) Battery : 7.4V 2300mAh

Two speakers and headphone output (with good metal socket) to check sound. I don't go to tuner, USB input, SD card player, etc as it is not very important here. To be short, you can check your JPEG files just by inserting SDHC card. But you better not to.

Image quality:

Average for portable devices. I like the colors (only for specific LCD panel used, later ones seems to be worse). Unit has ability to set color temperature (four presets, not VGA it is adjustable very precise) and many other parameters for HDMI input. Menu can be set to be almost transparent and position can be adjusted.

From software standpoint it is not all good. First. HDMI connection must be slightly improved by manufacturer. I suggest to set HDMI format to 720p60 in GH1 menus (as this works fine most of the time). Sometimes GH1 go to 2-10s cycle trying to establish HDMI connection (turn modes wheel to go out of this and try again) on 1080i or auto modes. Same happens with my HD cameras. After all screen flashes it starts to work fine. Second and most important. Unit has small overscan. So, framing is slightly off and also sharpness is not perfect (but ok for focusing). Using VGA it don't have any overscan, so it is firmware related HDMI only thing.

My unit is mounted on telescoping arm.

I really suggest to check much better monitors at

Ikan D5w LCD Monitor w/ Hi-Def Panel (Waveform) Fri, 24 Aug 2012 15:48:23 +0000 Tommyboy 4354@/talks/discussions It has been released today.

Model: D5w
1280 x 800 HD panel
Waveform, Vector Scope, & RGB Parade
False color with adjustable under luminance and over luminance warning
Clip guide with adjustable threshold
Peaking with red outline
DSLR Scaling
Video Inputs
Best 5-7" HDMI monitor with focus peaking for under $500? Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:16:37 +0000 Sangye 4308@/talks/discussions After buying a follow focus that gets in the way of my Varavon loupe, which I've been meaning to stop using anyway due to it burning holes in my LCD, I've decided to buy an HDMI monitor for my GH2 rig. My budget is around $500. My main priorities are focus peaking functionality, and a bright high-resolution screen (preferably with a matte finish). It would also be nice if it didn't weigh too terribly much, which makes me think that a 5" would be ideal... although 7" should be fine too.

Suggestions: go!

Lilliput 569gl-50np/h/y 5 calibration Mon, 20 Aug 2012 15:03:32 +0000 Shawnthefilmguy 4307@/talks/discussions Hello Everyone I taught id ask this when we use all these screens, laptop, tv, monitor and camera how can i get all of these products to the same settings collabrating. i never know whats the real colors. I just freshly install windows 7 on a laptop. any suggestions here. if all cant be the same something close.

Lilliput 969A/O/P 9.7" IPS monitor Thu, 16 Aug 2012 01:36:48 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 4264@/talks/discussions image



Not really cheap, with $400 price, low resolution screen, and with quite a weight.

Reson why we see it is that 9.7" IPS screens are very cheap now. They are made for tablets (now, mostly Chinese).

Need recommendation for mobile monitoring Mon, 13 Aug 2012 17:50:56 +0000 ahbleza 4237@/talks/discussions Hi there,

I have a filming challenge, that will need us to follow skaters (one with a camera) down a street, with the director following in a car. The director wants to see the real-time view from the camera.

Does anyone know of an option for powering a HDMI transmitter/receiver with batteries so they're portable? Or perhaps a battery-powered Wi-Fi camera that can pair with an iPad?

I've been looking at things like this, but it seems to have too much latency.

I would welcome recommendations. I already have the Touchworld monitor with battery pack, I just need some way to get the signal to it in real time.

Third-party EVFs and the GH2 Wed, 20 Jul 2011 23:50:45 +0000 Roy_Batty 450@/talks/discussions New DP7-Pro 7'' monitor from smallHD Thu, 12 Jul 2012 18:54:06 +0000 mrbill 3884@/talks/discussions If I only had the money.

HD field monitors comparison, with res of 1280x720 (or 1280x800) Sat, 07 Jul 2012 00:47:30 +0000 sam_rides_a_mtb 3809@/talks/discussions First off, while I understand there is a already a thread for monitors, I believe it could be useful to have a thread dedicated to the HD spec monitors (starting at 1280x720. If you feel otherwise, Vitaliy, please close this thread and I can copy this info over.

Anyways, I just found this:

A couple days ago, I am pretty sure this was going for $599, now it seems to have jumped to $709.. It may have been the one without the camera plate that I saw for $599, which is now $633. Either way, I am considering as an option to monitor my GH2, as I have not been satisfied with the built in LCD, and the viewfinder can be difficult to use on a tripod with various other gear attached, or even on my shoulder rig.

The only other options I know of at this point for monitors of this resolution are:

  1. The SmallHD DP6, which is $800 with out any accessories (ie camera plate, sunshade).
  2. H056 (aka H005), which has a great price of around $250 or less, though seems to have some various issues, despite having great technology in it's screen.
  3. Brand new Marshall V-LCD56MD which goes for $800 + $23 for a battery plate
  4. The Manhattan HD5 (as linked above) for $710 with battery place, though no sunshade. (7" and 9" versions available for a bit more, too)
  5. An Ikan 5.6" for $900 is about to come out, though did not see exact specs yet.

And that's all I know of so far. Most of these are also available with SDI for an increase in cost, though for my purposes, HDMI is what I am after. Seems like if someone could make a 100% functioning 1280xXXX monitor for $500 or there about's it would sell like hotcakes. The H056 is so close, just too many issues at this point. If they get solved via firmware, that's my monitor, if not, and I cannot wait too long, I will go for one of the other options.

Are there other monitors of this spec out there that I am missing? At least in the sub $800 range? I am sure there are much more expensive options (ie TV Logic), though have not seen any others in the lower price range.

2.67:1 aspect ratio on Zacuto EVF or Small HD DP6 monitors? Thu, 14 Jun 2012 14:20:57 +0000 IvanUskokovic 3577@/talks/discussions Hello,

I am wondering which of these two monitors (Zacuto EVF or DP6) can output a 2.67:1 aspect ratio from my Panasonic GH2? I am shooting anamorphic (x1.5).

Thank you for your advice/knowledge/help.



Director's Viewfinder? Fri, 08 Jun 2012 08:18:53 +0000 pundit 3508@/talks/discussions Who uses a director's viewfinder? I'm interested in the methods people use for framing/lens choices in the context of shooting video on a m4/3rd's format camera.

Ruige 4.8" HDMI monitor Sun, 08 May 2011 22:08:58 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 62@/talks/discussions

Small, light, good design. Good controls.
This is entry model (with HDMI only input).
One with HDMI passthrought costs about $525 shipped.


Decent Priced LCD's with Waveform and Vector Scope - Ikan, anyone else? Sun, 27 May 2012 03:26:55 +0000 bannedindv 3370@/talks/discussions I've been using the TV Logic 5.6 for a while and its pretty good but the panel is just OK.

I saw these new LCD panels from Ikan at NAB:

D7W (List $1349) and D5W (list $1199)

Both have waveform and vectorscope, and both have HDMI and HD-SDI in. Both also have 1280x800 ips panels.

Looking forward to getting my hands on one for some field testing.

Dan Chung Coverage from NAB:
