Filters, Adapters, Matte boxes Wed, 05 Jun 24 23:50:19 +0000 Filters, Adapters, Matte boxes en-CA Genus Tech has crazy deals right now Mon, 04 Nov 2013 09:29:36 +0000 vicharris 8661@/talks/discussions Just picked up a Genus Tech Elite Mattebox for $500!! They have some crazy, good deals right now even though it's showroom stock and refurbished stuff. Go check out the list. I always wanted one of these matteboxes but they were a bit out of my range. Also customer service seems really great. They inclused a couple other small things in the package to make sure my lenses would fit.

Flaredinkum French Flag - opinions? Sun, 03 Nov 2013 18:00:22 +0000 DanPV 8652@/talks/discussions I came across this video discussing the Flaredinkum Flag. Have any of you used it? What do you think? It seems like it would be useful for times when you want protection from the sun but don't want the bulk of a matte box and rails. I am thinking of purchasing one to use with a Tiffin Variable ND (can't use a lens hood since the front of the Tiffin is unthreaded.)

Genus Eclipse Variable ND Filter , pictures, resolution and colorshift Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:04:16 +0000 feha 6123@/talks/discussions Here are some test pictures with Genus Eclipse ... Voigtländer nokton 25mm at f2.0 and old Tokina 200mm/ f3.5 it does not seem to have any problems and no color shift ... Included pictures in full resolution ... Later on coming a video test and if I get some zoom lenses to test more ...

B4 to m43 adapter Tue, 02 Apr 2013 07:34:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6575@/talks/discussions image


Advanced adapter made in China. Copy of ciecio7 design.

Available at our deals -

Hoya Pro ND, alternative to Tiffen IR ND Thu, 17 Oct 2013 07:56:31 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8463@/talks/discussions

OCTOBER 16, 2013 - Kenko Tokina USA, Inc. is pleased to announce the new Hoya PROND line of neutral density filters with ACCU-ND technology.

The ACCU-ND technology in the Hoya PROND filters yields a truly neutral color balance that will not add any noticeable color-cast to your images. The Hoya PROND series is aimed at the still photography and HDSLR video markets. The series provides 9 filters from two stop to 10 stop light reduction.


The Metallic ACCU-ND coating on the PROND filters do not color shift as you move from one density to the next, a common problem with other series of neutral density filters. Now you can set your white balance once and have the same color balance even if you need to change filters due to changes in lighting, or for creative effect.

The PROND filters use Hoya’s exclusive clear optical glass that has a metallic ACCU-ND coating front and back to create the neutral density affect.

Neutral density filters are designed to reduce the amount of light entering your camera lens and should not have any other effect on the image. Reducing the amount of light allows for the use of wider apertures or slower shutter speeds for creative and dramatic effect in bright lighting conditions.

All Hoya PROND filters have a low-profile one piece aluminum frame. The thin frame keeps the glass secure and parallel to the sensor while allowing it to be used with super-wide angle lenses


m42 to m4/3 adapter Sat, 21 Jul 2012 17:02:09 +0000 jakepowell 4000@/talks/discussions need a good adapter for a helios 44m-5 one that will press the aperture pin and alow infinity focus. any good ones people are using?

About adapters Mon, 30 Sep 2013 05:53:41 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 8276@/talks/discussions image

6 Nikon to NEX adapters.

I won’t bore you with another 20 graphs that look pretty much like these. We tried Leica to NEX and Leica to Micro 4/3 adapters, Canon to NEX, etc. We tried different lenses on one adapter. It didn’t really matter. None of them would be acceptable for testing. Not one.

I’ll point out that we carry only name-brand, fairly expensive adapters, not eBay $29 adapters. All of them are tested frequently and used frequently and none of the ones I tested today had any problems.

Videographers are the primary users of adapters, and probably won’t notice the problems at all. Video and cinema cameras shoot at lower resolution (even 4K video) than photography and tend to concentrate on center-frame so they’re unlikely to see a problem.

Beauty filter test Thu, 12 Sep 2013 16:03:31 +0000 MikeLinn 8080@/talks/discussions

NEW Letus Anamorphic Adapter Thu, 12 Sep 2013 08:02:38 +0000 Jean71 8077@/talks/discussions No diopters needed for close focus, 1.33X, starting at $1700.

RedRock LiveLens MFT adapter for Canon lenses Thu, 22 Sep 2011 12:05:51 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1009@/talks/discussions

The Redrock Micro LiveLens mft™ is the first active lens adapter that enables Canon EF lenses to be used with any micro four-thirds (mft) camera, such as the Panasonic AG-AF100, Panasonic GH1/2, and Olympus Pen cameras.

Canon EF lenses require power and electronic controls in order to adjust the lens’ aperture. Without power and control electronics, The aperture of the EF lenses are stuck wide open, severely limiting the usefulness of the lens. The Redrock LiveLens mft active lens adapter solves this problem by providing power to the EF lens and a control pad to adjust the lens aperture. With LiveLens mft you can set the EF lens' aperture to any stop in increments as small as 1/3 stop. It works with just about every lens available today, including variable aperture zoom lenses, prime lenses, consumer-level lenses, and professional L-series lenses. It also works with most third party EF-compatible lenses. There are some limitations to please make sure to read Technical Details.

Price: $442]]>
Cheap 43 to m43 adapters with contacts Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:53:26 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 1612@/talks/discussions

Shipped price is: $58]]>
Smaller Cameras can Make Do with 3x3 Matte Boxes Wed, 29 Aug 2012 21:59:03 +0000 goanna 4412@/talks/discussions

Cavision 3x3" Matte Box with Top and Side Flags $208

(At a pinch, a single 4.5" x 6" glass ND filter can be cut into two stackable 3" filters !!) image

Smaller Mattebox - D/Mattebox or Cavision Mattebox ? Wed, 17 Jul 2013 17:15:16 +0000 Azo 7545@/talks/discussions I am interested in purchasing a smaller type of mattbox for the GH2 as well as a Nikon D600. Does anybody have any experience with following matte boxes.


Cavision Mattebox

I like the idea of being able to clip the matte box onto a lens, I am leaning towards the D/Mattebox because of all the extras that it comes with. Please chime in with your opinion or suggestions for other similar setups.

Hello, i need help for adapting this lens to m43. Thu, 04 Jul 2013 09:19:29 +0000 Jean71 7430@/talks/discussions Hello, as the title says, i have a lens and i need to find an adapter.

At the beginning it looked easy, but there's the problem i can't find a 52mm male to m43.

This is the lens:

I posted an ebay auction, that is not my auction, i actually own the same lens, (and paid the half of this auction price) and i post this link because so you got all the photos you need to help me.



Stuck filters Mon, 01 Jul 2013 01:39:03 +0000 spacewig 7395@/talks/discussions I don't how I managed this one but I accidently screwed a ND filter into a protective UV filter incorrectly -misaligned threads- and now the two are stuck together. What I'm wondering is whether there is a product I can use to lubricate the threads that won't damage the coating on the lens' so I don't have to resort to using a device (i.e. pliers) for additional mechanical grip. In a perfect world this wouldn't happen but it has and I don't want to fuck up either filters.

Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance.


Little review of cheap chinese Cokin style filters Fri, 14 Jun 2013 15:45:19 +0000 ignasg 7253@/talks/discussions Personal thoughts on cheap (25$ for system an 6 filters kit) Cokin style filters from china (bought on ebay). Second part with real world examples on Lumix GH-2 coming soon... (vimeo will let upload on monday 2013.06.16) P.S. Sorry for my English and overall speaking abilities. First video of this kind.

FD Canon to m43 adapters topic Sat, 25 Feb 2012 06:30:08 +0000 ppcroft 2398@/talks/discussions Could not find a dedicated thread on starting a new one :)

I have seldom used a FD lens before but I have two lenses on order in FD mount (One Vivitar 55mm 2.8 macro and a Tokina 28-80 A27). I was wondering what will be the best FD lens adapter for m4/3. I hear a lot of good things about this Poland made one..

His expedited shipping charges are a bit steep and there is no information on tracking facility or delivery times. I am hesitating because of that. Any other good ones which guarantees infinity focus?


C-mount to m43 adapters Wed, 09 Jan 2013 05:18:33 +0000 doctord02 5720@/talks/discussions Hi everybody. I'm a new GH-2 owner just starting to get my feet wet. Which means I'll probably say or write something stupid pretty frequently. Looking to take advantage of some bits of glass I have laying about; I'm itching to play with my trusty Switar 1.6 10mm on the GH-2. Are there any warnings / suggestions you can offer regarding my choice of adapter? I've already sent one back (cheap e-bay junk) that was poorly machined and would not fully rotate so it would lock, so the camera complained... Thanks in advance! Dave

Black Pro Mist Filters Tue, 21 May 2013 01:26:37 +0000 theconformist 7023@/talks/discussions Can someone explain what is the difference between them in terms of 1/8, 1/4, 1/2... Do they significantly cut light, and which is best for cutting down the clinical looking sharpness of Lumix lenses on GH2/3?

Vivitar Variable ND Test Wed, 17 Apr 2013 15:10:14 +0000 DailyFilmFix 6727@/talks/discussions Here's a test I did today with the Vivitar NDX variable filter. I have been in post on my latest doc, "Three Days at Foster," and I've been working overtime on color correction. I used this particular filter on my Zuiko 45mm because the filter was for 37mm thread. I knew there were concerns about color cast and loss of sharpness, but a lot of what I shot was lovely anyway. The rest, I'm fixing.

So, for this test, which is probably not well done, I set up my GH1 with the reliability hack and set it to smooth with everything -2. I manually white balanced on the white door with each test after I set exposure. I pulled focus using a loupe.

To my eye, the one with the filter on it and the extra LED light does look, perhaps, a little less sharp. When I sharpened, it became a little more clear that there may be a slight loss of sharpness. But you guys look at it and tell me if my eyes need to be reset.

I ran three cameras on my doc (two GH1s and an HMC150) and was able to find an angle every time that worked. But I did not properly pay attention to color on some shots and tried to dial it in. After this test, I'm going to manually do it moving forward. Actually, I did manually balance with my video camera (the HMC150) on each interview, which did make a difference.

My main question is: now that Light Craft has a 37mm variable ND available at Adorama, based on this test, how much better would it be?

Finally, I realize that the casting and focus issues would become more pronounced as I cranked the ND down (darker), however, mine was set in the middle of the scale on the side of the filter, which I thought would be good for this test.

Vizilex Rhinocam for Sony Nex Fri, 15 Mar 2013 05:16:10 +0000 Faudel 6404@/talks/discussions Adapter for image stitching with sony nex and medium format lenses.

Cheap macro extention tubes for m43 Wed, 24 Apr 2013 00:24:42 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 6790@/talks/discussions image


Price: $48 shipped

Micro 4/3 to Nikon F Lens Adapter Wed, 22 Aug 2012 20:29:11 +0000 tnt2000 4334@/talks/discussions Hi guys! I bought this Micro 4/3 to Nikon F Lens Adapter (link below) a few months ago after reading some good comments on the web.

There is definitely a little play on the lens and camera connections but it wasn't that much of an issue before I bought my follow focus. Now the shift of lens is quite visible (and annoying) when I use the follow focus. What I noticed is that the play on the lens side is mainly because the lock of the adapter is slightly smaller than the little hole on the back of the lens and the fit isn't that tight.

I found the Metabones and Voigtlander adapters (which looks like they are pretty much the same, apart from the price range) and on the Metabones website they do say that the adapter has a "Precise fit and solid connection - lens has no play, gap or wiggling when mounted on adapter and no adjustments are required to fit your lens".

I was wondering if, from your experience, you guys could confirm if these adapters are really top notch (with no play at all) or if know another brands I could consider. My current adapter is in the same price range as the Metabones so it'd be great to hear from you before I risk spending another 100 bucks on something that might not solve the problem.


Interesting DIY matte box Thu, 18 Apr 2013 06:05:30 +0000 feha 6737@/talks/discussions This is very interesting DIY matte box :-)

Mosaic Engineering VAF-XTi filter for T2i, T3i, T4i (550D-650D) Mon, 08 Apr 2013 10:14:06 +0000 eyenorth 6635@/talks/discussions Bought the Mosaic Engineering Anti-Aliasing filters for my 550D and 5d mkii, and am pretty pleased with breathing new life in the 550D. Doesn't remove all artifacts, but quite a lot. Also tested it on a Sigma 8-16mm. No vignetting on wide end, but focusing is no longer reliable according to markings on the lens - so must be done by eye. Stress test video below:

TrusMT larger matte box Thu, 15 Sep 2011 05:25:42 +0000 o2x 947@/talks/discussions
This is fab news for those of us who use lenses bigger than the 100mm max on current models.

I've asked to be kept up to date so as soon as I know more I'll post.

Owen. ]]>
Fader ND filters, cheap ones Sun, 24 Jul 2011 06:51:10 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 477@/talks/discussions
Pros : One filter to rule them all, fast adjustment.
Cons : Color cast on some models, cross figure could appear on high ND values, resolution loss.


Most usable sizes of Fader NDs - 77mm and 82mm.
Buy metal conversion rings for each of your lenses.
It is good idea to have them all converted to 77mm or 82mm.

Also note diameters, as filters with higher cost have larger outer diameter usually.

Available models:

Green L 77mm and 82mm filters


Diameters 77mm: 77mm mount, 82mm outer
Price 77mm: about $26 shipped

Diameters 82mm: 82mm mount, 86mm outer
Price 82mm: about $28 shipped

Tian Ya 77mm and 82mm filters


Diameters: 77mm mount, 86mm outer
Price: about $45 shipped

Diameters: 82mm mount, 95mm outer
Price: about $60 shipped

Nicna 77mm and 82mm filters


Diameters: 77mm mount, 82mm outer
Price: about $45 shipped

Diameters: 82mm mount, 87mm outer
Price: about $46 shipped]]>
Any good EOS adapters out there? Sat, 23 Feb 2013 23:04:55 +0000 MRfanny 6236@/talks/discussions Hi, can anyone recomend a good eos adapter that can control aperture. All i see is the kipon one and its cheap knock offs that has the iris built in. Even though it looks fancy, something tells me its more gimic than functional ie loss in IQ. Anyone used these or anything else and what are your thoughts. I am looking to mount a canon mp-e to a gh


Adapting 4x5 filters to 4x4 matte box Fri, 22 Feb 2013 12:21:49 +0000 bibiana 6215@/talks/discussions I am sorry if this is a retarded question, but i have not been able to find a clear answer to this.

I have a 4x4 matte box (2 rotating holders), and i am trying to get some Formatt graded ND filters for a landscape shoot in sunny California desert. I am thinking they will come in handy. They don't make them in 4x4, only 4x5 so that you can adjust where the horizon line falls. Makes sense. But, how do i make these fit my 4x4 holder? The adjustable 4x5 holders are too thick to put in a matte box.

B&H has Cavision 4x5.65" matte box holders for $56 ( and Redrock dual 4x4 / 4x5.65 holder ( Would either of these work? What about that extra 0.65" on the long side, will the filter fall through?

Any other ideas/solutions? Circular filters won't work, i have too may lenses with varying diameters, even as small as 22mm.

Konica and Olympus OM to m43 Adapters Thu, 04 Aug 2011 05:35:40 +0000 fancydancer 583@/talks/discussions