Blog Mon, 03 Jun 24 13:47:51 +0000 Blog en-CA Capitalism: Leica rising all prices Wed, 17 Mar 2021 17:42:38 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25394@/talks/discussions

At Leica Camera, we are dedicated to preserving our unparalleled tradition of optical excellence, craftsmanship and the integrity of our product portfolio. We hold ourselves accountable to high standards with our products and to being transparent with our loyal customers as well.

Over the past year, the relationship between the US Dollar and Euro has suffered and we have absorbed these costs. However, as this continues, we need to adjust our pricing in order to ensure pricing integrity across all Leica subsidiaries and to continue delivering the highest quality of products. The new prices will vary by product, but overall will generally reflect on average a 2% - 5% increase. Additional details include:

  • All price increases will be effective on April 1, 2021 with the exception of the Leica M-Noctilux 50mm f/1.2 Black 11686, which will increase effective immediately on March 15, 2021.
  • Items recently introduced, including the APO-Summicron-M 35 f/2.0 ASPH, Leica D-Lux 7 Street Kit, Q2 Daniel Craig x Greg Williams, and the APO Summicron-SL 28mm f/2.0 ASPH will not increase in price.

We are dedicated to creating products as exceptional as the photographers behind them and we thank you for being a loyal customer and member of our Leica Family.

Mordor: Next warning concerning US Moon hoax Wed, 17 Mar 2021 11:37:38 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25393@/talks/discussions

In honor of the 55th anniversary of the completion of the flight of the spacecraft "Kosmos-110", on board which flew animals, the state corporation "Roscosmos" released declassified archival materials on March 16.

Among the declassified files are photos and videos, letters, minutes of commission meetings, a flight mission, a medical research program and other materials.

“Fifty-five years ago, on March 16, 1966, the 22-day flight of the Kosmos-110 satellite with four-legged“ cosmonauts ”on board - the dogs Veterok and Ugolyok - completed the Soviet spacecraft program Voskhod. The last of the "Sunrise" set a world record for the height and duration of the stay of living beings in space, "- said on the website of" Roskosmos ".

It is noted that the --flight was supposed to show how a living organism is affected by being in the radiation belt of the earth**. In addition, the flights tested life support systems for future manned expeditions.

In "Roskosmos" they said that two dogs were selected for the flight, they were seated in sealed containers with a given gas environment, sensors were put on them, which also kept the dogs from moving. The dogs were fed directly through the stomach.

It is noted that the journey greatly weakened the dogs: they lost weight, got tired quickly, preferred to lie down and drank a lot.

As a result of exposure to cosmic radiation, their hair thinned and crawled out in shreds. However, after three days they came to their senses, and after a few weeks they fully recovered.” - added Roscosmos.

During Lunar hoax US had absolutely no idea about radiation and even about weakening of the body during usual orbital flights. Hence all their astronauts had been super healthy like they just slept in nearby room (and this is that they actually did) instead of being in space.

China: Sun energy to fuel generation started Tue, 16 Mar 2021 22:38:05 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25392@/talks/discussions

The main broadcaster in mainland China, CCTV, aired the completion of a solar-to-liquid fuel project. Using electricity from photocells, it was possible to synthesize a liquid product with a methanol content of 99.5%. Work on this project in China began in 2001, and by January 2020, the development had been completed in general and an experimental installation had been created.

It is reported that on an industrial scale, one plant can produce 1,500 tons of methanol per year, while processing 2,000 tons of CO2. Methanol is obtained in the process of synthesis from carbon monoxide and hydrogen on a catalyst. For this, hydrogen is obtained in the process of electrolysis of water, which requires energy, in particular, from sunlight. Each ton of hydrogen produced, according to the source, is equivalent to storing energy in the amount of 33 MWh.

For US and EU it is very important to destroy all present car industry before any of such projects will be available. As their elites dream about total control and rental electric cars for population.

Multiple think tanks stated that lack of autonomous fuel is very important in controlling population and local business.

Cameras Sales: Japan Map Camera February 2021 data Tue, 16 Mar 2021 17:11:12 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25391@/talks/discussions New cameras

  1. Canon EOS R5
  2. Fujifilm FUJIFILM GFX100S
  3. Canon EOS R6
  4. Fujifilm FUJIFILM X-E4
  5. Fujifilm FUJIFILM X-S10
  6. Sony α7C
  7. Fujifilm FUJIFILM X- T4
  8. Sony α7S III
  9. Nikon Z 6II
  10. Sony α7 III

Used cameras

  1. Sony α7 III
  2. Nikon Z 6
  3. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
  4. Canon EOS R
  5. Sony α7 II
  6. Nikon
  7. Sony α7R III
  8. Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II
  10. Sony α6600
Capitalism: Google reducing Play Store cut form small guys Tue, 16 Mar 2021 17:05:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25390@/talks/discussions

Starting on July 1, 2021 we are reducing the service fee Google Play receives when a developer sells digital goods or services to 15% for the first $1M (USD) of revenue every developer earns each year. With this change, 99% of developers globally that sell digital goods and services with Play will see a 50% reduction in fees. These are funds that can help developers scale up at a critical phase of their growth by hiring more engineers, adding to their marketing staff, increasing server capacity, and more.

While these investments are most critical when developers are in the earlier stages of growth, scaling an app doesn’t stop once a partner has reached $1M in revenue — we’ve heard from our partners making $2M, $5M and even $10M a year that their services are still on a path to self-sustaining orbit. This is why we are making this reduced fee on the first $1M of total revenue earned each year available to every Play developer, regardless of size. We believe this is a fair approach that aligns with Google’s broader mission to help all developers succeed. We look forward to sharing full details in the coming months.

Such nice move won't affect Google income much, as small developers are taking less and less of total Play Store sales. Most of Google income now comes from apps sold by big corporations or startups that are also funded by big organized companies.

Capitalism: Polarization Sensors are nice to track you inside your car Tue, 16 Mar 2021 13:18:09 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25389@/talks/discussions

Bad design: TVs with processors that try to improve picture Tue, 16 Mar 2021 00:41:10 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25388@/talks/discussions

Several high-end models will include a Cognitive Processor XR that tries to mimic the way your brain processes images by surveying each frame of video and picking out the most important zones to optimize.

Guys, I perfectly understand that Sony has too many people and lot of them have nothing to do. But it is not so hard to find something useful and nice for them to work on, even fixing such non poetic things like video formats support, proper work with subtitles and so on. Even making general user interface to feel like you did not accidentally run Windows 10 on 486 computer could be already real breakthrough.

But please... get your dirty hands out of touching image. Just show me it as it is, accurate and precise with all the flaws and issues.

COVID: AstraZeneca  usage stopped in major countries Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:47:57 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25386@/talks/discussions

Germany has suspended the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine as a precautionary measure. This was reported to journalists on Monday at the Ministry of Health of Germany.

"The German government, as a precautionary measure, suspends vaccination with AstraZeneca, following the latest recommendation of the Paul Ehrlich Institute (German medical regulator)," the department noted.

"The European Medicines Agency will decide whether and how the new information will affect the admission of the vaccine," the German ministry said.

Danish health authority announced that vaccination with AstraZeneca in the country was temporarily suspended. Several other European countries, including Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands, have suspended vaccine use due to reports of rare cases of blood clots forming and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood among those who are vaccinated over 50 years of age.

The French authorities have suspended the use of the vaccine produced by the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford, pending a decision by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This was announced on Monday by French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking at a press conference following the Franco-Spanish summit in Montauban.

"On the recommendation of the French Minister of Health Olivier Veran, it was decided to suspend the use of the AstraZeneca vaccine. We expect that tomorrow afternoon the EMA will publish a conclusion on this drug," Macron said.

Total ban can happen as soon as next week.
