Blog Thu, 06 Jun 24 07:02:55 +0000 Blog en-CA Mordor: Social networks will collect passport data and even scans Wed, 24 Mar 2021 23:41:02 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25431@/talks/discussions

Roskomnadzor has prepared an order according to which new users of social networks and instant messengers will have to provide their passport number, residence address, phone number and e-mail. The document was posted on the portal on March 23, awaiting discussion from Mordor orks and even dark experts.

According to the document, Internet sites must receive additional consent from users for various purposes of data processing through their own consent collection platform or the Roskomnadzor system.

The project is being prepared within the framework of amendments to the law "On personal data", which partially entered into force in March.

Actually main thing here that it will be almost impossible to register new user without redirecting to special government site (that will serve as registration and login screen).

Freedom is coming (c).

War: More than half of the searches never lead outside Google Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:32:36 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25429@/talks/discussions image

Good quote: How communists must deal with capitalists if they need them Wed, 24 Mar 2021 12:47:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25427@/talks/discussions

The directive of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik) to the head of "Amtorg" P.A. Bogdanov at the talks in America about a 200 million loan for the supply of equipment to the USSR ...

“... The term of the loan is 4-5 years, with no payments in the first year after delivery. Payments start 12 months after delivery, with equal maturity over the remaining 3-4 years. The cost of the loan is not more than 7% per annum. ... Do not in any way conduct any negotiations with the United States government or with any government agencies. Likewise, one should not start negotiating with banks or with any financial institutions, bearing in mind the need to achieve, first of all, pressure from the most interested industry circles on the banking institutions that finance them ... "

Operation of getting industrial equipment, knowledge, papers, engineers and more is considered as absolute example and hated till this time by all capitalist countries (as it is their crisis and weakness that had been used against them).

UK: Permanent travel restrictions Wed, 24 Mar 2021 07:38:04 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25426@/talks/discussions

Britons trying to go on vacation while travel restrictions are still in place could face a $7,000 fine under new government legislation.

The new UK Roadmap Rules, published on Monday, suggest that anyone who travels outside England “for no good reason” should face a £ 5,000 (US $ 6,932) fine.

The law, passed a year after the UK first imposed isolation, will be approved by parliament on Thursday.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, non-essential travel is currently prohibited.

In accordance with the Stay Home order, anyone leaving the country must complete a travel declaration form explaining the nature of their trip. Border guards are interviewing UK residents returning home about the reasons for their trip.

The current fine is £200 for not completing the travel declaration form.

If accepted, the £ 5,000 set fine will take effect Monday 29 March.

The new law will be in effect until June 30, which means that non-essential travel will be banned for another three months.

So far, the earliest date for the resumption of international travel was 17 May.

All this laws will become permanent.

NIR spectroscopy real usage Wed, 24 Mar 2021 04:18:47 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25425@/talks/discussions

Capitalism: Bitcoin only role is to introduce energy rationing Wed, 24 Mar 2021 03:44:02 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25423@/talks/discussions image

Had one interesting talk with guy from energy sector.

Countries now work on remotely controlled electrical energy rationing, and China leads the way.

On first stage we will see exponential electricity price rise if your consumption exceeds specific number. Also, energy company will get remotely controlled realtime consumption data and ability to instantly switch electricity off. Including smart switching if power consumption exceed specific number.

Bitcoin will play extremely important role as it will be first time where hundreds of millions of pyramid victims will be instead declared as only ones who are responsible for all this craze. It will also allow to introduce energy caps very fast and under good pretense, fully ignoring that all Bitcoin exponential price rallies had been made up by ruling class and all leading media.

Also remember - your new electric car will be required to also fit in this caps. And such way you get simple and easy to implement restriction on travel.

War: Chrome will forcefully redirect you to HTTPS, censorship coming Tue, 23 Mar 2021 21:00:37 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25422@/talks/discussions

Starting with version 90, Chrome will default to the https: // prefix in the address bar, which should improve the security and even the loading speed of sites using the HTTPS protocol.

Chrome users who navigate to sites by manually entering URLs almost never add the prefix http: // or https: //. In this case, previous versions of Chrome choose http: // as the default prefix. Chromium will now automatically prefix https: // to use a "better and more secure" protocol that protects users by encrypting transmitted traffic whenever possible.

For sites that do not support HTTPS, Chrome will replace the https: // prefix with http: // on the second connection attempt if the first fails.

It is next step for total censorship. Such change already allow Google to prevent you to visit any site or show big warning in case they don't like your certificate.

We are very very close to mass SSL certificates banning based on the site contents.

Capitalism: See Something, Say Something Online Act will be improved Mon, 22 Mar 2021 20:15:37 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25417@/talks/discussions The project, called "See Something, Say Something Online Act", is proposed to be extended to "providers of interactive services." This definition includes social networks, media with any readers profiles and comments, app stores, podcast showcases, fintech sites, mailing lists, and almost any IT product that you can find. Companies operating such services will be required to report suspicious activity of their audience and registered users.

No, not criminal activity, but any suspicious activity, this allows go around the laws restricting monitoring your emails and traffic.

If the management of the business does not provide such an opportunity for government, it will face the loss of immunity from prosecution for the actions of third parties. It is provided by Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act. It relieves the top management of online service providers from responsibility for user-generated content. That is why the directors of the conditional social network are not "pulled" for publications and comments that are exchanged by its members, even if the US court finds them criminal or violating any requirements of the law.

Suspicion can be cause by personal messages, posts, tags, transactions, comments and other UGC content, or information that government agencies and the court may associate with anything they don't like today, or are considered incitement to violence, prohibited activities, propaganda of wrong ideology or crimes in lot of fields...

These regulations will take into account potential violations both within the United States and abroad, hence will allow to legally track any internet user.
