Tagged with location - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/location/p1/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 04:31:20 +0000 Tagged with location - Personal View Talks en-CA Los Angeles (Under 6th street bridge/LA river) filming location question http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13513/los-angeles-under-6th-street-bridgela-river-filming-location-question Fri, 07 Aug 2015 10:21:02 +0000 sammy 13513@/talks/discussions I got an artist/singer inquire about filming a music video mostly based around under the 6th street bridge in LA ( like the movie Grease) .it will consist of him singing , and a mini car race.. Has anyone here ever filmed at that location, and how hard will it be to get approval , also any idea of cost ? Never really shot near downtown area , most of the locations I shot before are more like privet locations or studio environment. Thanks for any input.

Infra Red Headphones, transmitters and receivers http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5058/infra-red-headphones-transmitters-and-receivers Wed, 31 Oct 2012 20:09:28 +0000 goanna 5058@/talks/discussions Among the common causes of camera damage is the operator walking away from the tripod with headphones still on. IR headphones can be useful on set as well as at home or in the car, too. They have excellent sound reproduction and prices are dropping.


For location work, the usual 6 meter range is close enough from camera to headphones, but the mic and transmitter may be further away from the camera.

Look for at at least 10 meter headphones on Ebay

Transmitters often come cheaply and with better range. I got a 12V, 10 meter model for $12.00. Look on Ebay too.

Transmitters and headphones can be bought together as a set. Of course, several crew members can receive the same sound via phones.

This is just one more example of domestic equipment which has improved (for in-car DVDs) so much that in can trickle-up to pro applications. Of course, if you're like me you'll find domestic uses as well. (Think kids, peace at home, long drives...)

There are some domestic and car appliances (eg NextBase) which already include IR transmitters. Almost all seem to share the standard stereo IR transmission frequencies of Right: 2.8 MHz. Left: 2.3 MHz.

You can get IR receivers, too. The old Sony 6V IFT-R10 also comes with good quality composite video as well as line-level audio suitable for monitoring. Maybe somebody has experience with camera-mounted IR receivers for audio signal input.
