Tagged with latitude - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/latitude/p1/feed.rss Tue, 04 Jun 24 20:30:16 +0000 Tagged with latitude - Personal View Talks en-CA Hacked GH2 Dynamic Range http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9440/hacked-gh2-dynamic-range Fri, 24 Jan 2014 16:12:36 +0000 T1000 9440@/talks/discussions Does anyone know how many stops of dynamic range the hacked GH2 has? I've read many conflicting articles online. Some say 7.5, 10, 11.5. Any help would be great! Thanks!

GH1 vs GH2 vs GH3 Latitude Test http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6251/gh1-vs-gh2-vs-gh3-latitude-test Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:20:36 +0000 mintcheerios 6251@/talks/discussions

I just got my GH3 today, and of course the first thing I had to do was this test. I threw the GH1 in there out of curiosity since I had one lying around. It looks like the GH series hasn't had much progress in the highlights, but the shadow detail has gotten much better. The GH1 and GH2 were hacked while the GH3 was using the stock 50mbps IPB setting. I chose this over the Intra because of reports that it held up better due to a more efficient compression algorithm (I don't know though since I've only had the camera for a day).

I used the cameras' spot meters on the big square gray patch (which is supposedly 18% gray), but I think the GH1 was a little hotter than the other two cameras when correctly exposed. Base ISO was used on all three cameras to achieve maximum DR. In post, I raised or lowered each image by one stop increments with Colorista II to compensate for the increased or lowered exposure levels. Hope someone finds this as useful as I have!

HELP - Getting CINESTYLE results from the GH2 ? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4056/help-getting-cinestyle-results-from-the-gh2- Thu, 26 Jul 2012 17:40:41 +0000 Electric_Haggis 4056@/talks/discussions Well, I'm stumped.

As a new & and proud owner of a GH2, I've downloaded the latest (V1.1 25p) firmware and am investigating hacks.

A higher bitrate is obviously desirable - around 50Mbps will hit the spot, so I'm currently trying: "Driftwood Quantum X v5b and v5c 'β Pictoris' (baby Quantum X) VBR" (35 - 75Mbps variable)

The REAL question is about capturing more dynamic range and squeezing maximum latitude out of the GH2 to get results that resemble Cinestyle. I see evidence here...

... yet trying that hack, I see zero latitude difference.

Come to that, I've tried several hacks now, and they all look identical (apart from bitrate).

I'm trying to research this, but struggle to get real answers. What should one do to get Cinestyle results as above???

Thanks in advance...

LPowell Max Latitude hack for GH1, but 30p? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3393/lpowell-max-latitude-hack-for-gh1-but-30p Mon, 28 May 2012 23:33:24 +0000 Maximalist 3393@/talks/discussions I love my GH1, I love LPowell's Max Latitude hack. I need to shoot something for a client, and it needs to cut together with other 30p footage - is there a problem with changing the frame rate in AVCHD to 30 frames? Will the chip handle that? Or should I switch to his maximum reliability hack? Either way, it has to be 30p (I'll switch back to my beloved 24p max latitude hack afterwards).

Also, do I have to switch back to the factory settings before installing a new hack, or can I just bump up the new hack to a higher version number? Thanks in advance for all your help!
