Tagged with jams - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/jams/p1/feed.rss Fri, 07 Jun 24 07:32:37 +0000 Tagged with jams - Personal View Talks en-CA Tokina 11-16mm Focus Ring jams? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11727/tokina-11-16mm-focus-ring-jams Sat, 08 Nov 2014 09:18:08 +0000 _gl 11727@/talks/discussions I've got the old Tokina 11-16mn "DX" version (silver markings) and just bought a new DX II version (gold).

On the new one, the focus ring gets frequently stuck when pulling it to MF, I'd say about 1/8 times. It basically sometimes doesn't pull down all the way in one place, and then locks the whole mechanism (AF motor isn't disengaged). If you then try to turn it, it fights the AF motor. That never happens on my old DX version, but I'm on my 2nd DX II with the same problem.

Is that normal for the DX IIs or have I got 2 duff ones in a row?
