Tagged with genheimer - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/genheimer/p1/feed.rss Fri, 14 Jun 24 23:25:36 +0000 Tagged with genheimer - Personal View Talks en-CA Minnesota Snow in Anamorphic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5623/minnesota-snow-in-anamorphic Sun, 30 Dec 2012 16:40:15 +0000 B3Guy 5623@/talks/discussions It is winter in Minnesota, and that means snow. There is nothing quite like the experience of a walk in the snow clad Minnesota forests. The soft snow and sharp cold winter air create a new extreme of quiet that can only really be experienced first-hand. The accompanying music can only hope to capture some of the mood. Shut out the hustle and bustle this holiday season for a relaxing 11 minute walk by the frozen Sunrise River behind my home.
