Tagged with clow - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/clow/p1/feed.rss Sun, 16 Jun 24 12:43:52 +0000 Tagged with clow - Personal View Talks en-CA Spanning at 24H-- does this exist? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6307/spanning-at-24h-does-this-exist Sat, 02 Mar 2013 14:07:05 +0000 Brian_Siano 6307@/talks/discussions I've finally acquired a Sandisk Extreme Pro card, 95 mbps, 32 gig, and I'm trying to find a patch that will span reliably at 24H.

I've been trying various patches, at 24H and 24L, and here are my results: Sanity 5.1 and Flow Motion don't span in 24H, but they span in 24L. Intravenus 2, Quantum 9b, Quantum 2 don't span in either mode. I'm trying Cake 2.3 right now.

Now, I understand that one needs a Sandisk Extreme Pro 64gig card to be absolutely sure that spanning can work. I'm not sure why that is, but that's been reported. But others seem to be able to get some of the above to span on the 32gig card (for example, Quantum 2's supposed to be able to do it).

So I have two questions. Is there a patch that reliably spans the 32gig card? And is this an indication that I got a bum 32gig card?

ADDENDUM: Cake 2.3 seems to be spanning in 24H m mode. But my questions still stand.)
