Tagged with 29.97 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/29.97/p1/feed.rss Tue, 04 Jun 24 17:04:30 +0000 Tagged with 29.97 - Personal View Talks en-CA Strange jitter effect from GH2 footage in 720x480 render http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10649/strange-jitter-effect-from-gh2-footage-in-720x480-render Sat, 21 Jun 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Brian_Siano 10649@/talks/discussions I'm finishing up a big project, which I shot with about seven different cameras; Canons, a Panasonic camcorder, a GH3 and a GH2 using the Cake patch. The original footage is 1080p. I rendered the streams down to 720p for easier editing. I used these to render a 720x480 final product for a DVD. I'm using Premiere pro CS5 for all of this.

The problem is that the footage shot with the GH2 jitters oddly, like an old silent movie filmed at some archaic framerate. It's not catastrophic, but it's noticeable to me. I don't know why this is. Every bit of original footage is 29.97 fps. The scaled down versions I edited are all 29.97 fps.

I can think of only two things. The GH2 was using the Cake patch, which may have been a reason. Or, the GH2 was one of two cameras storing its video as AVHCD, while all the rest used MOV. But the other AVHCD footage looks fine.


ADENDUM. Watching the original footage reveals that it appears to be interlaced. Don't recall shooting it in 1080i, but I guess that's what happened.

23.98 to 29.97 or HBR30P Which is Better? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7497/23.98-to-29.97-or-hbr30p-which-is-better Thu, 11 Jul 2013 18:57:23 +0000 Azo 7497@/talks/discussions I have a shoot coming up that requires 29.97 footage. This is how they want the footage delivered.

Preferred file specifications: Quicktime .MOV file Apple ProRes 422HQ Codec Frame rate: 29.97 FPS Audio: AAC 44.100 rate HD Dimensions:1920x1080

I would like to shoot this video with the best quality possible. That being said I know 24p is the best setting for the GH2 and if I shoot in 24p I will probably use Moon T5 or Intravenous Boom. The question is would it be better to shoot the video in 24p and then use compressor to export to 29.97 or just shoot in HBR30p mode and be done with it.

The patch that I would probably use is either Valkyrie TZ3 or Cluster X Nebula for the HBR30p mode. The video will consist of and interview and will also include car polishing with an orbital buffer.

I read an article that stated that shooting in 24p is the best way to deliver to multiple formats. Please chime in with your thoughts and suggestions.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Shooting FHD 29.97 with the GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1548/shooting-fhd-29.97-with-the-gh1 Thu, 24 Nov 2011 21:11:03 +0000 ivanlee 1548@/talks/discussions I've never imagined that I would ask this... because I shot 24P my whole life, and now I would like to make some "stock" work with my GH1. So that's why I want to shoot 29.97fps. How can I make the footage look good without the pulldown?
Sorry for the super newbie question.