Showcase Mon, 17 Jun 24 22:31:31 +0000 Showcase en-CA Just went live with video website Tue, 14 Aug 2012 02:54:08 +0000 sam_rides_a_mtb 4241@/talks/discussions

Just put together a website to showcase some of my work to potential clients. Could probably use some adjustments to give it a more professional look, though kind of stuck and not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be welcome though please go easy on me as this is my first attempt at web design. Thought about hiring someone to make it, though like the idea of being able to make changes myself. Also, will probably change the name, as I just found out someone on vimeo and twitter already use this name.

And if anyone would please leave a comment on the site, I would like to see how that goes from an admin pov.

The Raid: Redemption ...Awesome Action Flick!!...AF100 A-Cam, GH2-B-cam!! Sun, 29 Apr 2012 22:38:54 +0000 CRFilms 3054@/talks/discussions Haven't seen much on this, if you haven't seen it....WATCH IT. It's in limited release right now, but if it's playing within an hour of you, watch it asap. Since this was shot on the AF100 this gives you a good idea of what our GH1/2 can do with a million bucks and a bunch of trained Siliat fighters. :P

This BTS shows the AF100 in action with Fig Rig and I believe Nano flash recorder(read that somewhere, they don't say in BTS). Also note how they light. In some ways the lack of light hurt in a few sequences, noticeably the staircase ambush scene. Way dark and lots of noise. Other than that, I didn't see any jello or rolling shutter and that camera was whipping back and forth. I'm not a fan of "shaky cam", but this was used perfectly and the quick editing wasn't used to hide the fight choreography but to enhance the overall feel of the scenes.

Here's one of the scenes that the above BTS showed. Download the full 1080p to get the best view. Even if you watch every video on this channel, it won't spoil much. This movie is about an hour, 50 min and about 15min of that is talking and plot, lol, the rest is action. Great movie and the sequel is in the works.

EDIT: Forgot to put the trailer, lol: I actually prefer this to the redband trailer, but the redband is on the Vimeo page if you want to see it.

Miniature model of Ljubljana Tue, 21 Aug 2012 22:21:46 +0000 mk47 4329@/talks/discussions We shot this in an afternoon:

More GH2 slider action.

My test Sun, 19 Aug 2012 14:37:44 +0000 Shawnthefilmguy 4294@/talks/discussions IM ABOUT RETEST 24H IN CINEMA MODE


Church - GH2, slider Thu, 16 Aug 2012 20:44:36 +0000 mk47 4270@/talks/discussions

GH2 using cake hack + 7-14mm and 20mm lens from Panasonic. Slider shots.

(Underwater) HENRY DESPREZ - A quick tour Fri, 17 Aug 2012 01:30:12 +0000 LongJohnSilver 4272@/talks/discussions A video of the HENRY DESPREZ wreck.

Still lot to learn on video lights...

New production overview video Wed, 15 Aug 2012 16:37:31 +0000 wrayclark91 4254@/talks/discussions

I just finished shooting and this is a rough cut of the work I've been doing on and off at the company I work for. I am actually their network/sys admin but I do some marking stuff on the side. It's shot with a hacked Lumix GH2 and edited in premier/ae cs6. We used to have an outside company do our video but do to the affordability of good video cameras we are experimenting just doing it in house.

I am working with limited equipment and time so there are some less than perfect (shaky) shots. If you have any ideas on affordable gear or just shooting/editing advice that would improve things let me know!

Oh and yes I do know that Vimeo has a commercial (Pro) subscription for commercial projects. I am in the process of getting the purchase approved. Mainly just using it as a test bed right now.

Thanks, Clark

Lens whacking with GH2 Sat, 11 Aug 2012 17:23:12 +0000 beeldlab 4213@/talks/discussions La douce France. Shot with a old Canon FD 50mm and modified adapter.

music video Fri, 10 Aug 2012 10:37:28 +0000 ehr 4200@/talks/discussions
GH2, Sedna B, 720/60p, Tokina ATX 28-70 + Century Optics 16:9 adapter,

Shakespeare adaptation festival winner: one seven-minute take Sun, 12 Aug 2012 23:54:31 +0000 jweeke 4225@/talks/discussions Sometimes everything just goes right.

Thanks @Vitaliy_Kiselev, @driftwood, and the rest.

Canis Majoris and 60D Music Video - A DaVinci Foray. Mon, 23 Jul 2012 22:28:21 +0000 artiswar 4019@/talks/discussions

Local rap group. Trying out a new workflow involving DaVinci. Thanks to @shian for the indirect color mentoring as well as @driftwood for the stellar hack. @Vitaliy_Kiselev as always.

Technical stuff

Shot on 3 GH2s and a 60D. Lenses used: Lomo 28mm/f2, Canon FL 50mm/f1.8, Sigma 30mm, Lumix 14-42mm/f3.5

Lit with a China ball with a 250w photo bulb and 3 LED panels from Amazon.

Gini Rigs, DIY Jib, DIY camera track, and Indisystem Slider for support.

Edited the native MTS in Premiere, exported to ProRes 4444 and imported into DaVinci. Brought back to premiere after grade for letter box matte and titles.

A Boundless Wane - GH2 - Sedna 'A' AQ1 Sat, 11 Aug 2012 08:23:27 +0000 JPB1138 4207@/talks/discussions

A creative vacation video shot on (and off) of Chebeague Island. Located a few miles off the coast of southern Maine. Shot on a Hacked GH2. Download Original for maximum quality (FINALLY a PLUS member)!

Lenses used:

Tokina 11-16mm f2,8 Lumix/Leica 25mm f1.4 Zeiss 85mm f1.4.

Filter: Singh Ray Vari-ND DUO (Vari-ND and Polarizer in one)

Simple color corrections within Final Cut Pro, and some Magic Bullet Looks

SONG: "Daily(drops) - 5/1/2012 [Day One] (1)" (Infinite Third) / CC BY-NC 3.0

MORE INFO on how the filming process on Vimeo

Travel docu shot with GH2 44mbit, vibrant mode Tue, 08 May 2012 23:01:31 +0000 rungunshoot 3149@/talks/discussions Shot this travelogue for Mauiva AirCruise. I wanted a saturated, poppy look without grading. Not sure if embed will work here...

Travelogue - private plane flight and sailing in Catalina Island; Dark Knight soundtrack (why not) Fri, 10 Aug 2012 02:05:48 +0000 rungunshoot 4196@/talks/discussions

GH2 (handheld) Vibrant mode 44mbit hack

Panny 20mm f/1.7 Panny 14-140 kit Nikon AI-S 50mm f/1.4

All feedback welcome. Details of the kit on my blog:

Sight Thu, 02 Aug 2012 06:06:28 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 4127@/talks/discussions

Amazing Neo Noir Wed, 08 Aug 2012 12:15:09 +0000 christianhubbard 4182@/talks/discussions not mine, found this on youtube. I'm 5 minutes in and on the edge of my seat. I just had to share.

Project in Vietnam October/November 2012 Wed, 08 Aug 2012 02:49:09 +0000 vetec 4180@/talks/discussions Hi!

I am planning my trip to Vietnam end of this year. I want to make little project while there. Drill is to take dslr gear (camera, rig, light, zoom) and shoot some video for small documentary. Is anybody planing projects this time, that country and looking for cameramen/editor? Some of my work:




SUMMER PACE : GH2 Diftwood patches Montage Tue, 07 Aug 2012 11:34:24 +0000 ghostlayer 4170@/talks/discussions Hi There, I finally had a couple of days to edit and color grade some the footage I shot using Diftwood patches. Here it is on Vimeo :

Special Thanks to Vitaliy Kiselev and Nick Driftwood

GH2 Cake Dark Music Video! Mon, 30 Jul 2012 19:24:34 +0000 smcleod 4093@/talks/discussions Hey everyone, here's the second music video I shot over the same weekend as my last one which has just been released. Let me know what you think!

Motocross Madness Mon, 06 Aug 2012 14:57:32 +0000 arteology 4165@/talks/discussions Hi everyone, Had a motocross racing event nearby recently. It was weekend so i went there and shot some stuff. Here is a video of all the action.

Hope you all like it. Do let me know your thoughts.

City Final -Music Video Shot on GH2 'Sedna' Sat, 21 Apr 2012 08:34:53 +0000 jobless 2962@/talks/discussions Hi, I wanted to share the latest project. It was shot on 3 Gh2 in 2 days. The music video is for Italian band We had: oly 11-22 oly 45mm Panny 20mm Nikkor 35mm f1.8 nikkor f1.8 nikkor 60mm f2.8 Macro And some other lenses that we didn't use...

This is the first teaser made in After effects. The next week I'll post the second one with just GH2 material. You can see how was on the set at:

'EDIT' The video is on-line, finally! Enjoy!

Teaser 1

Teaser 2

Welterwerk - GH2 Short / narrative music video Mon, 04 Jun 2012 06:26:11 +0000 cekrem 3468@/talks/discussions

Was DoP on this. Shot on a driftwood-176-intra GH2 with vintage lenses.

Feedback is welcome!

Description from Vimeo: This shortfilm is produced by Welterwerk Filmkompani, a new small filmproduction company based in Oslo. We make musicvideos, shortfilms and commercials. CONTACT US: Directed by ERLEND WESTNES DOP CHRISTIAN EKREM Edit and grading ERLEND WESTNES Post effects and 3d modeling EIVIND JACOBSEN Makeup artist GRETE SKJÆVELAND CAST Machinist LASSE VALDAL Girl YVONNE / TEAM Boy ALEKSANDER M. TANGEN / TEAM Music: SIRIUSMO - NIGHTS OFF THANKS Za, Margrethe, TEAMMODELS, UiO and Khang Vinh Tran.

Concert footage: GH2 with Cluster V6 Wed, 01 Aug 2012 21:03:01 +0000 ahbleza 4116@/talks/discussions Shot in The Bowery Electric with a GH2 (Cluster v6) with Nikon 70-200mm f2.8 G series on a crappy tripod (thus the occasional shake.)

I don't mean to brag.... Tue, 31 Jul 2012 23:23:42 +0000 ahbleza 4107@/talks/discussions This is my latest music video. I shot this with AF100 and GH2 (plus a GoPro for inside the car shots, which are very grainy.) The video was directed and edited by James Delgatto.

Iron Sky it is finaly ready Thu, 09 Feb 2012 02:35:50 +0000 otcx 2230@/talks/discussions This film will kick some Hollywood but. Made only with 7 million budget.

Jack Dalton Band - Music Videos - EX1 and GH2 Cluster Tue, 31 Jul 2012 04:30:23 +0000 kavadni 4096@/talks/discussions There is also a few GF2 shots also on Cluster. This is what I came up with .. 13 x 20 minute takes in 8.5 hours (13 takes on the EX1, 7 with the GH2, some random GF2) A crew of 6. In addition to the stage lighting, I had two kinos.

All feedback welcome. The version of cluster is whatever it was in late April.

My desk, some midi controllers, sample film score Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:15:10 +0000 kong 3828@/talks/discussions I recently did a quick video of my desk with my GH2. It also feature a sample score i did using the keystation pro 88. Questions and comments welcome. Thanks.

Swimmer Fri, 27 Jul 2012 23:53:32 +0000 Diffusion33 4066@/talks/discussions Swimmer is a poetic journey through the waterways and coastline of the British Isles, following a lone swimmer through lakes, rivers and coves. The journey is framed by a soundtrack of seminal British music, combined with a sound tapestry of hydrophonic recordings and snippets of bankside conversations. The film aims to give a real feel for the diversity of landscape and people of Britain.

Hand Held 45mm Lens video. Is it possible? Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:57:40 +0000 mpgxsvcd 4054@/talks/discussions I typically use my 25mm F1.4 for hand held videos. There is some shake with that lens but it is manageable on the GH2 which does not have the Olympus in body image stabilization. However, I tried to video with the 45mm F1.8 at close range and no matter what I did I couldn’t hold it steady at this range(about 10 feet at its closest).

Here is an example 45mm lens video

I am impatiently waiting for the 35-100mm(With IS) F2.8 lens. That would have been perfect for this type of scene. It is extremely dark in the lower section of that wall but F2.8 would have worked(Just Barely. ISO 6400) where the F4.5-F5.8(ISO 12,800 or more) of the 14-140mm would not have worked at all.

Is there anything I can do with the 45mm F1.8 until the 35-100mm comes out? I tried VirtualDub with Deshaker and that works well but it simply takes too long when I have one hundred or more 1-2 minute clips to edit. I also tried the new youtube software image stabilization. However, that degrades resolution way too much.

So besides buying an OMD/EM-5 or getting some wearable stabilization is there any way to shoot hand held video at longer focal lengths without stabilization?

Also what do you think about the colors in this video? Is it too much. My intent was to try to enhance the colors of the holds. However, it might have gone too far.

This was shot with AFC and the version 1.1 firmware. The AFC with the new firmware is much better than before. However, I have noticed that it is not quite as good with the Olympus 45mm F1.8 as it is with the 25mm F1.4. The Olympus lens can hunt sometimes. The Panasonic lenses actually transition quite smoothly.

AF100 vs GH2 Flow Motion v2 Test Fri, 20 Jul 2012 10:47:11 +0000 dingeroz 3987@/talks/discussions Amazing results, just look at the sharpness!
