Showcase Mon, 10 Jun 24 17:00:54 +0000 Showcase en-CA Alone Up There - Stand Up Comedy doc featuring a GH1 Fri, 21 Sep 2012 01:59:16 +0000 artiswar 4644@/talks/discussions

Had the pleasure to meet and speak with Albuquerque local, Eddie Tafoya and discuss the origins of stand up for this satellite interview for this Canadian doc.

Only $7 and pretty interesting!

Fall Gliding - Fieldtest Using Flowmotion 80% on Glidecam Thu, 20 Sep 2012 20:25:16 +0000 pchristoph 4642@/talks/discussions
Shot using Lpowell FM 2.02 80% slomo 24H - Thanks for this great work! I have many reasons to stick with my GH2, warts and all. Like great great images thanks to the wizardry of lpowell, cbrandin, driftwood, vitaliy. So much hard work...much appreciated. This is a field test of the 80% 24H in it's usefullness for some telephoto glide ideas I have for an upcoming wedding this October. Shot on a 35mm Takumar f4 1/250 Standard -2-2-2-2. Glidecam HD4000 5D2RGB. no color correction

Whitney I Wed, 19 Sep 2012 23:24:45 +0000 pvjames 4638@/talks/discussions Some footage near base of Mt. Whitney. Used Nick's Sedna AQ1 matrix.

Better quality.!i=2084766486&k=b7pS5nb&lb=1&s=A

NYC on my GH2 Mon, 17 Sep 2012 16:24:05 +0000 gabilourson 4615@/talks/discussions

Sucre d'Orge, another beauty of burlesque ! Sun, 16 Sep 2012 20:14:09 +0000 PhilMyself 4603@/talks/discussions Lovely model Sucre d'Orge on a private show just for us... GH2 in action here with Voigtlander lenses 25mm & 50mm + Olympus 12mm. Lite Panel 1000 & 512, all handheld ! Enjoy !

Short film I made with my Gh2, 25mm 1.4 Summilux and Rokkor 24mm md x 2.8 Thu, 13 Sep 2012 12:44:42 +0000 marko 4570@/talks/discussions I made this little spoof for a video competition. This is my second completed project and I learned a lot. Check it out and if you like it, please click on "like" as it counts as a vote. Any comments are appreciated.

First music video with Driftwood Dark Matter. Fri, 14 Sep 2012 10:16:05 +0000 OzNimbus 4578@/talks/discussions Hey all,

Finally released my first music video shot with the GH2. I ran the Driftwood Dark Matter patch on all shots. Not a single issue came up even once, the camera ran rock solid no matter what I threw at it.

For gear, I used my home made PVC should rig, Glidecam HD1000, and numerous vintage primes. I even managed to sneak in a few shots with a 2X Kowa anamorphic adapter, kept squeezed.

Musically, it's a little different compared to what I've seen on here. I tracked & produced the song, mix & master duty were handled by Fredrik Nordstrom & Henrik Udd at Studio Fredman.

BTW, if you're epileptic, I wouldn't recommend watching this :)

Many thanks to everyone involved in hacking the GH2!

Family is Fantastic (Badass Digest bumper contest submission) Sat, 15 Sep 2012 15:52:00 +0000 robmneilson 4588@/talks/discussions

Just shot this bumper for Fantastic Fest yesterday. It's a bit rough around the edges due to the quickness in which it was shot. But hopefully it get's chosen to play in Austin next week!

Spec Commercials with good 'ole Quantum-X Orion. Mostly 60fps stuff... Fri, 03 Aug 2012 16:58:10 +0000 bwhitz 4140@/talks/discussions It's pretty ridiculous. Shot with Quantum-X Orion. It's my favorite for 60fps stuff. It seriously looks like 1080p material from something like an EX3 when up-ressed...

Oh here's another one too... shot all at night. 60fps Orion still looks great in low-light!

Short Video (en Francais/Quebecois) Wed, 12 Sep 2012 00:21:31 +0000 spacewig 4547@/talks/discussions For anyone interested here's a very quick (i.e. 3 hour shoot) and dirty video I did for a friend's school project using Driftwood's Canis Majoris Night. The image is not graded and I did not use any lights. It is in French but knowledge of the language is definitely not necessary to understand what's going on - sleazy car mechanics.

Pixel peep away...

Film festival promotional video shot on GH2 Tue, 11 Sep 2012 02:59:08 +0000 inqb8tr 4536@/talks/discussions Video for the first edition of a small film festival, created by enthusiasts. This video is supposed to be played on start of each day/projection/press etc, like a festival jingle.

It was no budget, almost run and gun at some points - I cant think of other camera that light and convenient that would capture such great quality image. Shot on hackd Gh2 with Driftwood Sedna AQ1 settings loaded, except welding shots where I used hmc150 to avoid rolling shutter problems.

Listen to the heart of Tuscany Wed, 05 Sep 2012 15:39:39 +0000 GMC 4478@/talks/discussions One of my favorite places on earth - the heart of the Tuscany in Italy, from a macro perspective. No music, just the sounds of little life in a fantastic atmosphere.

A big "Thank you" goes to my friend and fellow filmmaker Nino Leitner, who encouraged me to upload the film as is without music.

Shot over the course of 14 days, searching for those moments where everything aligns. Field recordings with a ZOOM H2, other ressources included

At a later stage, I will most probably share an alternate version with specifically composed music as well.

Let me know what you think!

follow me on twitter:

Shot on the GH1, GH2 (both hacked), a Canon FD 35mm f3.5, Canon FL 55mm f1.2, Voigtlaender 25mm f0.95, DLSR Magic 12mm f1.6 and the 14-140mm kit lens

Apparatus - 9th Wave | Music Video [GH2] Tue, 11 Sep 2012 15:05:13 +0000 x_worpig_x 4541@/talks/discussions

A music video I shot a few months back with Crossfire CM night. Thanks for watching.

Fallen Angel (Music Video) Mon, 10 Sep 2012 21:33:05 +0000 ahbleza 4534@/talks/discussions Here's my latest music video. Not quite a finished cut, but getting there.

Shot with a combination of GH2 and Nikon D800 -- see if you can tell which shots are which. :-)

"ZombieZ" short film Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:04:51 +0000 ChainsawFilms 4490@/talks/discussions Here's a short I made a couple of years back, shot with a Sony EX3 and Panasonic HMC151. Hope you enjoy it :)

GH2/RED Thesis Film Thu, 06 Sep 2012 14:07:28 +0000 pinger007 4491@/talks/discussions Hey all.

I'm shooting my thesis film this fall and am shooting the film on a mix of RED and hacked GH2. We have done several camera tests and after comparing the RED MX, GH2, and super 16, we have decided to shoot with the RED/GH2 combo since they'll cut together so well. My thesis advisors were adamantly against me shooting with DSLRs, let alone the GH2 because A) it wasn't a Canon, and B) they'd never heard of it before. Needless to say, the camera tests made believers out of them. The GH2s are hacked and will utilize the Sedna A hack provided courtesy of Driftwood and Vitaliy. I've been keeping a close eye on the new Apocalypse Now setting, but I'm waiting to see what the INTRA version looks like. I just downloaded the Flat 4 Intra AN tester, but haven't had a chance to shoot with it yet.

@driftwood How will AN Intra stack up against Sedna?

I've got the project up on Kickstarter:

We're looking for as much support as we can get. I think our rewards are pretty kick-butt. We've got hacked GH2s up for grabs as our top reward. If you're in the market for a GH2, then be sure and check out our kickstarter page... you can support our film and walk away with lots of cool stuff, including a hacked GH2. If you mention you're a personal-view member, then we'll throw in an extra Panasonic battery (not a 3rd party knockoff) and a m4/3 nikon adapter as well!!! We've also got other excellent rewards, so please check us out. We really appreciate it!!!

crazy music video Wed, 05 Sep 2012 11:48:53 +0000 sdope79 4475@/talks/discussions filmed with gh2 and carbon stabilizer

and another:

Prelude/Mood Piece to Upcoming Feature Film "Terror Island" starring Luke Goss (shot on GH2) Wed, 05 Sep 2012 17:30:20 +0000 matt_gh2 4482@/talks/discussions Prelude/mood piece to upcoming feature film "Terror Island" starring Luke Goss(Blade II, ABC new series Red Widow). Shot entirely with GH2. (More info on film at )

“100” (5050 years in 150 seconds) Shot on a GH2 Sat, 01 Sep 2012 03:10:11 +0000 Mr_Moore 4439@/talks/discussions Fascinating.

"One Shot" short film Thu, 30 Aug 2012 16:06:26 +0000 ChainsawFilms 4424@/talks/discussions A little short I shot to get a feel for the GH2 and shoulder rig I've recently put together. It's a single shot, so technically it's not the best exposure throughout as we're moving from inside a van, to outside, to a building, but then again I like the blown out look :)

There is a tiny edit in it to take out a few seconds where I pointed the camera the wrong way (!!), but it's masked reasonably well. The one bit we didn't rehearse as it happened. Lesson learnt.

Technical stuff - CM Night hack, 24fps, Tokina 11-16mm set to 11mm, f2.8, Tiffen ProMist 1 4x4. Only light we used was a tiny LED panel mounted on the rear doors inside the van. Sound via a Zoom H4n (which I don't like) and dialogue recorded afterwards. Shot at ISO 640 which resulted in a lot of noise, which in turn resulted in me "discovering" the ISO bug - another lesson learnt for next time. Cleaned up and added grain :) Graded quite a bit, especially indoors, lifting the mids quite high.

Abstract Skate Video - Quantum 9b, DaVinci Sun, 02 Sep 2012 14:42:53 +0000 artiswar 4451@/talks/discussions


"From the depths of a hard drive comes a cacophony of stoke, steeze, and flatspots. Albuquerque's James West and Ross Porter hurl themselves down a blackhole."

My first short GH2 Fri, 31 Aug 2012 08:47:25 +0000 etreetsoi 4433@/talks/discussions hi, this is a promotional video "cottage in France"

panasonic GH2 firmware 1.1 . 14-140HD

phab : "sorry my english it's very bad" :)

trees, leaves, & sunsets (hacked gh2 testing) Thu, 30 Aug 2012 23:06:46 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 4429@/talks/discussions

This is some of my first testing of a hacked gh2, shot over the course of a month around my house. The more I watch it the more I'm not feeling the soundtrack lol

kit lens slight grade with magic bullet

would have already purchased a nice m43 lens but put back for the blackmagic CC. I would like for it to arrive at my door already, but you can't rush greatness.

Norwegian music video (Canis Majoris) Wed, 29 Aug 2012 15:28:43 +0000 kjartan 4409@/talks/discussions We just finished this one last night. Shot on 2 GH2s with SLR Magic 12mm lenses and a Voigtländer Nokton 25mm. No scenes are cropped. Also no ND filters used, since we can't afford them. Yet.

The song is in Norwegian and the topic is jealousy.

Seeking Empire "Fairytale" Music Video Wed, 29 Aug 2012 11:34:52 +0000 khoumphonh 4405@/talks/discussions a music video i shot with a few friends on my gh2 and 5d mk2.

Boy Band Parody shot on GH2 Wed, 16 May 2012 00:08:12 +0000 Greek_m43 3224@/talks/discussions So two weeks ago I went down to Long Beach, CA and shot a boy band parody. I shot it with @Driftwood Sedna AAQ1 settings. I shot with 20mm pancake and Canon FD lenses. We used with a 4 foot honda fan and fullers earth on the beach. I'll start posting up screen grabs of RAW mts files compared with the 5DtoRGB files. I'll post the trailers and the actual video up on here. I can tell you about everything we did or used on the shoot. You can check out behind the scenes here: and the blog I wrote up here:

Rock festival video - hacked GH2 shines ;) Tue, 28 Aug 2012 16:37:50 +0000 inqb8tr 4394@/talks/discussions Chris Eckman from The Walkabouts at a Searock festival in my town. Shot with 2 HMC 150, hacked GH2 and a GoPro :)

We shot 5 concerts in two nights, 2hrs of finalized material, this is just one song.

GH2 with Driftwood Sedna settings is handheld with Nikkor 50 1.8 Ais pancake (great short focus ring span), intentionally dirty to spice things up a bit. HMC's hold up great too!

Our first commercial shot on a hacked GH2. Tue, 28 Aug 2012 13:15:30 +0000 Skenzin 4392@/talks/discussions No color correction, temp soundtrack, etc.

A day in Miami Fri, 24 Aug 2012 15:56:42 +0000 adamquesada 4355@/talks/discussions If you were thinking of a vacation this video will make you wanna visit Miami! No I'm jk.. but I hope you like it anyway :)

Arthurian Brocéliande - Tokina 11-16 Driftwood VY Canis Majoris Thu, 23 Aug 2012 15:32:45 +0000 richardwouter 4345@/talks/discussions Some footage that I shot on holiday in France with my Panasonic GH2 and Tokina AT-X Pro 11-16 lens. Shot in the Paimpont forest (said to be the Arthurian Brocéliande) and near Mont Saint-Michel. A timelapse at the golden hour before darkness.

Just for fun to play with my new wide lens. No special grading.

Camera : Panasonic GH2 AVC-Intra (Driftwood VY Canis Majoris Day PM) Lens : Tokina AT-X 116 Pro DX AF 11-16mm f2.8 Gear : Sachtler FSB-4 75 CF, Gini Rig Follow Focus, Lilliput field monitor Tools: FCPX

Locations: Paimpont forest, sometimes said to be the Arthurian Brocéliande, is in the French commune of Paimpont, near the city of Rennes in Brittany. As Brocéliande it had a reputation in the Medieval imagination as a place of magic and mystery. It is the setting of a number of adventures in Arthurian legend, notably Chrétien de Troyes's Yvain, the Knight of the Lion, and locals[citation needed] claim the tree in which the Lady of the Lake supposedly imprisoned Merlin can still be seen today.

Mont Saint-Michel (Saint Michael's Mount) is a rocky tidal island and a commune in Normandy, France. It is located approximately one kilometre (just over half a mile) off the country's north-western coast, at the mouth of the Couesnon River near Avranches. The population of the island is 41, as of 2006. The Mont-Saint-Michel and its bay are part of the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.
