Panasonic Sun, 16 Jun 24 16:29:52 +0000 Panasonic en-CA Timelapse questions from a newbie Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:29:37 +0000 wildlark 2340@/talks/discussions As a newbie to GH2 and a big fan of timelapse, I need to get past all the jargon and math to a simple blow by blow setup. Has someone compiled something like this, as my head is spinning reading all the posts about it? Is there some well written, easy to follow, succinct document? I have just updated the GH2 firmware and installed the hack with EOHSD's minimum recommendations. Can you tell me,

  1. What it is that I need to tick in the selection boxes of the latest hack to get the mjpeg activated. (I could not find this as shown in the GH1 version.)
  2. How to download and install Timelapser.
  3. Exactly how to set up optimal settings in the GH2 to utilise Timelapser.

Thanks in advance for your attention and excuse my ignorance of this subject!

Some sort of Hack for external Microphone on the GF2? Mon, 20 Feb 2012 16:45:22 +0000 freestylez 2348@/talks/discussions Hi there, i hope this is the right place to ask but since i am very new to digital photography (just ordered my gf2, dont have it yet :) i wanted to ask if someone knows a way to use an external microphone on the gf2 regardless what the specs say?



A question of locution for the "hacked" GH2 Mon, 20 Feb 2012 13:16:00 +0000 digger 2342@/talks/discussions Most clients I work with are not familiar with the GH2, so when I put in a bid on a job I'm not sure of the best way to promote the PTool upgraded version. I also have an EX1 and a 5D with which most people are familiar, so when I mention that I have a GH2 I'll say something along the lines of "which has been upgraded to shoot at extremely high bit rates" or "above broadcast quality." What is the best way to phrase this? How do you in a few words sell the GH2 to someone who has never heard of it as an equivalent quality camera to the 5D or EX1?

GH2 in sea water... Tue, 31 Jan 2012 22:59:57 +0000 gizmo 2159@/talks/discussions Today I acidentaly dropped my GH2 in the sea water. As soon as I was able to reach the camera I turned it off, pulled battery out and also SD card. Immediately rinsed camera with fresh water and left it on the plastic bag with fresh water until I got home. Than rinsed it again and left overnight in the fresh water. Tomorrow I will leave it one the sun to dry out and I hope it will work. Other big problem is that SD card is seen by the computer but can't read anything from it. Actually it see card as a drive but it doesn't see content on the card. It is VERY important to save few videos that I could't reshoot. Card was also rinsed with fresh water and left in the bag with raw rice to dry it out. Maybe it wasn't enough to dry out for a few hours in the rice? Help please...

GH2 - Controlling Flickering from Computer Monitor Fri, 17 Feb 2012 00:45:59 +0000 willianaleman 2306@/talks/discussions Is there a setting for controlling computer monitor flickering while shooting? I haven't found yet a setting in the GH2 to control 50 or 60Hz signal as other video cameras use to control this anomaly.

Thanks in advance

Sound monitoring solution for GH2 ? Thu, 16 Feb 2012 07:09:51 +0000 feha 2295@/talks/discussions Have any one fixed sound monitoring on GH2 ? Any solution ? Does HDMI pass thru the audio ? If using LCD monitor with HDMI in and headset connected via monitor ? Any idea ?

Any good references on GH2 Film Modes? Thu, 16 Feb 2012 12:22:42 +0000 Brian_Siano 2297@/talks/discussions Is there a good technical summary of the GH2's various film modes? The camera offers good short descriptions, and the online comparison-videos are nice, but I'd like to see something more technical: for example, a graph of how the dynamic ranges of Cinema and Smooth compare. (And if possible, how adjusting things like contrast, saturation, etc., affect these.) Does such a thing exist on the Web?

2.35:1 Display aspect ratio in MJPEG 30fps mode Wed, 15 Feb 2012 21:37:07 +0000 Tommyboy 2292@/talks/discussions So, I just did a quick test by setting up one of the custom dials to be fully automatic (P Mode for exposure), just in case I need to get the camera rolling quickly. I tested all the footage to be surprised by the mjpeg HD footage. This footage has 2.35:1 display aspect ratio.

ID                               : 1
Format                           : JPEG
Codec ID                         : jpeg
Duration                         : 11s 500ms
Bit rate mode                    : Variable
Bit rate                         : 102 Mbps
Width                            : 2 048 pixels
Height                           : 864 pixels
Display aspect ratio             : 2.35:1
Frame rate mode                  : Constant
Frame rate                       : 30.000 fps
Compression mode                 : Lossy

Any Ideas?

Documentary film with GH2 japan version in 1080 50i. Wed, 15 Feb 2012 00:25:38 +0000 Alberto 2283@/talks/discussions Hello everyone, this is my first post, excuse me if my question is kinda stupid but I need advice ... I will soon work as a cameraman in a documentary film shot mostly with a Canon XF100 Pal in 50i mode. My role will be a B camera, with a GH2 I'm going to buy in Japan. My question is, what is the best patch to turn landscape plans in 50i that can be fitted well with the Canon XF100?

Thank you for your help! Alberto

The GH2 on the big screen Wed, 01 Feb 2012 21:57:07 +0000 OSGondar 2171@/talks/discussions Dearest Friends

In the past i have been far more active here than in the last few months. Partly because ive been busy with filming rather than patch development. Besides @driftwood the genius that he is leaves me no work to do in patching for a long time now.. hehe Thank you btw. In Any case with that said i want to show you the trailer for my new film hitting a few festivals soon shot mostly on my GH2 and an assistant on his cannon. We had a red carpet premiere here in NYC and are now doing the festival circuit. Due to the timing of the release we will be missing some of the major festivals but will enter those next year. Generally i love to do narrative work but in this case i did a documentary which was a bit of a challenge due to the size of driftwood patches... but the quality is worth it!

My request is if you could please help me out so that i can go on to do more work by pressing the like button on my page. I always promote @Vitaliy_Kiselev and the GH2 on any set or project i am involved with. i wold REALLY appreciate some support from the community if you will be so kind. You can also find my GH2 guide on there if you haven't seen it yet, it was popular before the faq went up around here but it still gets plenty of comments.

One of the things that excites me the most about this release is that thanks to @driftwood and @Vitaliy_Kiselev i can continue to prove that the GH2 INDEED has enough quality for the movie theaters! That it is more than just something you compare to other cameras on vimeo!! I've had poeple dispute this claim that it does not belong on the big screen in my forums and to them is say keep complaining... its not exactly a scarlet FINE but the rest of us are putting the gh2 EVEN with those short comings on the big screen ANYWAY, its the best camera to me and especially thanks to @driftwood and @Vitaliy_Kiselev who i cant possibly thank enough for their work. In that way i would say they helped with my work and in my opinion NOT indirectly.. with even my career for making the camera everything it is today.. It most definitely boosts my creativity or just work ethic to LOVE my camera, i can never seem to put it down, every single day i shoot something. The last time i loved a camera this much was the DVX100, remember those days?? hehe... aah.. Another Panasonic classic.

I humbly request everyone click like on my page here :
or like it from my site here (its on the left column)

You can view the imdb page for the film here :

And last but not least a great review for the film by the huffington post here:

Thank you so much if you help me with the likes to promote the work or my page a littte bit, it could really help me move on to my next project. Its always a pleasure to be a part of this community and working toward the GH2 being # 1, May we see many more projects hit the big screen filmed with it!

GH2 - How to get a constant lens aperture? Wed, 15 Feb 2012 01:56:57 +0000 willianaleman 2284@/talks/discussions Shooting in Movie Mode, no matter what lens I use, mechanic or electronic with GH2, the aperture in the camera changes accordingly with the light source as soon as I pan or tilt up/down. Is there a way to lock the iris within the camera, the ISO, shutter speed or wherever is causing this behavior in the camera? I'm looking for a zoom lens with constant aperture for the GH2.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Here is a list of lens used at the moment, they all behave the same:

Panasonic - 14-42 - 14 140mm

Nikon: - 135 mm 1:2.8 - 50mm 1:1.8 - 52mm 1:14 - 85-205mm 1:8 - 300mm 1:4.5

GH2 best auto mode to convert to match manual mode shots of 24p Sun, 12 Feb 2012 04:02:35 +0000 Jrb 2250@/talks/discussions I shoot in Manual mode as we all should, 1080p24.... But some times the shots i need to get involve moving camera a lot (or zooming in and out) so manual mode is not so good as my exposure doesn't change to match what ever light has changed with movement.

Therefore I sometimes use the fully auto video mode and it does everything for me. Sometimes i need to quickly grab the cam before I miss the action.

So my question is: What is the best mode to convert to match my 1080p24 footage?

1080i - I would need to deinterlace and then this would end up 540p right? Well, no way true 1080p

720p - ok this is 50p and I would be stretching the footage to become 1080p

I know I will be losing quality but sometimes it can't be helped for the odd few short shots here and there.

So my thoughts were to use 720p rather than 1080i... Any ideas? Thank in advanced.

gf2: pal ntsc switchable? Mon, 13 Feb 2012 16:31:12 +0000 kaleida 2269@/talks/discussions Hi, I'm trying to figure out if the GF2 stock firmware allows for switching betweenPAL and NTSC modes for video shooting 1080p/60i and 1080p/50i. Further, will it matter if I use a European, US or Japan version of the camera when installing the imminent (hopefully) pool version allowing the GF2 to be tweaked?

GH2 noise reduction tips Mon, 13 Feb 2012 05:28:41 +0000 haribabis 2264@/talks/discussions I move my thread here, as suggested, to start a new topic.

latest trick-tip. I try it and it works, even with unhacked 1.1 firmware!!! You have just to start with whitebalancing a little to blue to reduce the red channel. Of course the 320/640 etc bug exist.

Are GH2 audio and video in sync ? Thu, 09 Feb 2012 12:13:37 +0000 duch 2234@/talks/discussions This might seem like a stupid question, but are the audio and video recorded on a GH2 in perfect sync ?

I ask because Canon EOS audio is out of sync by 2-3 frames (depending on the framerate), which makes it almost useless to me due to the huge amount of manual re-syncing required.

(if this question have already been answered : sorry)

GH2 new behaviour Tue, 07 Feb 2012 08:53:25 +0000 alfred 2214@/talks/discussions I have since yesterday in the EC-Modus a little blue cross in the middle of the picture superimposed. This on both on EV and the screen. I don´t kow, what has caused it. Does somebody know, how I can stop this?

Syncing gh2 & audio recorder using remote ? Thu, 19 Jan 2012 05:09:32 +0000 cesardeuve 2058@/talks/discussions hi all first of all, thank you all for all the great info that you share.... and thanks to vitaly for the effort first post here... lets go: gh2 has a remote input, and some audio recorders too (like, for ex., one that i'm following, marantz pmd661)... it would be posible to build something that can make that both devices starts to record at the same time from just one bottom? probably, sometimes, you will have to make little retouches to sync in post, but, at least, you will never forget to push both rec buttons, and you always gonna have the same number of clips (video, audio), so syncing in pospo will be easier can be done? what do you think? i found it very useful in some works (working alone, documentary shooting...) ...

Noise when shooting VIDEO of landscape with aperture of 22 Fri, 27 Jan 2012 08:11:57 +0000 Jrb 2120@/talks/discussions Very bright sunny day standing on a hill looking across to other large hills far away.

14-140mm kits lens, 50 shutter speed, ISO 160, aperture closed down for correct exposure to 22 (no ND used).

Once I got back and checked footage on large screen I noticed this video had quite a lot of noise.

The shot that I took with the Voiglander 25mm f0.95 didn't seem to have much noise. I think this was set at f2.8 and then I used a lightcraft variable ND to get the correct exposure.

So my question is... Does closing down the aperture fully (22) create this horrid noise?

Does anyone have any advise on what would be a good aperture to use when shooting landscapes? Is there a recommended aperture not to go passed, like 16 or something?

GH2 Smearing even with low ISO? Sat, 28 Jan 2012 05:27:54 +0000 Frame 2127@/talks/discussions Hello to all! My first posting, I am reading this forum for some time. You are all doing great work. I got my GH2 three days ago, and I stumbled over some horizontal bleeding/smearing with strong contrasts.

I only had time to test the GH2 in my appartment, so welcome to my sleeping room:

You´ll have to watch very, very, very, very carefully:


This was shot with 160 ISO/ Shutter 50, Nostalgic, Contrast/sharpness -2 GH2 unhacked: On the wall, between the windows, mostly visible between the horizontal wooden bars that divide the windows, you´ll see a faint horizontal lighter area matching the height of the bars. Move the page / image up and down with your mouse If you dont´t see it. This smearing becomes more apparent with higher ISOs, and it will get a purple cast. But I have not prepared a jpeg yet. For comparison: My Canon XH-A1 1/3" CCD´s that should be more prone to smearing do not show this effect at all.

Now introducing my washing machine at 2500 ISO, again Nostalgic Mode, unhacked: Same effect with lesser contrast: image

Watch the left side of the open lid: A faint lighter bluish horizontal line starting from the lid. If yo don´t notice it, move the image up and down.

This line is not a reflection in the stock 40-140 lens, it was perfectly "motion tracked" to the lid when I panned the camera up and down.. A reflection would move more like a lens flare I guess.

Even though the smearing is hard to see in this JPEGS, I did notice it instantly on the GH2´s LCD-Screen while recording. Like the window, the lid is not much overexposed. And with the grey behind the white lid, there is not much contrast.

Could anyone confirm this effect? A "built in fault" like the the dark band caused by shutter in high ISO , or faulty camera? I am not shure wether IDynamics was on, but I think, I at least switched it off on the window. All the best, Frame

Interlacing artifacts in new 25p mode Sun, 18 Dec 2011 07:37:13 +0000 fatpig 1772@/talks/discussions
I had a shoot of a band yesterday, and i wanted to share this picture with you.
It does seem to have some interlacing artifacts at the top of the guitar.
what do you think?]]>
Panasonic GH2 - possible to stop all in-camera Noise Reduction? Sun, 29 Jan 2012 17:03:20 +0000 Lyris 2140@/talks/discussions Hello all, Many thanks for your amazing work in unlocking the Panasonic GH2's full potential.

Viewing the hacked footage, the only complaint I have left is that the camera appears to perform some sort of spatial filtering (presumably for NR purposes) in dark areas. The noise in the midtones and brighter areas is fine and high-frequency, and almost film-grain like. However, shadow noise appears to be spatially filtered, with fine details missing. This occurs even with all the NR settings disabled on the camera, and is problematic for doing further NR in post production, especially when underexposed footage needs to be brightened.

Is this something you're aware of? Can it be disabled to give us a "warts and all" image from the camera?

Example (gamma raised to show issue):

Biggest GH2 mystery EVER discovered Sat, 28 Jan 2012 15:13:57 +0000 cbrandin 2130@/talks/discussions Lurking in the depths of the GH2 firmware... well, you'll just have to look for yourself (or listen as the case may be). See the attached file.


GH2 Guide Book. Deal or no deal? Wed, 01 Jun 2011 16:01:10 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 160@/talks/discussions
What would you guys say?]]>
GH2 HACK (WHERE AND HOW) Sun, 29 Jan 2012 04:02:18 +0000 gh2flyer 2136@/talks/discussions Have donated to this site and read it extensively.

And am extensively frustrated that I don't see where and how to install the latest firmware "hack" for my GH2. Can ANYONE send me a link and a way they successfully downloaded a "hack" that is relatively trouble free with good results? Thank you in advance. -Panties in a Bunch

GH2 fw 1.0E vs 1.0F Sat, 28 Jan 2012 18:48:03 +0000 deepcoat 2133@/talks/discussions Hi to all. I have bought recently new GH2 from EU. Today I have decided to update of my GH2 of modified 1.0E fw instead of a factory installed fw 1.0F (version F is visible in service a mode). As a result I have received a surprise, at observance of all requirements for updating at presence in a root folder of a card of a file of the modified 1.0E fw file, its GH2 simply doesn't see it. At pressing play button the camera simply offers viewing of contents of a card. At placing in a root folder both versions, modified 1.0E fw file and new official 1.1 the camera also sees nothing. And only at presence in a root folder of official version 1.1 my GH2 suggests it to be update. How I understand, without hacking 1.0F or 1.1 way to the expanded functions for new bodies GH2 is closed? Excuse me for my English :) Thanx!

Manual white balance and set noise bug Thu, 26 Jan 2012 17:31:58 +0000 spacewig 2116@/talks/discussions On January 15 @shian made the following comment:

"Also, with all patches, I've discovered that the manual white balance sample and set function (the next to last option to the right) creates noise. You really need to either use one of the presets or dial in the balance by adjusting the temp (last option on the right), using the sample white function to set white balance creates something similar to the ISO bug, insane noise."

which generated nowhere near the amount of discussion I think this issue deserves.

I do all my white balance with a gray card, and I suspect many of you do also. From everything I've read, white balance is a necessary step to achieving a proper exposure and capturing a neutral image. Without a gray card it is very difficult for me - a non-pro and with limited experience - to know if my image is properly white balanced short of my opinion of what i see on the LCD screen on the back of the camera.

For now I have the following questions and invite anyone with knowledge/advice/solutions to comment:

*Can anyone else confirm this problem?

*Does the manual WB sample and set issue reported by Shian exist in all patches/firmware or just the Quantum V7 patch?

*Does the camera white balance by changing color temperature only or does it also modify the settings in the adjust screen in the WB menu (which looks like a target with the following codes at the NSEW positions: G+, B, M-, A)?

*If one does a manual white balance with a grey card, what is the most accurate way of achieving the same results using the Temperature and Adjust functions (thereby eliminating the noise issue reported by shian)?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Firmware update for GX1 Wed, 18 Jan 2012 19:20:39 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2050@/talks/discussions

  • Enhancement in the performance of AWB
  • Enhancement in the performance of [AFF] (AF Flexible) and [AFC] (AF Continuous)
  • Improved stability when used with the SD Memory Card complying with UHS-I
  • Addition of [STEP ZOOM] and [ZOOM SPEED] in the setting of [Fn] (Function) button and [Q.MENU]
  • Reflection of [DRIVE MODE] settings to [CUSTOM SETTING]
  • [MENU RESUME] in each menu tab
  • Page flip in the menu tab with [DISP.] (Display) button
GH2 Hack: Error with SD Card after Battery Changing Wed, 25 Jan 2012 09:13:36 +0000 ColdStuff 2106@/talks/discussions I am working with with GH2 hack 3.63.

As I am filming long sequences (theatre plays, 2 hours and more) I get out of battery sometimes while filming.

So then the following error occurs.

After changing the battery the GH2 can´t write anymore in AVCHD to the SD Card. Error: "AVCHD files: maximal amount reached" Actually I only had 6 to 10 mts files.

I then have to change to another SD Card or continue to film in motion jpeg on the same card.

Error occured with bandwith 44000 bytes and with an 64 GByte Oltramax class 10 card.

Engadget has GX-1 review Mon, 23 Jan 2012 14:40:21 +0000 bubba 2093@/talks/discussions link:

GH2 & G3 False rumors Fri, 20 Jan 2012 07:43:39 +0000 LongJohnSilver 2069@/talks/discussions I'm seeing all these rumors about an upcoming GH3.... But it's true that the GH2 has been discontinued or it has been discontinued only the kit lens?
