Panasonic Mon, 03 Jun 24 14:54:38 +0000 Panasonic en-CA GH4 NTSC Limited FHD MP4 record time? Thu, 29 Oct 2015 07:34:10 +0000 smoke23 14000@/talks/discussions So I was shooting a live speaker event yesterday and wanted to try out FHD mode with a lower bitrate (20mbps) in MP4. I noticed it only gave me 27 min of record time and read the manual which it stated: "when the motion picture size is set to [FHD], [HD] or [VGA] in [MP4], you can continuously record a motion picture up to 29 minutes 59 seconds". I have an NTSC GH4, is there a reason for this? So basically if I want a lower bitrate, I'm stuck with AVCHD if I need the clips to span? This was the first time I've ever tried the lower bitrates. However, the manual states on page 60: "When the motion picture size is set to [FHD], [HD] or [VGA] in [MP4], you can continuously record a motion picture up to 29 minutes 59 seconds" or until the file size reaches 4gb. - Since the files size becomes larger with [FHD], recording with [FHD] will stop before 29 minutes 59 seconds." I tried a 32gb, 64gb, and 128gb card...same thing. It will span at 200mbps but not 20mbps? Weird

Share a GH4 LUT that you created Sun, 11 Oct 2015 07:20:00 +0000 Azo 13918@/talks/discussions Hey Guys...

Here are some LUTS that I put together. I am by no means an expert or colorist at all. I simply wanted some LUTS that have good skin tones and these look decent IMO. In regards to LUTS/LOOKS and grading in general everybody has different preferences so please keep this in mind if you decide to use these LUTS. If these LUTS do not look good to you please feel free to say so and share the LUTS that you created which you feel are better for skin tones.

Please note that the settings were tested with everything being properly exposed and white balanced using a light meter. I have noticed in the past using a waveform monitor hooked up to the GH4 that I get the best skin tones when I expose the midtones between 43-50 IRE. The exception to this general rule of thumb is VLog. I have overexposed VLog by 2 stops without any adverse effects on skin tones.

That being said I am not sure if one LUT can cover everything for skintones because you need a different IRE level for different types of skin tones. Anyway guys I just wanted to share my LUTS with you guys, hopefully it will be useful for some people. Here is some helpful information in regards to skin tones.

As a point of reference in terms of what I think looks good for skin tones this is exactly what I am trying to achieve with these settings.

Click on link below to access the LUTS:

ADDENDUM: Natural Profile I was trying to increase the dynamic range with the Natural profile by adjusting the highlights/shadows and master pedestal As the old saying goes you can't turn chicken shit into chicken salad so take this setting for just that, possibly a feeble attempt at squeezing a little more dynamic range out of it.

There are 2 options with the Natural Profile.

  1. Use the Natural Profile like you would any other profile with these settings: Contrast=0, Sharpness-3, Noise Reduction-5, Saturation-1, Hue=0 H/S=0, iDynamic=Standard, Master Pedestal=0, Luminance 0-255. Do not apply the LUT to these settings

  2. Use the Natural Profile with the LUT provided with the following settings. Contrast=0 Sharpness-3, Noise Reduction-5, Saturation-1, Hue=0, Highlights=+5 Shadows-5, iDynamic=Standard, Master Pedestal-15, Luminance 0-255. Apply lut to these settings.

Basically, I don't know if its worth it to stretch the image back with the Natural Profile using the LUT because the skin tones look weird to me when doing so. I do notice more detail in highlights like white shirts with patterns and stuff but not sure that I like the skin tones.

GH4 AZO LUT Natural Setting Contrast =0 Sharpness -3 Noise Reduction -5 Saturation -1 Hue =0 Highlight/Shadows = H-5 S+5 iDynamic =Standard iResolution =0 Master Pedestal -15 Luminance= 0-255

GH4 AZO LUT Cine D Setting Contrast =0 Sharpness =0 Noise Reduction =0 Saturation =0 Hue =0 Highlights=0 Shadows=0 iDynamic =Off iResolution =Off Master Pedestal =0 Luminance= 0-255

GH4 AZO LUT VLog Setting Contrast =NA Sharpness =0 Noise Reduction -5 Saturation =NA Hue =NA Highlight/Shadows =NA iDynamic =NA iResolution =Off Master Pedestal =NA Luminance= 0-255

VLog Instructions for Final Cut Pro X: Apply ARRI Log C LUT in the info pane Info-Log Processing-ARRI Log C Next apply azo_VLog_ARRI_LUT with a LUT utility for Final Cut Pro X this should be in the “Effects Browser” tab

VLog Instructions for Premiere Pro: In the Effect Controls panel click on the Lumetri Color tab Click on Basic Correction tab Click on the Input Lut tab and select ALEXA_Default_LogC2Rec709 Click on Effects tab, Color Correction tab, then scroll down to Lumetri Color drag and drop Lumetri Color on to clip. Go back to the Effects Controls panel then click on the second Lumetri Control tab and then select azo_VLog_ARRI_LUT_33_point.

Natural/Cine D Instructions Natural & Cine D Luts can be applied with a LUT utility for Final Cut Pro X directly from the “Effects Browser” or directly from the Lumetri Color panel in Premiere Pro.

GH4 + Atomos Ninja Assassin Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:27:23 +0000 vdowiz 13968@/talks/discussions Does anyone know how to keep GH4 from going to sleep or go in standby mode, without requiring any input or have to constantly record video onto an SD card? Atomos Ninja Assassin gets input from GH4 only when GH4 is awake(showing video on its LCD display). I need to constantly record GH4's 4K video onto Ninja Assassin. But, GH4 going to sleep after 5 to 10 minutes(battery saving/economy mode), leaving Ninja Assassin to record black screen.

GH4 - Disabling GH4's sleep mode Tue, 20 Oct 2015 14:31:38 +0000 vdowiz 13969@/talks/discussions Does anyone know how to keep GH4 from going to sleep or go in standby mode? I need to disable the sleep/standby mode. I didn't find anything in the manual except, it only allows under "Economy" standby mode to be maximum 5 Minutes.

Is the GH4 a lot better than the GH3 in low light? Mon, 29 Jun 2015 11:22:51 +0000 ipcmlr 13293@/talks/discussions Just wanted to know, Is the GH4 a lot better than the GH3 in low light?

Was thinking of getting a gh3 but do not know how well it does at 1600 iso vs the GH4.

Any opinions?


GH4 focusing compared to GH2 question Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:27:35 +0000 howardst 11262@/talks/discussions i use two hacked gh2s. i do mostly video. im hearing the gh4 flat out blows the gh2 away with auto focus. im thinking of buying one and using my gh2 for.broll. I hear it focuses just like a video camera. any insight appreciated. thanks

Be Careful: GH2 body dead after I connected it to a 8,4v Battery Pack Sat, 06 Aug 2011 12:28:11 +0000 misterhu 608@/talks/discussions I bought a 8,4v battery (racing pack) pack and connected it to my brand new GH2! Now the camera is totally dead! Doesnt work with the power supply, doesnt work with the original battery!

What shall I do now? Any idea what could have happened? I probably lost my warranty with the hack! Any advice? Any trick to get the camera working again?]]>
GH3 hdmi not outputting 1080p despite viera link=off & hdmi mode=auto Wed, 19 Mar 2014 06:59:56 +0000 andrevanberlo 9915@/talks/discussions Hey Everyone,

Just got the ultrastudio mini recorder and started testing with the GH3 hdmi out. It sends 1080i50 when it is in auto mode despite the fact that I have rec quality in 1080p/25. 720p/50 is also possible but no 1080p.

I checked the FAQ for GH3 and there it says:

"How to make the Lumix GH3 camera deliver proper, recordable 1080p over HDMI: Deactivate VIERRA Link and Set HDMI Output to AUTO"

With me it doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how I can do this or are 720p and 1080i the only possibilities?



PS I have installed latest firmware on my GH3

Fix for colour shift? Mon, 28 Sep 2015 12:34:06 +0000 AlecR 13851@/talks/discussions When I last used a Panasonic camera (the G6), it had a colour shift problem, i.e. when you hit record, the colour changes so it is different to what it is before you record. The GH2 and GH3 both had the same problem.

My question is, has this been fixed now or is it still an issue?

Here's your chance to ask Panasonic your questions! Mon, 07 Sep 2015 11:32:23 +0000 tylerknight 13671@/talks/discussions Hey everyone!

On September 9th, two representatives from Panasonic Japan will be visiting the Canadian Panasonic headquarters to view the facility and we have arranged for them to answer some questions from the online community!

Mr. Sawada, Director of DSC Imaging Group and Mr. Katayama who is head of Marketing for the Americas group will be answering your questions and taking your feature requests!

Please comment with your questions and requests ans they will be presented to them on the 9th. Answers will be posted in an interview style article and on the forum so stay tuned in the following weeks for the replies!

Please keep all questions and requests civil and to the point and refrain from technical troubleshooting and complaints as these can be addressed by contacting Panasonic directly.

Ask away!

help me translate Fri, 18 Sep 2015 11:31:37 +0000 ply 13739@/talks/discussions I bought a panasonic gh4 but it came with only japanese language .when i try to take a picture it show me a message in japanese which i don't understand,attached is the picture of the message in japanese please someome should tell me what it means in english.?

GH3/4 laggy 25p video Fri, 28 Aug 2015 15:27:09 +0000 sergeiicz 13622@/talks/discussions Hello can somebody kick me in, i am lost now .. when i try to shot 25p 1/50 or 50p 1/100 video and import to Premiere with 25p sequence, video is laggy - no matter if i slow down 50p shot, even 25p is laggy - tripod pan, is there any settings in GH causing this ? try to switch off mega ois or set 180d shutter angle on gh4 i see that 25p video should be smooth in tripod pan (my 24p shot looks smoother) thanks for any ideas

GH4 crop more on 1080??? Sat, 05 Sep 2015 13:14:53 +0000 grierdill 13660@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I'm doing a shoot later today and can't figure out what is up with the GH4. When I switch between 4K and 1080 the 1080 is way more cropped than 4K, but it's supposed to be the other way around. What's going on? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

Selecting 2nd camera - GX8, G7 or GH3? Sun, 30 Aug 2015 10:58:47 +0000 Glenn7 13625@/talks/discussions I want to get second camera to my GH3.

4K in G7 and GX8 is tempting and all, what do you think guys?

Sigma ART 18-35 f/1.8+ Mitakon Turbo lens or Panasonic 12-35 f/2.8? Fri, 21 Aug 2015 14:18:19 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 13591@/talks/discussions Hi, i've Panasonic Lumix GH3 and i need a good wide angle. AT THE SAME PRICE, for you which is the better choise? (Sigma+mitakon don't have stabilization and autofocus but much fast lens).

Thank you

GH2 Firmware 1.11 - where to download? Fri, 21 Aug 2015 00:47:22 +0000 fatpig 13587@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

I must have missed something when it came out, but Firmware version 1.11 is mentioned all over this site. can somebody link me the download?


Lumix GH2 with lens adapter, aperture? Wed, 19 Aug 2015 13:20:24 +0000 dssob 13573@/talks/discussions Hello, I have lens for canon 50mm 1.4, it has no aperture manual control. I found an adapter on ebay, but it has no auto focusing and aperture control. Any idea how to use canon lenses on GH2 with adapter? Maybe put EOS lens with open aperture 1.4 and try to controll shutter speed and iso to shoot videos?

GH2- 720p zooms in a little vs 1080? Thu, 13 Aug 2015 13:02:17 +0000 MultiPanhandler 13542@/talks/discussions I was just trying out some shooting on the GH2 and thought that I would need more 720p enhancement than 1080, so i figured Cake should be good for my uses. I did notice that there was quite a bit of difference in the field of view between 1080 and 720, maybe about 15-20% less in 720. Is this normal? I'm using the same lens for both, and its a prime, so no zooming.

Buy GH4 or wait..for what? Sun, 30 Nov 2014 04:37:16 +0000 belfryman 11872@/talks/discussions In the UK there's double cashback today on the GH4, £200 back, but not tomorrow, so feeling a bit of pressure to buy a GH4 today, buuuuut wonder if there's anything to hold out for that's coming round the bend in the same price range as GH4 but maybe something new and wonderful about it - I prefer the look of my BMPCC to GH3 and FZ1000, much richer to my eyes. Anyone know anything that I should save my exhausted credit card for instead!?

GH2 no longer re-focusing during filming on shutter half press. WTF? Mon, 10 Aug 2015 05:22:50 +0000 lorilin 13522@/talks/discussions Hi folks,

This is weird. I fired up my GH2 today after not using it for a few months. Freshly charged battery.

I don't remember having changed any settings, and I'm using my same C2 custom preset as always. For whatever reason, I cannot get the camera to let me refocus with the half-press shutter technique when I'm filming. It just doesn't work. If I hunt around with my finger I eventually end up pressing too hard and the camera stops filming.

It's set to AF-s, with Shutter AF ON, and Half-press release OFF. (Maybe these are wrong?) I tried on both the 20mm pancake and the 14-42 kit lens.

Anybody else run into this? Any idea what it might be?

UPDATE! OK, I just messed around some more and found something even weirder! If I slightly move the camera body while half-pressing, then the autofocus works on half press. But if I hold the camera still (like on my monopod) it just won't refocus. I don't recall ever having this problem before. Sometimes the AF would hunt a bit when I would half-press refocus during filming, but it was at least responsive even when I held the camera still.

Thanks in advance!


GH3 (GH4 too?) OEM eyecup Thu, 20 Feb 2014 22:19:24 +0000 debuys 9679@/talks/discussions I lost my GH3's EVF eyecup. I modified an aftermarket Hoodman Nikon D300 eyecup to fit and it's great but it obstructs the LCD's movement and extends above the hotshoe. I wanted to replace the original eyecup and had a hell of a time finding even just the part number on the web. I called Panasonic's warranty number and learned that the eyecup falling off would be covered under warranty. I was told to pack the camera up and send it in to a repair center where they would replace the eyecup. My only expense would be shipping it to them. I started a claim and got a case number but I asked to be transferred to the parts department. I wanted to see if I could find the part and compare the cost of shipping in my camera to buying a tiny part.

Panasonic USA's tech support, repair and parts department didn't have a diagram or an obvious part name to help me order the right part. I was patient and eventually I was put in contact with a manager who had worked in multiple departments and was familiar with the "DMC-GH3". She found the part number and took the order over the phone. It arrived in about 5 business days.

Since it was such an an unusual, inexplicably time consuming affair I thought I should share the information.

The part number is VYK6B43

The Panasonic USA parts telephone number is 1-800-833-9626. Other regions have a different number. It can also order via internet.

My cost including shipping was $16.75 US

GH4 with GH3 same video settings as possible ? Sun, 19 Jul 2015 15:55:11 +0000 sergeiicz 13416@/talks/discussions Hello, need some help to set my GH3 to same settings as GH4 .. is there anybody using both ? GH3 as gimbal camera and GH4 as rigged. Now i am running on GH4 with Portrait +3,+1,0,-5,-2 this setup looks good to me and on GH3 with Natural -5,-5,-2,0 but GH3 is still too contrasty (looks more like cheap handy camera) any tips or tweaks will be great - shooting next weekend important project. Thank you

gh4 focus mode Tue, 14 Jul 2015 19:25:56 +0000 jclmedia 13383@/talks/discussions delete topic,

Playback Menu Issue Mon, 13 Jul 2015 04:49:48 +0000 club_irate 13373@/talks/discussions I bought a used GH4 recently. I am having a peculiar issue with the camera. When i scroll down to the PLAYBACK option and then use the right ARROW key to enter the PLAYBACK menu's many options the screen goes black for a second (similar to the black screen delay which happens when we go from the MENU to the LIVE DISPLAY mode which is normal). Also if i go from the Live Display mode to the MENU by clicking the center button and if i had exit the MENU screen last from the PLAYBACK menu then again the slight delay black screen thing will happen if i toggle to the PLAYBACK menu's options. This does not happen when i scroll to the other Options in the menus like SETUP, MOTION PICTURE, CUSTOM etc. or if i enter MENU screen from Live Display mode in these options or Vice Versa. I also updated my firmware to 2.2 but it did not help. And NO, i am not accidentally placing my hand in front of the EVF of the camera which is causing the black out.

Is it some issue with the camera or is there some option in the menu that can fix this? Thanks

GH2 Smudge in EVF. Tue, 07 Jul 2015 07:31:38 +0000 Italianshox 13338@/talks/discussions I picked up my GH2 today, I have had it for about a week. When looking inside the EVF, I saw a brown smudge. It is quite small ( covers about 50 pixels). At first I thought it was just on the outside, so I cleaned the glass. but that did not fix anything. As you can see in the image, the smudge is located in bottom right.

There is also a weird parallax effect with the smudge. Ie if the angle of the eye is not perfectly perpendicular to the glass, 2 smudges appear, 1 infront of the other (that is why there appear to be 2 smudges in the photo) .

How do i get rid of this? Is it a common problem?

Thanks for all of your help.

GH4 cinema 4K mode non-existent! Tue, 07 Jul 2015 13:26:36 +0000 club_irate 13340@/talks/discussions I bought a 6 month old used GH4 today. For some strange reason when i switch to the 24hz cinema mode, I get no Cinema 4K or any 4K option!! All i get is the Fulll HD 24fps mode. Also, the AVCHD and MP4 options are greyed out in this mode and i only get the MP4(Lpcm) and MOV modes to select from. I am using fast cards so that is not an issue. I am in Movie Mode. Also, its the same story in MOV (No 4K or C4K option). Does someone know what is happening here?

GH2 Video Settings vs. D5200 Video Settings Fri, 14 Nov 2014 07:24:47 +0000 stauffec 11759@/talks/discussions This is not intended to ask the question "which is better" or "this is better" - just an observation I've noticed to see if anyone has more ideas of what may be going on. I've been trying to shoot some comparison footage between my GH2 and D5200, both using the stock zoom lens. I'm shooting with shutter priority and shutter speed of 1/50. I did this because I think these were good base settings for 24p / Sanity video recording on my gh2. What I'm getting though on my GH2 is a tremendous amount of noise, even in well-lit indoor scenes - and in low-light (subway) it is almost unbearable. I tried similar settings on my d5200, and the difference is literally night and day. Now I know the d5200 has a toshiba sensor that handles low-light much better, but I feel like there must be something else I'm missing. I keep on trying to pick up my gh2 and shoot video on it, and I feel like in basically every scene the ISO is like off the charts. AFAIK, it also appears that it won't even tell me what ISO it is using, it juts says "auto". Any thoughts or ideas if I'm doing something wrong? Or does the GH2 really require that much additional light.

Cine-D vs. Super Tone Mon, 06 Jul 2015 10:49:48 +0000 Gardner 13332@/talks/discussions

GH2 Screen Orientation? Thu, 25 Jun 2015 11:53:52 +0000 Oedipax 13281@/talks/discussions Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out if there is a setting somewhere within the GH2 that switches the screen orientation to be reversed when flipping the LCD around to face towards the talent (same direction as the lens is pointing)?

I've got a camera from someone who shoots vlog-style video all the time and she thinks she bumped a button recently while focusing, making it so that now she sees an inverted image.

I've looked high and low through the camera menus, as well as searched extensively on Google, and I am stumped. Does anyone know if this is a capability the camera has?


LX 100 as an A Camera Mon, 22 Jun 2015 09:35:17 +0000 kitano 13255@/talks/discussions It has been many months now since the release.

On paper it has the perfect specs. fast Leica lens, 4K video with 100Mbps bitrate to name a few.

The question in my mind is - Can it really be used as a A camera for broadcast quality documentary production? (I am not concerned about the audio)

Your views?

