Offtopic Sat, 15 Jun 24 17:06:44 +0000 Offtopic en-CA Wavelength detecting sensors to replace bayer sensors and triple resolution ability Mon, 01 Apr 2013 13:42:13 +0000 svart 6568@/talks/discussions I thought this was particularly interesting.

About Trademarks :-) Mon, 01 Apr 2013 10:26:24 +0000 Jean71 6566@/talks/discussions

Obviously it's speculation. But even the majority of modern TM's are pretty close to speculation. Or they're not?

After the European union Mon, 01 Apr 2013 06:36:51 +0000 Faudel 6564@/talks/discussions Some may think that this is soon the end of the UE due to financial crisis.The thing is it's just real owners who want to own everything and let the nations own nothing ! Then who need nations ? Check Alinea 45 "The European Parliament urges the partners to use the full potential of the TEC in order to overcome the existing obstacles to economic integration and to achieve a unified transatlantic market by 2015; requests the European Commission, on the basis of the study authorised and financed by the European Parliament in its 2007 Budget, to draw up a detailed road map of existing obstacles which need to be removed with the aim of meeting that target date"

SpaceEngine Sat, 30 Mar 2013 04:09:43 +0000 larsarus 6550@/talks/discussions

SpaceEngine - is a free space simulation software that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions, starting from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data, while regions uncharted by human astronomy are generated procedurally. Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, countless planets!

PC version available. Uses mostly OpenGL, so there might be hope for Linux and OS X (if they update their OpenGL version) front-ends in the future as well.

Usage example:

Robotic Bird Mon, 04 Feb 2013 16:43:53 +0000 karl 6010@/talks/discussions German industry robot manufuacturer Festo recently presented what I think looks like the first "more or less naturally looking and flying" robotic bird - fun to watch:

Original Video from Festo:

DNews report:

I wonder if such a robot could be used to shoot some impressive close-ups of living birds - but then again, Winged Migration contained such already without requiring a robot :-)

GH3 1.1 Firmware released Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:10:09 +0000 jhero 6526@/talks/discussions Released!


  1. Connecting to PC via Wi-Fi by inputting the computer name (the NetBIOS name for Apple Mac computers) is enabled.
  2. 1920 x 1080, 60p[NTSC]/50p[PAL], 28Mbps mode is added in the video recording option of [MP4].
  3. Speed of AF, consecutive shooting performance of AFC is enhanced in use with H-PS14042 and H-PS45175. *Please update the firmware of the lens to its latest version.
  4. The monitor continues to display images during HDMI output even while [Auto LVF/Monitor OFF] is set.
  5. Instability of shutter interval during interval shooting is improved.
  6. When [Shutter AF] is OFF, operation is changed not to enlarge the image while using [Pinpoint AF] when even if shutter button is half-pressed.
  7. Performance of image signal processing is enhanced during video file playback.
Unfounded rumors, Panasonic m43 camera at NAB? Wed, 27 Mar 2013 13:36:28 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6518@/talks/discussions Interesting article.

The Big Thing Sat, 31 Mar 2012 17:18:31 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2739@/talks/discussions I and development team of community are glad to announce.

Since today we are going to directly participate in design and development of system cameras firmware for selected cameras produced by Panasonic Corporation, and DSC Business unit specifically.

Such progress had become possible due few key decisions made by Seiichiro Sano, Shiro Nishiguchi and other top managers in February 2012. We had been in touch whole March and information obtained during this period, as well as new direct communication that we had, are really invaluable. I want to express my special thanks to Ichiro Kitao and Michiharu Uematsu.
As well as to our direct contact and lead of Venus Revolution team - Yukio Ito.

I could hardly wait last days, but announcement could be made only today, due to the starting of new financial year for Panasonic Corporation and Senior Management changes completion.

Feel free to ask me questions and I'll try to answer them as good as I can (taking in account signed NDA).
Yukio Ito will join me here, answering questions, on Monday.

P.S. Jump to pages 6 and 7 and look at videos for more details.

Okay, which one of your auteurs shot this? Sat, 23 Mar 2013 09:44:18 +0000 Shaveblog 6479@/talks/discussions

What lens did you use? SLR Magic 25mm? Nokton? What patch? Blue Moon? Green Diamond?

legit site? Thu, 21 Mar 2013 16:44:30 +0000 jclmedia 6464@/talks/discussions Looking to buy one of these mouses for my computer, but im not sure if its legit site or not.

Thanks for any advice.


Locked Up Abroad shot on which cameras? Mon, 18 Mar 2013 11:24:02 +0000 n5p 6432@/talks/discussions I'm watching the news season of the NatGeo show Locked Up Abroad, and aside from the fact the stories, the characters, and the style of the show puts most feature films to shame, the cinematography is awesome and very filmic. I know they're shooting HD for sure but am so curious if anyone knows which cameras? I've searched online and the closest I got is someone suggesting Sony cameras on DVXuser. But the show's FaceBook page has a video and in that you can see they're using a Panasonic. Maybe a HDX900? HPX3700? I don't know. But if you watch some of the episodes the motion and texture is very filmic and looks better than what I see from most Red shoots.

I'm planning on shooting a feature on a Red One MX I already own but when I watch this show, it makes me second guess the Red. I know the locations and the lighting, and the grading have a big part in this, but... still even the motion has a very filmmic quality. Can anyone tell what kind of Panasonic that is on their facebook video or know first hand what they're using? I wish I could talk ot the Dp's and find out the exact specs, lol, shutter speed, lens choice, iso... everything.

Panasonic GH2 usage Thu, 14 Mar 2013 18:49:00 +0000 arson519 6401@/talks/discussions image

“If you want some trivia, some TV show uses the Lumix GH2

Vimeo Tip Jar feedback Wed, 13 Mar 2013 12:28:21 +0000 apefos 6389@/talks/discussions Since 5 months I went Plus and I am using vimeo Tip Jar feature in all my 54 videos. In this time I got 25400 plays but I got nothing on Tip Jar, NADA!

My main videos with most plays was the anamorphic project, neatvideo tutorial, super8 telecine tutorial, also lenses tests.

Please share your feedback about Tip Jar, did you get something?

and what do you think can motivate people to send Tip Jar to a video?

Square video format? Sun, 03 Mar 2013 01:17:39 +0000 cbdphil 6312@/talks/discussions Will we see a square sensor format in the camera for video in the near future? Small sensors like small film formats made it necessary to 'fill the frame' and we have been doing this for nearly 100 years. Hasselblad changed the way a photographer thought about his shot – he could concentrate on the subject and format/crop it later because the quality of lens and film size allowed this. So, is a square format for video with high quality lenses, high resolution and larger sensors feasible? This places more creative control in 'post' with the editor taking control the final framing, positioning and zooming within the square recorded image. Except for the sensor itself, virtually no change to existing cameras and lenses would be required.

Motion amplification Wed, 06 Mar 2013 00:30:07 +0000 mintcheerios 6338@/talks/discussions

30-second video of a newborn baby shows the infant silently snoozing in its crib, his breathing barely perceptible. But when the video is run through an algorithm that can amplify both movement and color, the baby’s face blinks crimson with each tiny heartbeat.

Accurately measure someone's pulse with just a video of their face.

Hugo Chávez, and new prosses to latin america invation Tue, 05 Mar 2013 18:30:29 +0000 endotoxic 6335@/talks/discussions He died today.

Im from Perú, and im very concerned. Im worried about the united states. 5 Presidents from South America have cancer, all 5 are against the obama rule.

Lula da Silva, Hugo Chávez, Fernando Lugo ,Dilma Rousseff, Christin Krishner.

Im worried, I have a theory.

Ecuador is paractically from North America, they use Dollar as national trade currency and they have a massive amounts of military bases in there. Venezuela is going to be bought by americans now that that Chavez is dead, they are going to give social incentives, and bring "american tech and industry and comerce" to make more presence. Thay are going to buy the oil, the deabt, the country, they will make " A false F.A.R.C" attack from colombia to venezuela, Ecuador will bring it on from and attack from there to colombia ( all this american military bases) and will begin "NEW WAR ON TERROR AND DRUGS LATIN AMERICAN VERSION 1.0 "

Chile HATES Perú, we allways had war with them, they regitered native peruvian drinks like Pisco, natural products like maca and quinua like it where from them, its long story, and we all know Chile sucks USA dick big time. So Peru have massive Terrorism and narcotrafic problems, we make the finest cocaine with colombia and bolivia, USA will make another "TERRORIST ATTACK " to chile from peru and a war that is allready in its making from our problems with the sea and the 200 miles ( there is a massive debate in the HAYA court right now )

USA allready own this countries BY DEBT or interests.


The next is Venezuela via Money, Colombia via venezuela and ecuador, and Peru via chile. In some years the world will not have the amazon forest for the world and clean water, and good living, cos it will be all from USA.

Look at this mother fuckers: whant to internationalize the amazon rain forest. Fuckers.

Im worried cos USA allways invade and make shit anything outside its country. We leave in peace here, and have REAL freedom. The other day a begun to see chem trails in our sky, i have 30 years old and i know here we never had that shit.

Its my hipotesis, but you just see what did happen with irak and all that.

Canon's new full frame sensor for see in the dark Wed, 06 Mar 2013 23:55:24 +0000 amateur 6352@/talks/discussions Frustrated with how your camera’s CMOS sensor performs in dimly-lit situations? Canon has just announced a new CMOS sensor that’ll put a smile on your face. It’s a new 35mm full-frame sensor that’s designed specifically for capturing video in “exceptionally low-light environments.” Canon claims the sensor can capture high quality video with high-sensitivity while keeping noise very low.

Here’s how sensitive the new sensor is: it will reportedly be able to see meteor shows, rooms lit with incense sticks, and scenes lit only by moonlight.

Square / Circular multi aspect sensor camera - why is nobody making it? Thu, 08 Nov 2012 05:26:20 +0000 RRRR 5140@/talks/discussions I was thinking, this would be an incredibly interesting creative tool. Imagine a Square sensor that can be used as such or cropped to different standards.. approximately m43 size in width. Preferably both for video and stills. (I realize there is no standard for a square format at this moment in time, for video)

IMO this would be a very interesting development and possibility for product differentiation. Could be something for panasonic to pursue?

News Broadcast are scripted nationwide? Tue, 26 Feb 2013 15:38:42 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 6260@/talks/discussions

Titanic II set to sail in 2016 without TV or Internet access Thu, 28 Feb 2013 01:50:58 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 6282@/talks/discussions good luck. lol

Clive Palmer, and Australian billionaire who made his money mainly through mining operations, has announced he intends to enjoy the money he has earned over his life by spending it before he dies. His first big investment? Building a new cruise ship that will be a replica of the Titanic. The announcement was made and a blueprint of the ship released on board the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in New York. It’s called the Titanic II and is set to be constructed in China at the CSC Jinling Shipyard over the next 3 years. Passengers are expected to be using it to cross the Atlantic beginning une 2016. The ship is a replica of the original, but the design actually makes it 3-inches longer than the 1912 version at 883 feet. Anyone enjoying the luxuries of modern cruise ships will be disappointed, though. To keep things “real,” the Titanic II won’t be outfitted with access to the Internet or even a TV. Your entertainment looks likely to be whatever was on offer in the early 1900s. Who knows, they might even ask for your gadgets to be handed in before you are allowed to board. Despite that, Palmer says he’s already had a lot of interest and over 40,000 people sign up for tickets. That’s good news as he needs 2,435 passengers to fill it and 900 crew members to keep the ship running during its 5 day trip across the Atlantic. The worry is that after the excitement has died down there won’t be much interest on using the ship to travel. Some have even said it’s a bit tacky recreating the ship that 1,500 people died on when it hit an iceberg. There’s also the issue of cost, with Palmer quoting $750,000 to $1 million if you want to secure one of the cabins on board. Looking on the bright side, even if the Titanic II does fail it will still be able to act as an almost perfect recreation of the original ship and could become a museum attraction once it stops sailing.

Understanding Camera Optics & Smartphone Camera Trends Tue, 26 Feb 2013 09:19:57 +0000 endotoxic 6257@/talks/discussions A Presentation by Brian Klug:


"Since we’re talking about a smartphone we must understand the imaging chain, and thus block diagram, and how the blocks work together. There’s a multiplicative effect on quality as we move through the system from left to right. Good execution on the optical system can easily be mitigated away by poor execution on the ISP for example. I put arrows going left to right from some blocks since there’s a closed loop between ISP and the rest of the system."

Share 1 Terabit of space online For FREE Crazy Sat, 23 Feb 2013 11:32:09 +0000 TrackZillas 6231@/talks/discussions Hey guy's I just found this site called it allows you to share up to 1TB of space. With this service we all can definitely upload projects and share we one another. Leave your comments wanna know what you guy's think about this Free service.

Sony & Olympus now partners Sat, 23 Feb 2013 13:26:06 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 6233@/talks/discussions Sony has today become the largest shareholder in Olympus as the firms complete a £400m deal first announced last year.

In a statement, Olympus Japan confirmed that, from today, Sony Corporation is the largest shareholder, holding nearly 35 million shares and giving Sony 11.46% of overall voting rights.

Speaking in September 2012, Olympus president Hiroyuki Sasa said the agreement would give Olympus 'greater business synergy in the core business domains of medical and imaging'.

He added: ‘In the field of digital cameras, we will seek to achieve collaboration in a manner that further improves the competitiveness of the two companies.'

Finding Vivian Maier Sat, 23 Feb 2013 05:39:51 +0000 inqb8tr 6228@/talks/discussions How often does that happen? A beautiful and amazing art and artist hidden all her life, and now discovered. This is a trailer for a documentary that is obviously being shot. Enjoy her work before instagram makes a filter called after her.

Finding Videography work overseas namely Tokyo Fri, 22 Feb 2013 17:12:53 +0000 mee 6218@/talks/discussions I am really struggling to simply find listings for Videography jobs here in tokyo, and was hoping someone may know a resource. I am supposed to be starting wedding shooting soon, but I am not holding my breath as Tokyo people often flake. It's either this or take on another English teaching job, and I really really don't want to do that. I plan on being here for another year and would like to dedicate this year to rising up to the next level and being able to really call myself a professional. Any guidance is appreciated.

3d Pen – 3Doodler Fri, 22 Feb 2013 18:38:28 +0000 kingmixer 6220@/talks/discussions image

Cool 3d pen:

Man, I would have had fun with that in High School! Anyone ordered one of these?

Film contest. $100,000 1st place prize Thu, 21 Feb 2013 20:34:18 +0000 coors 6207@/talks/discussions Here's a film contest that looks quite interesting:
More info at:

Seriously cool use of stock footage Wed, 20 Feb 2013 17:00:42 +0000 ahbleza 6194@/talks/discussions This music video shows an amazing selection and repurposing of "stock" video clips. Highly impressive work. If you look carefully, they seem to have taken the time to match the outfits, accessories, weather conditions and even lighting with the overlays.

Google Camera Glasses (voice activated) Thu, 21 Feb 2013 00:49:52 +0000 GravitateMediaGroup 6198@/talks/discussions

not sure why the embed isn't working properly.

Stealth wear Sat, 16 Feb 2013 08:42:31 +0000 kankala 6147@/talks/discussions Don't like to be watched by drones? wear counter-surveillance outfit

There is also a phone OFF purse that blocks all radio signals from/to the phone
