General and News Wed, 05 Jun 24 23:18:07 +0000 General and News en-CA Buying and shipping services from the US Tue, 10 Jul 2012 09:43:43 +0000 danyyyel 3851@/talks/discussions Hi, I would some advice and experience from buying and shipping services from the US. I have already bought a ton of things mainly from my photography and have used BH who offers direct shipping internationally. I need to change all my computer setup (For video and the gigantic d800 photos) and was going to use but they have stopped shipping internationally. So my only solution would be to use one of shipping system. I would like to know if anyone has some recommendation or experience from one of these companies.

Happy 4th! Don't get blown up attempting this. Tue, 03 Jul 2012 15:24:26 +0000 shian 3768@/talks/discussions A few years ago I made this video to show my nephew how to make a dry ice bomb for the 4th of July. We got a warning from the police, so we can't do this in our neighborhood anymore, but if you are in a rural area, and can shoot some high speed stuff with you GH2 (put it behind some plexiglass for safety) it might be a fun thing to do for the Holiday.

sorry for the shitty quality - youtube sucked back in 2007

'Gigapixel camera offers super sharp shots' Fri, 22 Jun 2012 04:01:30 +0000 agoltz 3660@/talks/discussions I can't wait for Vitaliy to hack this ;-)

The researchers believe that within five years, as the electronic components of the cameras become miniaturised and more efficient, the next generation of gigapixel cameras should be available to the general public.

"The camera is so large now because of the electronic control boards and the need to add components to keep it from overheating," Mr Brady said.

"As more efficient and compact electronics are developed, the age of hand-held gigapixel photography should follow."


Zacuto 'Revenge of Great Camera Shootout,' featuring GH2 Wed, 11 Apr 2012 11:45:34 +0000 Tron 2835@/talks/discussions Ran a quick topic search, but did not see this news as having already been posted -

The cameras involved are:

  1. Sony F65 -- Sony Representatives
  2. ARRI Alexa -- Rodney Charters, ASC
  3. RED Epic -- Ryan Walters
  4. Sony FS100 -- Den Lennie & Mick Jones
  5. Sony F3 w/slog -- Nancy Schreiber, ASC
  6. Canon C300 -- Polly Morgan
  7. Canon 7D with Technicolor settings -- Michael Negrin, ASC
  8. Panasonic GH2 (hacked and non-hacked) -- Jonny Zeller & Colt Seman

"'Revenge' is unlike any other camera test that I've ever been involved with," says Zacuto producer, Scott Lynch. "I believe that the tools available to us are all capable of creating great looking images, but only if you know how to use them. The big challenge for us was creating a test that would bring out the real world differences between these cameras. You can shoot charts which will give you scientific results, but that environment is not the real world. What we wanted to know was how cinematographers creatively solve the limitations of their camera. There are going to be some great discussions when this test gets released. People are going to be blown away."

Microsoft surface tablet Mon, 18 Jun 2012 21:57:03 +0000 nothingness99 3622@/talks/discussions

Panasonic first partner of Olympus? invest up to $637M Wed, 06 Jun 2012 03:49:36 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 3487@/talks/discussions Japanese electronics company Panasonic may be planning to invest up to 50 billion yen (US$637 million) in Olympus as it aims to make headway into the healthcare industry.

According to a report by Kyodo News on Wednesday which cited unnamed sources, the deal between Panasonic and Olympus was valued at 30 billion yen (US$382 million) to 50 billion yen (US$637 million), which will make the former the biggest shareholder in the latter company.

A separate Reuters report stated that Panasonic, which has been hampered by its loss-making TV business, have been exploring the idea of entering the healthcare business as it offers more stable revenues. Olympus would benefit as it would have access to funds for its restructuring and marketing efforts, it added.

Last week, Olympus was reported to be in talks with Sony and Panasonic to decide which company could become its capital partner, with the investment figures said to be in the "tens of billions of yen" for a more than 10 percent stake in the endoscope maker. The report also noted the plan calls for 2,500 employees to be laid off.

CineGear Los Angeles - 2012 Sun, 20 May 2012 09:40:49 +0000 bannedindv 3278@/talks/discussions Hi Everyone! Who is attending CineGear in Los Angeles? I will be there unveiling something that I am VERY proud of. You can find me near Illya Friedman at the Hot Rod Cameras booth. See you there!

Upcoming Venus Transit Wed, 30 May 2012 20:49:22 +0000 disastronaut 3419@/talks/discussions I've been told pointing your camera directly at the sun can damage the sensor but I was wondering if any or all of that potential damage can be mitigated with the proper filter or not. I plan on using a heavy ND filter and from what I read it appears safe but wanted to get a second opinion.

Red Scarlet versus GH2, any special requests? Wed, 30 May 2012 19:07:31 +0000 JDN 3416@/talks/discussions Doing a week shooting with the scarlet with a bunch of gh2s. May have some time to do some side-by-side comparisons. If anyone has anything they are curious about, let me know and we'll see what we can do.

GoPro WiFi Bacpac & Remote Released. Mon, 04 Jun 2012 05:54:12 +0000 Rambo 3467@/talks/discussions The GoPro WiFi bacpac and wireless Remote are now available in some countries. There is a FW update required for the Cineform Studio Program which will also prompt you via "Update Available" status to download a new FW for the camera, WiFi Bacpac and also the remote control.

Update procedure on GoPro Support site

Video tutorial update procedure.

No reports yet of any successful updates or even anyone using the new hardware, so probably best to wait a few days to see if any bugs appear.

This only enables Wifi remote function, the streaming and controlling by smartphone and iPhone is still pending Apps being released. As is the ProTune Technicolor 35mbps mode.

Driftwood Productions Wins Best Comedy Mon, 28 May 2012 19:09:20 +0000 driftwood 3391@/talks/discussions We do Theatre too!!!! We've just won the Best Comedy Award at Brighton's Festival & Fringe for our 'Cock & Tail Inn 2: The 80s' beating off 860 other productions. Bring on Edinburgh Fringe 2013, with the Cock & Tail Inn 3: The 90s! :-)

What would happen to the GH3! Sun, 03 Jun 2012 17:35:09 +0000 sicovdplas 3463@/talks/discussions He dudes,

I guess i'm not the only one waiting for the new Panasonic Gh3, it's rumored to be announced somewhere in Aug/Sept. this year. What i was wondering was, Since PV (Vitaliy) is now working for Panasonic, we thought why would Panasonic make the Gh3 hackable, or will it be needed to hack it at all?

We thought you would have to sign a confidentiality contract(?) in terms of what you can or cannot do with the information provided at your (new) work. In our taste it would not make sense if the upcoming succesor of the GH2 would be hackable.

for example: - If the gh3 is hackable, what would happen to the AF100 line? It would destroy this higher end model, something that is already happening now. - Why would a Engineer such as Vitaly be hired, and after 'some' time it would be hackable, while he is providing for panasonic. - Maybe it will ship with 100mbit+ AVC Ultra? And we don't need a hack, but why would panasonic do this? - Diffrent models, pricing for diffrent bitrates? it would not make sense since it is a consumer camera, people that do vacational photography would not care.
- Can we expect higher priced models, with mayb a new(ish) sensor, higher rates, no new features?

Let's ramble up the discussion! Cheers.

Cine Gear 2012 Los Angeles Sat, 02 Jun 2012 12:21:58 +0000 vicharris 3451@/talks/discussions Just wanted to start a topic for Cine Gear to see if anyone has gone and any news you can bring back to the forum.

I went yesterday and had a pretty good time! Hung out with the Panasonic guys and shot the shit for a bit about some lens concerns we were having with the GH2 and they invited me over to their facility next week to do some real tests with it. Should be great info for us here. Also, they were amazed at what Vitaliy has done with the GH2 and one of the head sales guys is trying to get the developers of the AF100 to open up the software so it can be hacked the same way! Cool news but it might be old to some of you.

Also, I believe I was the only one walking around with a GH2. The SLR 12mm was attached as well as a Vari ND and I got more than a few strange looks as people were trying to figure out what the hell I was shooting with. On a few occasions, I had someone walk past me and say,"Best damn DSLR in the world!" Yes, I know, it's not a DSLR but still pretty cool regardless. A few of em had 5D's so that made me laugh.

Anyways, as soon as I talk to the Pany guys, I'll report our findings. Thanks and have a kick ass weekend!


Documentary shot with GH2 won International Documentary Challenge Wed, 04 Apr 2012 19:43:40 +0000 GOODEMPIRE 2783@/talks/discussions Great news today and I'm really excited to spread the word. Our team (20 Coop) has just been picked as one of the 12 finalists for this prestigious festival. I don't want to jinx us by sharing it before the final decision is made by the judges, but I really see it as a recognition of the amazing filmmaking capabilities this camera is providing since it was hacked by Mr. VK. Kudos to the team and forum. I learned here a lot.

Small films about CCDs and CMOS sensors Wed, 16 May 2012 20:20:46 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3232@/talks/discussions

Ultra High Definition TV draft recommendation includes both 4K and 8K resolutions Tue, 29 May 2012 00:15:57 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 3395@/talks/discussions This is crazy. In 2022 they will tell us that the HD and Full HD formats are obsolete and of poor quality, the new standard will be the 16K and that we prepare in 2030 to change the format 32K. So will be necessary to get a NASA server to process the videos to 8K.

The news from

Ultra High Definition TV draft recommendation includes both 4K and 8K resolutions

The International Telecommunication Union has agreed on a new draft recommendation for the Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV) specifications, including technical details for both 4K (3840 x 2160) and 8K (7680 x 4320) displays. While this is subject to approval from the union's administration, the move would seem to confirm that both resolutions will be labeled as UHDTV, similar to how "HD" 720p sets were sold before "full HD" 1080p became the norm. It's a little disappointing that the ITU didn't take the opportunity to go for a less potentially confusing system this time around, but hey — at least you won't have to wait for NHK and Panasonic's 145-inch 8K Super Hi-Vision set to get your hands on a UHDTV.

...Because We Have To... Thu, 24 May 2012 20:22:44 +0000 shian 3329@/talks/discussions This holds true for everything, not just building things, but filmmaking as well. Just do it!!

Proper raw camera Sat, 19 May 2012 22:02:46 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 3276@/talks/discussions

Spectral Instruments makes camera that has a dynamic range so incredibly big that it can photograph both the sun and the stars in broad daylight. It's their 1110 series, a device with a 112 megapixel CCD, black and white, with no Bayer mask or filter of any type, "nothing to detract from the overall image sharpness." Their sensors are extremely light sensitive and can take exposures that last for hours without any noise at all. That's why you can do something like taking a picture of a starry sky in the middle of the day. The sensor measures 95 x 95 millimeters.


Web Series shot on GH2, first episode Mon, 07 May 2012 12:55:57 +0000 Aksel 3136@/talks/discussions Hi Everyone This is a web series I am DPing & Editing (of course GH2) we released the 1st episode even though its not finished yet, but the director wanted to show something for the Kickstarter campain. Still need some fixing in Color & sound. Anyways take a look a leave a comment, anything to make this project look better will be appreciated.

Thank you

Rolling Shutter Artifacts Removal by Youtube Sun, 06 May 2012 17:44:43 +0000 Roberto 3124@/talks/discussions So much for posting Jello examples on You Tube..

Google Research: .. starting from May 4, 2012, Google implemented rolling shutter removal .... The before and after videos below show the effectiveness of the new Youtube algorithms:


Film-maker's camera for an eye Sat, 05 May 2012 10:40:35 +0000 stoney 3113@/talks/discussions

Will you upgrade your eyeball? :)

BTW this seems like a good book.

NAB 2012 coverage Sat, 14 Apr 2012 03:44:05 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2863@/talks/discussions Reserved post.

Looking for NAB 2012 volunteers Sat, 03 Mar 2012 02:15:26 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2466@/talks/discussions Important

We started collecting donations for NAB coverage.
All money will go directly to the guys who'll be making it for us.
Remember to leave "NAB" in the donation notes (button is above :-) ).

Brutal Pentax Lens Price Increase: 15-90% Tue, 03 Apr 2012 18:48:56 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2770@/talks/discussions In general, prices for all current DA lenses went up by 15-90%, and this sort of a restriction on retailers is a first for Pentax. We hope that future product announcements or business decisions justify this new policy!

Read more:

Musikmesse 2012 Sun, 25 Mar 2012 07:10:57 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 2683@/talks/discussions Few announcments.

First. Cheaper version of Jupiter-80, Jupiter-50. Can be very useful as ligh, good sounding synth.

Second. Bigger Korg MicroKey. Like their small footpring and good fast keys.


Everyone can look buff now Sat, 25 Feb 2012 20:31:06 +0000 brianluce 2405@/talks/discussions I don't know if there's already a topic for this. If not, there is now.

Most popular cameras for filming TV (2010-2011) Mon, 20 Feb 2012 05:51:02 +0000 roe1and 2338@/talks/discussions

This is pretty old but still an interesting read. I was googling Blue Bloods to see what cameras they use to shoot it with. Reds apparently. Ok show but some awful awful moire.

GH2s Part of Nat Geo Show Mon, 13 Feb 2012 20:09:27 +0000 David_Cole 2271@/talks/discussions A good friend of mine, Robert Baldwin, has a piece airing on the NatGeo Channel that includes a LOT of hacked GH2 footage. It's the Bacardi Factory episode of Ultimate Factories (S5E7) - which aired this weekend and will air again next week. Robert's going to drop in here and give us the blow-by-blow of using the GH2 on a production with EX3s and NanoFlashes (with a production spec of 100 Mbps minimum).

That one guy from that one movie! Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:18:56 +0000 elementalracer 2291@/talks/discussions image Kind of cool...

Nice camera, Joseph Gordon Levitt Thu, 16 Feb 2012 23:35:38 +0000 Hutchman 2304@/talks/discussions Is it hacked? ;)
