Blog Sun, 16 Jun 24 09:37:36 +0000 Blog en-CA Good quote: On some girls Mon, 02 Aug 2021 13:41:23 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25967@/talks/discussions

The girls looked attractive, but only from a distance. The sun shone through their light dresses and shone iridescently in their hair. But as soon as I approached them and listened to their thoughts pouring down from their open mouths like an avalanche, I wanted to immediately dig a hole for myself somewhere under the hill and hide there with a machine gun.

C. Bukowski.

COVID: Masturbation helps, a lot Mon, 02 Aug 2021 08:53:12 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25965@/talks/discussions

Jennifer Landa, M.D., a specialist in hormone therapy, has said masturbating might strengthen the body's natural defense forces.

"Masturbation can produce the right environment for a strengthened immune system," Landa told Men's Health.

Men's Health also cited a 2004 study that showed men had more white blood cells 45 minutes after they had a solo orgasm. For those who don't know, white blood cells are part of the body's immune system that help fight infection and other diseases.

According to the study by the Department of Medical Psychology, University Clinic of Essen, Germany, "these findings demonstrate that components of the innate immune system are activated by sexual arousal and orgasm."

Touching oneself might not totally prevent infection, but orgasms generally help people relax and elevate mood that is key to a healthy immune system.

One important thing to add - good orgasm (during real sex is better!) is very beneficial for tiny blood vessels, as high arousal and release run multiple cycles of expansion and contraction. Also high tension and quiver orgasm is very good for muscle tone. Multiorgasmic people are much more healthy, especially if they have office job and not enough physical training.

Capitalism: GDP per capita Mon, 02 Aug 2021 08:29:37 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25964@/talks/discussions image

Capitalism: Tax-to-GDP Ratio Sun, 01 Aug 2021 16:17:59 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25963@/talks/discussions image

NVIDIA Face Generator AI Sun, 01 Aug 2021 07:18:30 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25962@/talks/discussions

COVID: Vaccines destroy blood-brain barrier - this is why ruling class like vaccines Sun, 01 Aug 2021 03:30:53 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25961@/talks/discussions

Using cell cultures and tissue-engineered constructs that mimic the capillaries of the human brain, the researchers found that in the presence of the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the blood-brain barrier is disrupted. Interestingly, although only one of the two subunits of this protein binds to the ACE2 receptor, both affect the function of the brain's protective barrier. So the mechanism of this effect is not related to the process of attachment of the virus.

This can explain both why vaccines are designed as they are.

And also why all media do everything to avoid talking about brain damage and its crossing blood-brain barrier.

It can be next step - where it can be NOT coronavirus that be wiping out population, but it will be vaccines in each body that shut down the most important brain protection.

The blood-brain barrier is the physiological histohematological barrier between the circulatory system and the central nervous system. Obstruction between capillary blood and neurons of the central nervous system. In modern, informational language, there is a completely "secure connection" between the capillaries and the substance of the brain.

China: Attack on corporations ads revenue Sat, 31 Jul 2021 05:30:50 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25960@/talks/discussions

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT), at the meeting with 25 of the largest Internet companies and equipment manufacturers, including Alibaba and Tencent Holdings, announced the need for internal audits and troubleshooting, from data security to consumer protection.

The regulator of the Internet industry announced on Monday that it is starting a six-month campaign to stop all illegal online activity by corporations. A few days later, MIIT ordered Tencent and 13 other corporations to stop using pop-up ads for advertising.

Meituan, Xiaomi and ByteDance were among the companies invited to both meetings. On Friday MIIT ordered companies to eliminate violations in eight areas, including pop-ups, data collection and storage, as well as blocking external links. In a previous meeting, the agency instructed firms to ensure that data security management systems are in place and personnel responsible for data security is qualified for the job, as well as to strengthen oversight of the export of sensitive information.

Interesting development.

On biofuel and CO2 Fri, 30 Jul 2021 17:30:54 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25957@/talks/discussions

In 2017, a group of 177 scientists in the Netherlands signed an open letter urging the government to stop including biofuels from food crops on the EU's sustainable development agenda. The reason is that when you take into account the area required to grow these crops, as well as handle and transport the crops, they emit on average 1.8 times more CO2 than fossil fuels. Dutch scientists also noted that crop biofuels increase the demand for vegetable oil and food crops, as well as destroy biodiversity.
