Blog Mon, 03 Jun 24 10:35:06 +0000 Blog en-CA War: Fakes attack on DJI Wed, 30 Mar 2022 13:28:06 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26908@/talks/discussions

MediaMarkt, the largest electronics retailer in Germany, has removed drones made by DJI from its retail locations and its website amid allegations the Chinese company is leaking GPS data to the Russian military. DJI vehemently denies these reports

And note how PetaPixel had been used by CIA (this guys intentionally NEVER linked to PV, for example)

DJI has denied accusations that it is limiting the capabilities of drone technology used by the Ukrainian army after rumors spread on social media that the Chinese consumer drone manufacturer was throttling its AeroScope technology.

AeroScope is DJI’s drone detection platform that can identify unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication links and gather information like flight status, paths, and other information in real-time.

In short, it is a proprietary hardware and software solution that lets users track the movement of any DJI drone within a 10-kilometer radius. With an optional expansion, that range can be boosted to 50 kilometers and obtain key information about a drone in as little as two seconds. AeroScope works with all Phantom, Inspire, Mavic, and Spark series drones.

On March 10, co-founder of the Blynk IoT platform Bolodymyr Shymanskyy tweeted an accusation that DJI was intentionally limiting the capabilities of AeroScope by the Ukrainian army, citing sources inside Ukraine. Shymanskyy never reveals any details about his sources.

“According to the most recent reports from the Ukrainian army, the AeroScope technology is effectively turned off for Ukrainian operators,” Shymanskyy says. “In fact, while Russians have the technical capabilities to track Ukrainian DJI drone operators, the Ukrainian army can not do the same.”

Can anyone tell me why China must aid Ukraine nationals?

War: The era of regional currencies is coming Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:53:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26906@/talks/discussions

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation noted that confidence in reserve currencies is fading, the rejection of the dollar and the euro does not look like a fantastic prospect.

War: Russia will sell much more for rubles only Wed, 30 Mar 2022 11:31:27 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26905@/talks/discussions

The speaker of the State Duma noted that the European states have all the market opportunities to pay in rubles.

“European politicians need to stop talking, stop looking for excuses why their countries cannot pay in rubles. You had to think before. They themselves did everything to undermine confidence in the dollar and the euro, so that Russia would refuse mutual settlements in these currencies, ”said the speaker of the State Duma.

Volodin also proposed expanding the list of goods exported for rubles - fertilizers, grain, oil, oil, coal, metals, timber.

War: No money - no gas Tue, 29 Mar 2022 05:15:54 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26904@/talks/discussions

Countries that refuse to pay in rubles will not receive Russian gas. Russia can turn off the valve.

According to Peskov, if the European Union does not pay for gas in rubles, then supplies will stop.

“We will not do charity work. Send gas for free to Western Europe,” Peskov said in an interview with PBS.

Peskov added that the format of relations will be built on the principle of "no money - no gas." What measures the Russian government plans to take is still unknown.

War: EU in stalemate, they need rubles but can't get them with sanctions Mon, 28 Mar 2022 15:36:03 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26903@/talks/discussions

German Vice Chancellor Habek said that G7 ministers will not pay Russia for gas in rubles

According to Habek, the ministers of all G7 countries agreed that changing the payment currency would be a violation of contracts and demanded that their companies not pay in rubles.

So, they want to switch off the gas. Let's try.

Lockdown in Shanghai Mon, 28 Mar 2022 13:13:08 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26902@/talks/discussions

The authorities of Shanghai, which is located in the eastern part of China, decided to close the city from March 28 due to a sharp increase in the number of coronavirus infections, Xinhua reports.

The administration will alternately close the southern, eastern and western parts of the city to test local residents for the coronavirus. At the same time, the entire population was obliged to observe strict quarantine. Almost 25 million people lived in Shanghai, according to the 2020 census.

At the first stage (from 5:00 on March 28 (00:00 Moscow time) to April 1), the areas located to the east and south of the Huangpu River will be closed. On the second, starting from 03:00 on April 1 to 03:00 on April 5 (22:00 Moscow time on March 31 and April 4, respectively), it will not be possible to violate self-isolation in areas west of this river.

War: You will live in cold, but we need to blame Putin for this Mon, 28 Mar 2022 10:22:28 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26900@/talks/discussions

“We have to turn off Putin's money valve. This means that we also need to turn off the gas and oil taps so that freedom in Europe has a chance. 15 degrees! 15 degrees in winter can be experienced in a sweater. No one will die from this! Hawke says.


Energy: 2008 and energy requirements Sun, 27 Mar 2022 16:00:58 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 26899@/talks/discussions image

2008 allowed US to start printing and injecting money into shale project (with losses)m without it they'll be in same place EU is now with North Sea.
