Blog Mon, 10 Jun 24 11:09:58 +0000 Blog en-CA AI: NN turns brushstrokes into realistic landscape images Thu, 24 Jun 2021 10:45:17 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25769@/talks/discussions

War: On little incident in the Black Sea Thu, 24 Jun 2021 10:33:10 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25768@/talks/discussions

Russian Black Sea Fleet and Border Service of the Federal Security Service's prevention of the breach of the Russian Federation state border committed by the UK Navy destroyer «Defender».

Some nice opinion on this I agree with:

I am really worried about those who say, "It would be better if everything was given to the pensioners," referring to the costs of the inevitable arms race.

I am not against pensioners very much. I believe that pensioners should be given the salaries and property of top managers of Gazprom and PIK, the income of Cherchesov and similar guys, a percentage of gas and oil exports, food packages with Russian caviar and salmon, and so on. But there is no need to give away the money that goes into armaments.

On the contrary: the country must be armed in every possible way. We need a lot of machine guns, gun mounts, airfields, ballistic missiles, warheads, bombers, bomb shelters, armored vehicles, helicopters, military bases, hospitals, grenades, grenade launchers, pillboxes, drones, tankers, anti-aircraft missiles, engineering vehicles, fighters, cruisers, cruise missiles, flamethrowers, submarines, machine guns, radars, launchers, tanks, tankettes, self-propelled guns, sniper rifles, shells, tactical missiles, attack aircraft, destroyers and nuclear charges. This list is far from complete, but I ended up, primarily for the sake of the keeping sentence size manageable. It would also be nice to develop and have in service all sorts of inexpensive, but unexpected wunder wafers, for example, some kind of thing that would start with a mechanical key, funny jump into the location of enemies and turn ten or fifteen enemy soldiers there into mincemeat with eyes capable in the end, take a sober look at the prospects of a war with Russia on Russian territory ...

And for the funds that will be spent on all this, "giving out to pensioners" is by no means possible. Because if all these things are not there, there will be no Russian pensioners in the end. All these current people who now live in Uryupinsk, drink, bathe in an ice hole, wash in a bath, raise "heirs", go to church, cook borscht, do not vaccinate children, fry cutlets with buckwheat and repair in the evenings, their right-hand drive foreign cars - they will all be doomed to a senseless and dreary death! What scoundrel, what scumbag would want them such a fate ?!

But this is not so important either. The important thing is that without serious substantial armament of the country, any internal crisis will immediately turn into external intervention, as was the case during the Civil War. And it will be extremely inconvenient for the Russians to reflect this intervention with one horn of ammo for three. But the threat to nuke civilized peoples to the state of glass powder, so that they do not get into the internal affairs of drunken balalaika players, and roll out all remaining the on tanks tracks with small spikes is already a serious argument in order to stay away from the state borders of the future socialist state.

Bad design: Chromebooks as total mess of notebook Wed, 23 Jun 2021 15:28:40 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25767@/talks/discussions image

The demand for Chromebooks is growing rapidly: from January to March inclusive, about 12.0 million of these devices were sold globally. This is 276%, or almost four times, compared to the first quarter of 2020, when sales were 3.2 million units.

Not only most of them are under-powered, but Google also fully control notebooks life cycle. As it decides to stop support for some model it become mostly useless.

Mordor: QR system becoming fully functional Wed, 23 Jun 2021 06:35:54 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25766@/talks/discussions

From June 28, only “protected visitors” from the coronavirus infection COVID-19 will be able to go to cafes and restaurants. The corresponding decree was signed by the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin.

Confirmation of protection from COVID-19 will be considered either the completion of the vaccination course, or the illness suffered in the last six months, or the presence of a fresh document on a negative test. According to the decree, a QR code confirming a negative COVID-19 test will be valid for three calendar days.

"No paper references or certificates will be accepted," Sobyanin warned. According to him, it is possible to confirm the availability of protection against COVID-19 only with the help of a special QR code, which can be obtained from June 25 at the registry of the city polyclinic or using electronic portal.

And, I suppose, it is permanent thing. Soon it will be widened to everything else, including transport.

Robo-Selfie Tue, 22 Jun 2021 22:37:08 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25765@/talks/discussions

Capitalism: Amazon is destroying lot of perfectly fine goods Tue, 22 Jun 2021 13:39:44 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25764@/talks/discussions

A former Amazon employee claims that there is a weekly plan to destroy about 130,000 units of all kinds of goods, half of which are new and the other half are returned by customers. During peak weeks, the number of destroyed goods reaches 200,000. The company's approach to disposal is not selective - hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, laptops and tablets end up in the scrap, the next day - 20,000 packaged medical masks.

The news channel was able to access the statistics. The number of goods intended for distribution for charitable purposes and for disposal was found out. It turned out that in one week 124,000 goods were destroyed and only 28,000 were sent to those in need.

The reason is simple and well known. Amazon not only sells its own products, but is also a platform for many sellers who have the opportunity to store their products in the company's warehouses. The longer a product is stored, the more expensive it is to store it. Finally, at one point it becomes cheaper to give it up for destruction than to store it.

Nice capitalist practice.

Chutzpah: Japanese management wants money to rebuild chip factories they destroyed Tue, 22 Jun 2021 10:49:42 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25763@/talks/discussions

Japan must put at least a trillion yen ($9 billion) toward chip development this fiscal year and trillions more after that, if it is to have any hope of reviving its national industry, according to the government’s lead adviser on its new semiconductor strategy.

Anything less won’t be enough, given the high cost of chip factories and how far Japan lags behind South Korea and Taiwan in advanced manufacturing, according to Tetsuro Higashi, chairman emeritus at gearmaker Tokyo Electron Ltd. and head of an expert panel advising the government.

“It will not be at all easy to stage a comeback,” the 71-year-old industry veteran said in an interview this week. “If we miss this opportunity now, there may not be another one.”

Biggest fun is that it is Japanese management that destroyed it all, they just exchanged it to their nice yearly bonuses.

Good quote: Solzhenitsyn as new generation of scum Tue, 22 Jun 2021 01:27:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 25762@/talks/discussions

This was also the case once in Beijing. I was resting, squatting in Chinese, and did not immediately notice the disheveled Chinese mincing in my direction. A poorly chosen resting place with a smell of common areas, traces of the recent trade in vegetables and a runoff of rotten water made me rise, I automatically answered his greeting. And suddenly a confused monologue followed:

China is a terrible place! All around lies, deception. Everyone is used. And thieves run everything, all warm places are distributed to their relatives. Mao was the main liar, he killed millions of people. I remember the corpses lying around the corner over there. When in the Cultural Revolution people driven to despair died of hunger on the streets, they were afraid to approach them, they avoided them like the plague. And Dan is a liar. Everything that is said in the West about the Chinese economic miracle is a mirage, our rulers are mediocre, unable to rule a city, let alone a country. Tibet, Xinjiang - I hope they will rise up soon. Are you recently from Taiwan? Tell the Taiwanese not to agree to unite with China, in any case. There is lies and violence everywhere.

...Stability under the leadership of the party, which is the primary goal of the leaders, is not cheap for the Chinese people. According to some reports, up to 20 million convicts of the Chinese Gulag are injected for free to ensure the Chinese Miracle. (A few years ago, a Chinese firm received a contract to build a railway in one of the African countries; the profitability of the contract it proposed was easily explainable: after finishing the work, it took its prisoner workers back to China.) Tried and tested political dissidents receive repeated fifteen-year sentences, criminals are shot in public in stadiums - in 1995, a thousand death sentences were carried out. Women who become pregnant a second time are fined, forced to have an abortion, or even sterilized. The order to shoot chest-level students in Tiananmen Square in 1989 was issued by the current authorities. “Kill the chicken to intimidate the monkeys,” explained the perpetrators of the persecution of the past decades in China. This rule stuck, and it seems that the authorities are not going to abandon it even now.

So many things I heard in China; here are some memorable phrases from this discord. Taxi driver in Harbin: "The party does not have much time to govern, they have already become across the throat for the people ." Shanghai student: “Students will not go out on the street again. But nobody else believes in either the party or the government. ” A young musician from Chongqing: "Whatever one may say, but without democracy, China will rot." An employee of the city administration of Chengdu (despite the constant tugging at his wife's sleeve): “The South is already unstable, and the poisoned gift of Hong Kongers who do not want to fall under the power of Beijing will only aggravate the centrifugal forces of this economically advanced region. And returning Taiwan will be much more difficult. ” Well-fed party members in Kaifeng: "The reforms are correct, but too fast, the foundation has not grown stronger, but they are building on, building on everything." “It’s hard to find a wife now,” the poor peasant complained.

(c) Ermolai Solzhenitsyn, new generation of same old scum
