Tagged with sony - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/sony/p9/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 09:18:58 +0000 Tagged with sony - Personal View Talks en-CA Sony A55 bahaviour with and without mirror http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/801/sony-a55-bahaviour-with-and-without-mirror Mon, 29 Aug 2011 09:56:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 801@/talks/discussions

1. The mirror reduces the amount of light reaching the sensor by about 1/2 stop. This is what we've been told all along, and my tests confirm it. Although it's probably hard to see in the images above, the shot with the mirror is actually slightly underexposed compared to the one without the mirror, even though the shutter speed in the second shot was 1/3 stop slower. If the A55 provided manual shutter speed increments of 1/2 stop, I believe a setting of 1/2800s would have produced exactly the same overall exposure as the first shot.

2. The mirror reduces image detail. It's logical to expect this... but again, many discussions have been posted about exactly how much image degradation occurs. The 1:1 pixel crops that I've included help to show how much. Another clue is provided through the relative file sizes of the two versions of the scene. A55 RAW and JPG files are compressed when saved from the camera. Both files from the non-mirror version are slightly larger in size than the files from the mirror version by a few percent. This indicates that the non-mirror version must contain more detail and/or more noise. Since noise should be essentially the same in both shots, we can attribute the larger size to more detail.

I am going to add something important here. Remember that in this recent test I used an aperture of f/2.8 to obtain the worst possible purple fringe effect. But I have shot similar tests at other apertures, and in many of those tests the results without the mirror are nearly indistinguishable in terms of detail rendition.

So how significant is the reduction of image quality in real terms? I can't be scientifically precise, but I'm going to say that the mirror may produce up to about a 5% loss of detail, but it depends on the aperture, and perhaps on other factors as well. This figure comes from comparing the file sizes in the worst case examples as mentioned above, and also from doing separate experiments not shown here. I downsampled the f/2.8 non-mirror shot to 95% of its full size, then upsampled it again to its original size, then compared that result to the mirror shot and found the visible detail to be roughly the same. So until I learn of a more scientific way to do this evaluation, I will say the mirror can be expected to retain at least 95% of the image detail of a non-mirror shot.

3. Purple fringing is not influenced in any way by the SLT mirror. This is immediately obvious by looking at the 1:1 pixel crops.

4. I have nothing to add regarding the 'ghosting' effect of the mirror, which has been shown to cause tiny duplicates of point source lights in night shots. I believe that has been adequately documented.

Via: http://thesybersite.com/sony/a55/index.htm#slt_mirror_image_quality]]>
August 24, new generation Sony and Nikon cameras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/600/august-24-new-generation-sony-and-nikon-cameras Fri, 05 Aug 2011 13:48:40 +0000 danyyyel 600@/talks/discussions
The Second announcement is from Nikon (Nikonrumors). What started as a new line of camera to replace the d300 and d3, has now change to two full frame cameras. A d800 and D4 to replace the d700 and D3. Details are a bit more sketchy here. It is more of a 18megapixel $ 5000 D4 (low light, sport pg camera) and a $ 2500 24megapixel D800. On the video side, some are speculating of very strong video performance. As a Nikon professional photographer, I have been repeatably disappointed by Nikon, they are the still company that have everything to gain to put some ground breaking technology to take market share in the large sensor camera. The dslr revolution has brought a total new market that they could not have dreamed before. For now the market is not mature and people can change brand very rapidly. I hope that this time they will not miss the boat. Either one of these would be a basic minimum for me. A 10bit 422 high bitrate codec (or/and) An uncompressed 10bit 422 hdmi output that can be recorded by external recorders (or/and) At least a limited (time/buffer) HD raw output.

TrusMT T2 Follow Focus Review http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/118/trusmt-t2-follow-focus-review Fri, 20 May 2011 13:36:38 +0000 Hunter_H_Richards 118@/talks/discussions
I was looking for used follow focuses on ebay for dslr use- to my surprise I saw an Arri Mff-1 look-a-like followfocus for sale brand new $399 by "trusmt". $399 sounded way too cheap but after looking at pictures from their website, it felt low enough risk give it a try, keeping a realistic view that if it was only 1/4 as good as the arri I would be happy with it for dslr use (going on $399 vs $1600 for the arri).

It showed up 2 days later in a pretty little box with precision cut foam for holding the goods (wish I still had this to take a photo of the box but I threw it out when we moved a few weeks ago, I was impressed though)

Contents were:

1x Trusmt t2 follow focus http://trusmt.com/proview.asp?id=44

4x Gear rings (4 different sizes)

1x bag of tools and extra screws

1x trusmt catalogue

First reactions:

Visual build test:
I picked it up and looked around the unit for signs of poor manufacturing, I was amazed how well it was made, very solid and couldnt see with my eye anything showing poor work. Colors and anodizing looked nice too.

Gear rings looked good- reminded me of red rock micro (i dont really care much for these but they work and were included "free")

Follow focus feel test:
To make it fair, I have used every mechanical Arri follow focus from ff1 to ff4, including the mff1, the lwff, ect- most chrosziels, as well as most "affordable" ones like redrock/cavision/cinevate- I got spoiled on the arri's and chrosziels for sure.

I spun the trusmt followfocus wheel to see how the gear box felt, It was very well dampened and actually felt good (possibly too well of dampening, but ill get to this later)

"Wow, I cant believe this was $399" I thought

Two handed "play" test:
(no not what your thinking pervert)

I grabbed the handwheel with one hand and with my other hand, i held the drive gear to see how much play there was. it seemed like too much play- then I realzied I needed to tighten the drive gear screw and after that it was only maybe 2mm of play? Didnt take an accurate reading but what ever it was it was very close to the more budget friend followfocuses like redrock for example and much better than the origional redrock follow focus if you ever tried that one. Not to bad for such a cheap follow focus!

Mounting it on the camera:

I placed a gear on my lens and put the followfocus on the rails. It was pretty tight putting it on- maybe the rod spacing distance on the trusmt was slightly too narrow- I tried it on another rail system and it did the same- tiny bit of work to clamp it on to the rails (I was using chrosziel matte aluminum rods, maybe it works better with steel)

It felt pretty good, but I noticed it took a lot of effort to drive the lens with the follow focus- this was probably because the gear box had too much dampaning grease in it as I was using it on a very smooth focusing lens. But it wasnt terrible- Would actually feel perfect on an AF lens as they seem to have near zero dampening or feel to them in the focus ring.

Hard Stops:

This just got in the way for me so I removed the blue disk along with them using the included tools, they just kinda flopped around or if I locked them, wouldnt allow full lens rotation- you may like them on

Alternate opinion:
My friend who mostly produces but shoots some too came and checked out the rig- and after feeling the follow focus said he thought it felt amazing "So much better than my (XXXXXXX more expensive) follow focus I have" (im not going to name names)

4 Weeks later, pros and cons:


Looks nice

Really great build for the price, I dont think you can get anything better here at this level

Versatile mounting from the articulating arm

Good "feel" to value ratio (no arri or chrosziel, but for follow focuses under $900- this thing competes well at its price point)

Comes with extra tools/parts

beveled magnetic marking disk

Drive gear can be moved front to back with one screw

Did I mention this is a nice working follow focus for $399!?!


Gear Box is too well dampened (not good for cine lenses, but again I dont think its aimed here- its aimed at people using AF lenses)

Hardstops are OK but better to take them off unless you have an extremely short throw AF lens (just remove 2 screws on the handwheel, then 4 screws to remove the blue disk- put the hand wheel back on)

Some play (About 2 mm isnt bad, but I would prefer zero play- but then again who wouldnt!)

A bit heavy

Some torque in the Arm part if you have it up too high, could be beefed up here a bit


Let me get real- This thing is no Arri MFF-1, its 1/4 of the price- what did you expect? With that said, I do think its more than 1/2 as good the the Arri, which is saying something. Is it going to be my follow focus on my f3? On a red? maybe not, I probably will have to go to Arri for that.

Will trusmt provide good customer support? I dont know

Is every unit made well? I cant tell you

But for $399, I feel I have a great value of a follow focus unit- perfect for any dslr and ideal for any dslr with AF lenses: I.e. The gh2.

If you have a dslr and your looking for something nice looking, well built, that will actually work as a follow focus and you only have $399 and you appreciate taking a bit of risk- I can honestly say this is the best cheapest follow focus ive tried and would recommend it. Hopefully Trusmt will continue to improve on the design and make it even better in the future.

(Disclaimer: I dont know trusmt people so I cant vouch for them, nor have I received any compensation- Im just basing this review and recomendation off of this one follow focus model I bought from them on ebay, do your own dilagence and get other opinions too!)

Some camera porn attached (again, not ideal for an f3, just showing you!):]]>
GH2 Rocks the House - Awesome Looking Commercial http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/525/gh2-rocks-the-house-awesome-looking-commercial Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:21:39 +0000 last_SHIFT 525@/talks/discussions
Getting an NTSC FS-100 for us Europeeans! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/340/getting-an-ntsc-fs-100-for-us-europeeans Wed, 06 Jul 2011 07:04:26 +0000 Gabel 340@/talks/discussions But there is one issue: I need 24p, rather than 25p. As such I need an NTSC version.
So just import it you say!
Except there's a problem: You can't!

Sites like B&H are not allowed to sell it to Europe and I've even spoken with Sony themselves and they said that they can't import an NTSC version.
Which means that this thread goes out with the question: Does anybody here have any idea of how to import an NTSC version to Europe?

Of course, with a contact they could buy it there, but to me it just feels like there's got to be an easier way!

So this thread is dedicated to finding a solution! Of course, if one knew how to hack it into getting 24p, that could work too...]]>
Sony NEX peaking feature.... No more squinting eyes http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/274/sony-nex-peaking-feature....-no-more-squinting-eyes Thu, 23 Jun 2011 22:17:01 +0000 stoney 274@/talks/discussions

View on some FS100 sides from crews.tv http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/228/view-on-some-fs100-sides-from-crews.tv Tue, 14 Jun 2011 05:13:36 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 228@/talks/discussions It would be a trifle unfair to criticise Sony’s new FS100 for not having some of the costly features of a high-end camera.

The new camera is from Sony’s NXCAM budget range, with a list price expected to be NZ$8.5K (Under US$7K) for the bundle including an E-mount 18-200mm F3.5-6.3 Optical SteadyShot Sony auto focus zoom lens.

It is a fair game to compare it to a Canon 5D Mk II though, and sure enough one was produced to sit side by side with the Sony FS100 when a group of camera and sound Crews.TV members met recently at Spoon Studios in Auckland. It’s a venue often used by Crews.TV and this time the session was to look at a pre-production FS100 sample loaned by Sony.


There are lots of spec sheets, press releases and reviews that will give you the details of the camera and cover the image quality, but for this group the discussion turned to three main usability issues, once the amusement of being able to shoot around corners wore off.

Read the rest here:

Short videos:

Higher Bitrates for Sony F3 and FS-100 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/216/higher-bitrates-for-sony-f3-and-fs-100 Sat, 11 Jun 2011 14:20:09 +0000 bannedindv 216@/talks/discussions Long presentation of FS100 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/49/long-presentation-of-fs100 Wed, 04 May 2011 02:15:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 49@/talks/discussions http://pro.sony.com/bbsc/video/collections-nab2011/video-nab2011_theater_nxcam_35mm/

This was performed at NAB 2011.

It has one more citing of 4:4:4 output capability.

Considering the price, features, image quality FS100 is better than AF100 in many applications.]]>
Good Deals: Sony NEX-VG10 18-200mm kit http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/107/good-deals-sony-nex-vg10-18-200mm-kit Thu, 19 May 2011 01:10:04 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 107@/talks/discussions

Refurbished/demo kits at $1,649.00
