Tagged with pdaf - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/pdaf/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 12:27:21 +0000 Tagged with pdaf - Personal View Talks en-CA Future GHx with PDAF predictions for spring 2023 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27460/future-ghx-with-pdaf-predictions-for-spring-2023 Sun, 08 Jan 2023 19:32:46 +0000 EspenB 27460@/talks/discussions It's my gut feeling that both the GH5M2 and GH6 are EOL.

There is a lot of conjecture here, but my observations are the following:

Fire sale of the GH5M2all over (Norway, UK, Germany). Mostly bodies as the GH5M2 kits have been sold out during the black friday week. UPDATE: One retailer lists the GH5M2 as discontinued.

Also hefty rebates in the GH6 last year (-500 USD in US, same as on the S5 mk I BTW, in europe it was 400 euro winter cash back). Current GH6 discount at B&H is still -300USD. GH6 lens kits sold out from many german retailers, some list mid march for new stock/replacements.

Also the 12-35 mm f2.8 mk II lens have been observed at dumping prices, i.e. buy a GH6 get the 12-35 mm f2.8 for FREE (Norway).

So my personal prediction; both the GH5M2 and GH6 are end-of-life. The last GH6 has probably already departed from the factory. New high end m43 camera, probably an upgraded GHx, with the new Pana Leica 12-35 mm f2.8 kit zoom, will be here in 3-4 months.

Possible/Likely announcement at CP+ in february.

The Panasonic "PDAF" rant http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27459/the-panasonic-pdaf-rant Thu, 05 Jan 2023 19:26:00 +0000 EspenB 27459@/talks/discussions So finally Panasonic caved in and the long rumours about phase AF turned out to be true. As I recall there was strong rumours about the GH6 getting phase AF as well from several sources, one person living in Japan in particular. Which only partially was true. No PDAF for GH6 after basically SIX years of developement, but PDAF was indeed running in the dark corners of Panasonic skunk works.

Alas, the GH6 released without PDAF and I quite frankly refused to get another Death from Defocus top model. And upgraded from the GH4 to the GH5M2 - which was a rather nice upgrade for sure after being financially challenged for the Panasonic IBIS days. A feature which also was long overdue on the Panasonic feature sheet at the time BTW.

As a long standing Lumix G / GH user today is "the day after" the glorious and extravagant full frame PDAF five day press junket release initiated in Japan in early december. And being under wraps until CES 2023 besides the usual leaks - intentional or not - to bring up the hype. And a nice press junket it seem be with a couple of dozen influencers (also previous DFD naysayers like iphonedo) which seems to carry home a new S5M2 camera and 6-7 lens selection as swag. Some have claimed that hardware will be returned, I'm not sure that's true. Here in Norway it's a financial burden to receive so much free stuff as a influencer / youtuber as you have to pay income tax on the retail value. I'll leave the junket and possible free stuff. After all envy is one of the seven deadly sins.

As a long standing Lumix G user whit no current plan to switch to the 35 mm sensor size the S5M2 launch was of course all about Panasonic implementing PDAF in a camera. Personally I don't find Lumix S to be the prefered «full frame» system of choise if such a investement should be made. Or perhaps divestment from Lumix G. The Lumix S lens range is rather limited to standard zooms at different price points. As well as five «videocentric» primes for the DOF crowd. There are currently no serious tele lenses, specialities like fisheye or ultra wide angle lenses in the lens map. Alas I find that the S5M2 or the whole Lumix S system for that matter is is basically the FF system for the causual kit zoom shooter.

Things may improve in the future, but heck for my personal needs I have wanted the glorious Sony G-master 12-24 mm f2.8 ever since it was released. If going FF.

Alas back to the junket and CES release. There does not seem to be any wording released on future cameras with PDAF. Not even a basic roadmap saying that PDAF will be in all new cameras from now on. Might be self explanary, but heck is a rather interesting thing for the crowd which does not crave for Pansonics new budget friendly «slow sensor» influencer FF piece.

Only the «micro four nerds» influencer @emilymaylowrey seems to have given the issue the proper exposure, stating that Panasonic engineers present at the junket in Japan declined to comment on the issue.

I really hope Panasonic is able to get a new premium Lumix G camera with PDAF out ASAP. A GH6M2. In the next six months. Or maybe Panasonic wants us all over to the glorious Lumix S line. I'm not taking the bait. Please give us long standing Lumix G users the real stuff. Preferably at CP+.

How PDAF works http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5554/how-pdaf-works Sat, 22 Dec 2012 12:31:59 +0000 stoney 5554@/talks/discussions This article covers how PDAF works little more in depth. I like it.

