Tagged with lenses - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/lenses/p3/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 11:16:15 +0000 Tagged with lenses - Personal View Talks en-CA Parafocal, Controllable Iris Zooms for m4/3rds http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11212/parafocal-controllable-iris-zooms-for-m43rds Sat, 06 Sep 2014 08:51:17 +0000 Treetah 11212@/talks/discussions Hey guys. Had a question about lenses for my GH2 (hopefully soon to be GH4).

I'm looking for some parafocal zooms. Here's some criteria:

  • native or adaptable to m4/3rds
  • manual iris or adapter that includes iris control
  • hard stop focusing preferred
  • breathing I don't mind but nothing outrageous
  • no too-slow apertures like f8 or f16
  • need a few choices for cinema-purpose films
  • also some choices for live event/lecture shooting
  • zoom controls huge plus! (I plan on using my rigs FF)
  • under $5k
  • broader focal length range preferred

I've had my eye on the Nikor 50-300 f4.5 for example.

Thanks for the input!

  • treetah
Music Video "Napoleon" http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10933/music-video-napoleon Thu, 31 Jul 2014 16:12:16 +0000 Marco_Miranda 10933@/talks/discussions

This music video was shot with a Sony Fs700 and Samyang lenses.

Check the shots at night, they were all made at 50 fps, without help of any speedbooster, just the combination of the Samyang lenses and the right exposure.

We had no help of any kind of light equipment, because we didn't have the budget... just the street lights. For those who are thinking to buy this camera, I can just say that the Sony Fs700 is really a good deal for what it can deliver. See for yourself. And the grain... was put on purpose on post-production to have that dirty effect.

Wanted: Hire SLR Magic Anamorphot - UK http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10546/wanted-hire-slr-magic-anamorphot-uk Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:38:53 +0000 nobbystylus 10546@/talks/discussions Hello, i'm shooting and directing a music film over the next two months and i'm really keen to try out the SLR MAGIC Anamorphot (for use with my GH4 / GH2) to see if it will work for the piece. I'd love to hire it over a weekend to test it out. I'm fully insured and will cover transport in the UK. Anybody own this in the UK and would be happy to hire it out to me for a weekend?

Which mount is this Zeiss Tessar 40mm pancake? (Photos included) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10130/which-mount-is-this-zeiss-tessar-40mm-pancake-photos-included Thu, 10 Apr 2014 03:30:48 +0000 fatpig 10130@/talks/discussions Hello guys,

can anyone of you tell me, which mount this is? Thanks to you in advance!

Dog Schidt Lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8375/dog-schidt-lenses Tue, 08 Oct 2013 15:58:59 +0000 shian 8375@/talks/discussions So over at a friend's house borrowing some lenses and he asked me If I had used any dogshit lenses lately. I laughed and said, "I really try not to ever use any", and then he showed me what he was talking about. The name alone made me laugh, but the results are kinda awesome, and I like what these guys are doing. For Cameras with shallow DR, these are amazing lenses.

I just love that their contrast options are "Low, Lower, and Stupidly Low."



35-100mm Panasonic vintage lens alternative http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6972/35-100mm-panasonic-vintage-lens-alternative Wed, 15 May 2013 05:57:02 +0000 Sph1nxster 6972@/talks/discussions Looking for suggestions for a cheaper alternative to the 35-100 X lens from Panasonic.

So far I have looked at the 35-105 3:5 Canon FD, which is pretty close.

Is there anything better than this in any other mount?

WTB: certain c/y zeiss glass http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8620/wtb-certain-cy-zeiss-glass Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:21:07 +0000 RRRR 8620@/talks/discussions Now, there´s certainly no rush here on my part right now but I´m looking to expand my c/y kit and I don´t want to bother with ebay. Optics need to be in really good condition but other than that I can be flexible, depending on the deal. If you have a snug fit c/y - ef adapter you need rid of, that too might be of interest... Hence, if you have any of the following / consider selling – please let me know (asking price also):


18mm f4 distagon

21mm f2.8 distagon

35mm f1.4 distagon

100mm makro-planar

+long teles might also be of interest.


33-135mm f3.3-f4.5 vario-sonnar

1/2-inch ENG zoom lenses and mounting solutions http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5862/12-inch-eng-zoom-lenses-and-mounting-solutions Mon, 21 Jan 2013 21:08:50 +0000 balazer 5862@/talks/discussions The 1/2-inch format has an image circle diameter of 8 mm, which is very close to the GH2's 1080 ETC-mode diagonal of 8.3 mm.

1/2-inch format ENG lenses are made for 3-CCD cameras. The standard specifies an amount of glass behind the lens for the prism and color filters. It also specifies slightly different flange focal distances for green than for red and for blue. Since the GH2 has no prism and has its color sensors all in the same plane, these lenses are not perfectly matched for the GH2. In my testing, at wide aperture settings the image becomes hazy due to some focus aberration - I'm guessing mostly because of the absence of glass behind the lens. Stopping down to f/4 or so mostly fixes the haziness. In theory, the lack of glass behind the lens could be corrected with nothing more than a flat block of glass between the lens and the sensor. It would take more complicated optics to correct for the differences in the flange focal distances of the different colors, but I don't expect the longitudinal chromatic aberration to be very bad if this weren't corrected.

There are two 1/2-inch mounts: standard, and Sony. Most 1/2-inch lens models were made in both mounts. About two thirds of the used lenses for sale are in standard mount, and one third in Sony mount. I have attached sample images of the different mounts. The standard mount has a flange focal distance of 35.74 mm. The Sony mount has a flange focal distance of 38 mm.

ciecio7 on eBay makes a 1/2-inch Sony mount to Micro Four Thirds adapter: http://en.foto-akcesoria.com.pl/index.php/shop/product?idproduct=321&productname=1-2-quot-38-mount-mft

He also had a 1/2-inch standard mount to Micro Four Thirds adapter listed for sale, but I ordered the adapter and it was wrong. I'm sending my adapter back, but I'm sure someone could work with him to get him the proper specifications for a 1/2-inch standard mount adapter. The 1/2-inch standard mount is quite similar to the 2/3-inch B4 mount, except with a different flange focal distance. He already makes 2/3-inch B4 mount adapters.

Canon 1/2-inch ENG lens models:

  • KH: portable high def
  • H: portable
  • PH: studio/field
  • YH: portable pro standard def and pre-HD (semi-pro)

  • SX or SY in the servo unit model number indicates a Sony interface. IX, HX, or BX indicates a standard interface.

Fujinon 1/2-inch ENG lens models:

  • HS: premiere series high def, standard mount
  • HSs: premiere series high def, Sony mount
  • ZS: high def, standard mount
  • XS: high def, Sony mount
  • S: standard def and pre-HD

  • -38, -D38, -18, or -D18 suffix in the servo unit model number indicates a Sony interfaces. Suffixes with other numbers usually indicate a standard interface.

Standard definition lenses in most cases are more than capable of delivering HD resolutions, though not necessarily across the entire frame and at all focal lengths and aperture settings. HD lenses are made to a higher standard, and they cost a lot more.







What GH2 lens setup should I go with? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9687/what-gh2-lens-setup-should-i-go-with Fri, 21 Feb 2014 22:16:51 +0000 regaliafilms 9687@/talks/discussions Hey, so I've had a GH2 for a bit now, and I'm in need of some nice lenses, I did some research and I came up with two different lens setups. Can't decide which one I should pick so if the community here could help me it would be very wonderful.

SETUP 1: Panasonic LUMIX G 20mm f/1.7, Sigma 30mm f/1.4, Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II

SETUP 2: Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8, Nikon 28mm f/2.8D AF Nikkor , Nikon 50mm f/1.4D AF Nikkor Lens

I'm going to be filming for the most part, short films, and I want lenses that will give me a nice cinematic feel? (can't find the right word to use here) But, just want to get your guys' opinions on these setups and what you guys think I should do. I am on a budget here so if you are going to make other suggestions for setups please try to keep it below $850. Thanks!

What camera/ lenses for action http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9632/what-camera-lenses-for-action Sat, 15 Feb 2014 16:07:36 +0000 Duly_noted 9632@/talks/discussions I am a stuntman and free runner looking for a good camera for video and some stills. I have never used a dslr or M43 for any great length of time. I need 1080 p and 60 fps for slow motion. In my price range I'm looking at the Panasonic G6 or the new Nikon D3300. I'm having trouble deciding and was wondering if anyone with the G6 has experience shooting sports video with it. Also what glass would you recommend? Most shots will be during the day in Texas sun. At least one with shallow depth of field for some artistic shots and a wide angle. Should I get the kit on Amazon with the 14-42mm and add from there? I saw some people recommending cannon lenses, cheap but good I think. Which camera do you think would have better video quality in 60 fps? I know that can effect editing with plugins like twixtor.

Thank you for your time, responses, and patience, I am a noob now but hope to be good at this eventually.

Lenses to use with GH4 / 4K Cameras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9575/lenses-to-use-with-gh4-4k-cameras Sun, 09 Feb 2014 13:37:30 +0000 JanH 9575@/talks/discussions I'm pretty excited about the potential of the GH4 (and I suppose any other 4K cameras at $2,000 or so). I am currently using the GH13, mainly in 720p mode with a variety of legacy full frame lenses. Canon FD, Minolta MD, Nikon, Helios, Pentax etc. These all produce a lovely image, less clinical than the Panasonic 14-140 kit lens, IMHO.

Now with 4k coming along, I'm wondering if these older lenses will have any chance of producing the detailed images that the higher resolution sensors are capable of. Or, whether the way forward would be to use an RJ or Metabones speed booster with these lenses to get the detail/ resolution? It would be a shame to not be able to get the benefits of 4k unless using m43 lenses.

Does anyone have any experience, or opinions on this subject? I'd appreciate any comments.

Lens Locker http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8986/lens-locker Fri, 06 Dec 2013 04:43:42 +0000 andyharris 8986@/talks/discussions A friend of mine pointed me at:

Link removed

I've just hired a 45mm TSE lens for 48hrs, it cost me about £52 including the return postage. The 48hrs didn't include the delivery and return day. They box up the lens in a plastic tupperware style box and a very soft lens bag. The service seems quite pleasant.

Not used a TSE before, here are my experiments:


Fisheye for GH2 : Rokinon 7.5mm f3.5 OR Rokinon 8mm f2.8 with adapter ? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8798/fisheye-for-gh2-rokinon-7.5mm-f3.5-or-rokinon-8mm-f2.8-with-adapter- Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:41:27 +0000 TruHype 8798@/talks/discussions Hello everyone,

I just recently wanted to buy a fisheye lens to filming skateboard videos, but I came across 2 different fisheyes :

  • The Rokinon 7.5mm f3.5 for Micro 4/3


  • The Rokinon 8mm f2.8 for Sony E-mount (NEX-7, NEX-5, NEX-3...) + Adapter

The thing is I know the Rokinon for M4/3 is going to fit directly on my camera (tried it in a shop), but the Rokinon for Sony is much faster, but maybe a little less wide...

Can you please help me choose ?

Thank you.

Voigtlander 58mm f1.4 Nokton for GH2 Video http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7448/voigtlander-58mm-f1.4-nokton-for-gh2-video Sun, 07 Jul 2013 07:40:11 +0000 Matthew_Lawrence 7448@/talks/discussions Hi,

I'm looking to get the Voigtlander 58mm f1.4 Nokton (Nikon Mount) and adapter to use with my Voigtlander 25mm f0.95 on my GH2. I primarily shoot video.

When researching this lens I've come across a lot of talk about the lens overexposing by 2/3 f-stops and a few people are saying it's the chip that causes this. Am I correct in thinking that this don't be a problem for me on the GH2 as with a the camera wouldn't be able to meter the lens anyway?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks, Matthew

M4/3 Adapters for sale http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7346/m43-adapters-for-sale Tue, 25 Jun 2013 08:20:09 +0000 sicovdplas 7346@/talks/discussions For sale 5 m4/3 adapters.

Looking to sell them in 1 package for 85 euro. Fotasy Konica -> m4/3 m42 -> m4/3 canon fd -> m4/3 (ciec70 adapter) Olympus om -> m4/3 Nikon -> m4/3

Best wide lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/40/best-wide-lenses- Mon, 02 May 2011 11:36:48 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 40@/talks/discussions
m43 lenses

Panasonic 7-14mm F4 - about $1000
Very sharp, highly recommended lens. Not fast.

Panasonic 14mm F2.5 - about $350
Also not very fast for prime lens. Sharpness is average, corners are quite soft wide open.

Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 - about $700
Very highly regarded lens. Good compliment to longer 2.8 zoom.

Samyang 14mm F2.8 - about $400
Very sharp, quite large lens. Has quite complex distortion, unfortunately.

Canon lenses

Tokina 11-16mm F2.8 - about $700
Very highly regarded lens. Good compliment to longer 2.8 zoom.

Samyang 14mm F2.8 - about $400
Very sharp, quite large lens. Has quite complex distortion, unfortunately.
Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 SP Di VC USD http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7306/tamron-70-200mm-f2.8-sp-di-vc-usd Thu, 20 Jun 2013 17:47:34 +0000 RRRR 7306@/talks/discussions Never been a fan of Tamron glass but this tele zoom ticks the boxes when it comes to video work. Parfocal, internal mechanisms, fast and well built. Optically it´s nice too, very competitive in this range of zooms. Very nice to chase stuff around with from afar, especially on a crop sensor (m43). Had a very quick test of it (mainly to see if it was parfocal), and although it´s not exactly cheap I will definately get one when the time is right. Didn´t try out the stabilisation but it seems good.

reviews: http://www.thephoblographer.com/2013/04/30/review-tamron-70-200mm-f2-8-sp-di-vc-usd-canon-ef/ http://photo.net/equipment/tamron/70-200vc

Reducing the GH2's sharpness on the 14-140mm kit lens http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6252/reducing-the-gh2s-sharpness-on-the-14-140mm-kit-lens- Mon, 25 Feb 2013 14:49:33 +0000 TruHype 6252@/talks/discussions Hi,

I own the GH2 with the 14-140mm Lumix lens, and I just started making films. I really like the 14-140mm, it has a very fast autofocus (for filming skateboard or whatever...), and when zoomed in it has a very nice DOF. But the problem is, it is way too sharp (even with sharpness at -2 and the Apocalypse Now DrewNet 'Soft' hack 444 matrix). I bought the GH2 thinking that it would have the same "Smooth" effect as the Canon T2i, 7D, 5D but with more resolution... because the GH2 IS a DLSR (or should I say DSLM). I know I could have this effect if I use non-panasonic or vintage lenses, but right know I own only the Lumix 14-140, and I'm not buying new lenses right now (or anamorphic adapters). The videos with those kit lens looks too much like a cheep Hi-rez camcorder and not like a DSLR or Cinematic or RED video... I know, I know, I should use a short DOF, reduce everything to -2... bla bla bla... But the 14-140 is still too sharp. It maybe even look a tad better on the GH1...

Now is there any type of HACK made especially for that type of lens, or any HACK that really softens the image down (canon-like) without a big loss of quality ?

I've already tried "soft" hacks (apocalypse now...etc), but it doesn't change anything, the edges are still too rough and sharp.

  • I would like that kind of soft light and professional effect from Canon cameras (but with better quality) :

  • And not this too sharp/camcorder look effect (even though it's a cool video) :

  • But the best would be this effect (those are NOT Lumix lenses) :

(And yes, I like parkour)

I know that there are already some posts that are about the same, but none of them really helps me.

Please help me !


Thinnest pancake lenses? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/7077/thinnest-pancake-lenses Mon, 27 May 2013 00:41:35 +0000 QuickHitRecord 7077@/talks/discussions Which lenses require the smallest flange distance (i.e. the thinnest MFT adapters?) And secondly, what are some of the thinnest manual lenses?

I've tried both the Konica 40mm Pancake and the Nikon Series E 50mm Pancake, but I'm curious to see if I can go thinner.

Selling Tokina 11-16 and Duclos Modded Cine Zeiss 25mm & 35mm lens http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6910/selling-tokina-11-16-and-duclos-modded-cine-zeiss-25mm-35mm-lens Wed, 08 May 2013 13:50:19 +0000 theconformist 6910@/talks/discussions All lenses are in like new condition, & Nikon mount. Would like to get as close to the retail price as I can as I have barely used them. They are indeed fantastic lenses, but I'm just going for all m4/3 mount lenses, gotta save some money. Make me an offer, will sell individually or as a package deal.

Duclos modded lenses: http://www.ducloslenses.com/collections/zeiss/products/zeiss-zf-2-cine-mod Tokina 11-16: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/554036-REG/Tokina_ATX116PRODXN_11_16mm_f_2_8_AT_X_116.html

SOLD. Panasonic Lumix 12-35 2.8 and 35-100 2.8. New Condition. Two Weeks Old. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6814/sold.-panasonic-lumix-12-35-2.8-and-35-100-2.8.-new-condition.-two-weeks-old. Fri, 26 Apr 2013 12:42:03 +0000 cinetim 6814@/talks/discussions I bought these lenses about two weeks ago at Adorama in NYC. I have all the original receipts. I tried to return because my company decided to go in on a C300 package. But because I'm missing the warranty card, they won't take it back. Lesson learned - don't throw any paperwork away. Either way I checked with Panasonic and they will honor the warranty so long as you got the original receipt with date of purchase. It's US law. In short, they're are under warranty.

They've only been used once for a camera test on the GH3. They're spectacular lenses but for my productions the GH3 doesn't meet my needs.

Panasonic 12-35 2.8 for sale 1030.00 obo New

Panasinc 35-100 2.8 for sale 1260.00 obo New

This is 10 % off list price for new lenses.

I've been a longtime member on DVX user and trusted buyer and seller of gear on Red User. I'm also a NYC local 600 union cameraman located in Brooklyn, so I'm easy to track down.

I prefer to only accept cash, check, direct deposit, or wire. Sorry no paypal or credit cards.

You can reach me at: saintmarkspictures@gmail.com if you're interested.

You can also see my work and credentials at www.timnaylor.com and credits at IMDB


Tim Naylor - NYC DP. www.timnaylor.com

Oldest lenses on GH2 / GH3 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6523/oldest-lenses-on-gh2-gh3 Wed, 27 Mar 2013 19:11:56 +0000 fosterchen 6523@/talks/discussions This is a fun topic to see who's actually utilizing the oldest lenses on their Panasonic GHX.. Can be both actual use in the field or just experimenting to see if it is possible to mount and attain focus. Pics if you got'em!

Dog Schidt Optics by Flare Factory 58's http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6424/dog-schidt-optics-by-flare-factory-58s Mon, 18 Mar 2013 00:38:53 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6424@/talks/discussions Vintage 58mm f2 lens based on a classic 1960's Zeiss optical design.

For mount Canon EF, Nikon, Sony E-Mount, M43, Sony Alpha/Minolta, Arri PL.

We hand machine each lens and apply various cool modifications to add extra character to your pictures or movies. The lenses are available in various styles. Please see our online video samples and our PDF, then choose your style! If unsure just let us know what video sample you like best and we will send you the right configuration :-




What does the My colour mode do when filming? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6496/what-does-the-my-colour-mode-do-when-filming Mon, 25 Mar 2013 08:23:02 +0000 KluddKalle 6496@/talks/discussions Hi!

I've searched for answers but came up with nothing, if there is an answer please point me in the right direction and close this thread. Forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong category.

I'm using the GF2 (hacked) for filming with old vintage lenses. I mainly use a Canon FD 50 mm 1,4 and a Canon FD 28 mm f2,8. When I try to shoot wide open the image gets all blown out (of course) and a ND-filter would help me with that. But when I shoot in any of the My colour modes the image is fine.

So what does the My colour mode (except the obvious effects) do that I can't do in manual mode? I know there's no manual controls when recording video so does it really matter what mode I shoot in? I'm thinking that the custom My colour mode (without changing any settings to the colour) is cheaper than a variable ND-filter, if the mode doesn't do something wierd with my video...

Advice: Nokton 25mm f0.95 vs PanaLeica 25mm f1.4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6310/advice-nokton-25mm-f0.95-vs-panaleica-25mm-f1.4 Sat, 02 Mar 2013 17:20:33 +0000 Manu4Vendetta 6310@/talks/discussions I know both are two great optics. The Nokton lens is tested with the GH2, the PanaLeica've seen a few videos, references and analysis in the video section. I think the Nokton is manual, so it is more than indificated video stills, and PanaLeica is suitable for photo and video.

I'm saving for the Nokton, but its price is a bit prohibitive -at least for my third world economy-, PanaLeica wanted to know if it is a good option and I can get a result close and as cinematic as the Nokton or the step and go straight to the Nokton.

I would like to arguments for and against each.


Interesting stuff: Famous 200mm and 135mm Series 1 lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/460/interesting-stuff-famous-200mm-and-135mm-series-1-lenses Fri, 22 Jul 2011 05:41:07 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 460@/talks/discussions They are build like tanks, have great optics.
And turning their focus ring is like having constant orgasm.

Vivitar Series 1 135mm F2.3


Mount: Canon FD, that is best, as it has no play.
Price: $200 or best offer


Vivitar Series 1 200mm F3.0


Mount: Canon FD, that is best, as it has no play.
Price: $199 and $160 respectively



Second option that ends in about 3h is very good, as $160 for such condition lens with case is good.]]>
FS: Three awesome Nikkor lenses with FF gear! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5255/fs-three-awesome-nikkor-lenses-with-ff-gear Tue, 20 Nov 2012 10:35:22 +0000 sh1ggy 5255@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

2012 is drawing to a close. I'm right now trying to optimize my workflow and sell a few pieces of equipment I don't necessarily need anymore.

All three lenses were bought at the beginning of this year and were only used a couple of times on pretty small projects.

They are built like tanks and offer absolutely lovely bokeh. Focus is really, really smooth. I seriously recommend them.

Perfectly fitting Half Inch Rails gears included. (Best lens gear in my opinion, nice and simple)

Nikkor AI 24mm f/2.0

image image image

Asking price: 260 Euro (345 Dollar)

Nikkor AI-s 35mm f/2.0

image image image image

Asking price: 225 Euro (295 Dollar)

Nikkor AI 85mm f/2.0

image image image image

Asking price: 240 Euro (315 Dollar)

I'm pretty sure there'll be more offerings in the near future. Keep an eye out.

Located in Germany. Shipping worldwide.

30mm F1.4 Sigma old http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/87/30mm-f1.4-sigma-old- Fri, 13 May 2011 19:44:54 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 87@/talks/discussions

My own opinion about this lens is not very good.

Recently available Samyang 35mm F1.4 is better is every regard (build quality, sharpness, focus, etc). Except size and weight :-)

Flow Motion GH2 & incredible inexpensive Minolta lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6021/flow-motion-gh2-incredible-inexpensive-minolta-lenses Tue, 05 Feb 2013 15:35:37 +0000 AaronDunleavy 6021@/talks/discussions Hi, this is a short student film which I directed and filmed using the Flow Motion GH2 hack with extremely inexpensive old Minolta Rokkor primes.

These lenses are so sharp, crystal clear and well built with smooth focusing so for an almost giveaway price you should really consider looking into them. A must buy if you are on a budget.

This was made in 3 weeks including devising a storyline and pre-production. All comments are appreciated and I will answer any questions you have.

Thanks, Aaron.

Wide-angle Rectilinear Lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3634/wide-angle-rectilinear-lenses- Tue, 19 Jun 2012 17:43:31 +0000 kronstadt 3634@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I wanted to ask if Panasonic Lumix G 14mm lens is rectilinear? and if Panasonic 7-14mm lens is rectilinear throughout?

And which other rectilinear wide-angle and ultra-wide lenses would you recommend for GH13? Please also mention the rough price for each lens.

I'm especially interested in legacy lenses that could be had for cheap.

Many thanks!
