Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/hack/p4/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 09:40:38 +0000 Tagged with hack - Personal View Talks en-CA Ok First off I'm a noob lets get that out of the way. But I have a Lumix GF3 question. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11593/ok-first-off-im-a-noob-lets-get-that-out-of-the-way.-but-i-have-a-lumix-gf3-question.- Sun, 19 Oct 2014 08:17:52 +0000 newcents88 11593@/talks/discussions Hey everyone I have a quick question. I have seen videos online with the Lumix GF3 hacked. I have found out how to hack the gh2 and gf2 but I can't figure the gf3 out. Also when I'm at No adverse effects I cant download the links it only give me the PNG options. First things first has anyone done the firmware hack on the GF3 ?? If so please help.

The Gh4 can, and needs to improve http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11393/the-gh4-can-and-needs-to-improve Thu, 25 Sep 2014 13:42:17 +0000 UEstudios 11393@/talks/discussions I just got a gh4... and I have used a gh3 since it was released. Now I don't think the gh3 could improve much, its IPB codecs specially 50p are very nice. But the gh4... kinda disapointed me in some ways. The 4k modes, will only be at 100mbps, while there are 1080p modes at 200mbps. Why would be the reason of that? My guess would be the gh4's hardware can actually record 4k at 200mbps. Getting rid of some of those compression artifacts... Also something else that kind of made me sad is why the 96fps mode looks like uprezed 720.. I guess a ~70fps mode at full 1080 could be possible on that hardware too

At the moment my gh4 feels like a strong horse with 3 legs. If i want to make a video with it, I won't use the 96fps mode because it looks mushy, also I doubt I will use 4k, if anyway Im going to need to shoot some takes at 50p (4k 50p? too much maybe?), the 4k doesnt present much of an advantatge, rather a problem later in post aswell as weird changes in resolution and detail throughout the finished video. Im actually scared of using it for money work.. Probably customers wouldn't even tell but Im scared of ending up with non-solid products. I will keep using my well trusted gh3 for the jobs and the gh4 shooting at similar settings only... Doesnt feel so much of an upgrade.

Is there any possibility of a firmware hack? If any of those issues could be sorted, it would make this camera becomes a serious serious tool, to the level that I doubt that I would spend my money on bigger cameras instead of lenses lighting etc.

How Much Per Hour Should I Charge For Work Such As This? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9253/how-much-per-hour-should-i-charge-for-work-such-as-this Sat, 04 Jan 2014 15:12:51 +0000 TATZU 9253@/talks/discussions Our company is developing some youtube videos for our customers. These are short video clips lasting 2 minutes in average. There are several categories,

  • demonstration of product features using shooting live video
  • illustration of products with animated video
  • screen capture to show web interface usage

You will be working with our marketing people on the idea and implement it.


  • must have developed at least one type of videos listed above
  • skills manage video collection at youtube, including editing, posting, organizing
  • students and college grads prefered


Boson http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11199/boson Fri, 05 Sep 2014 08:24:37 +0000 apefos 11199@/talks/discussions WorkHorse Boson

highest possible careful tweaked settings for very high image quality with enough stability for short takes up to 5 - 8 minutes.

Improved for best low light noise and textures in all modes, perfect for high iso, and excelent image texture in good light.

Arri Alexa image quality inside the GH2, (just missing the Alexa dynamic range of course)

default version:

*SH and H slots are better for good light in low iso and for more detailed scenes in good light

*SH slot is higher quality and more stable with manual focus legacy lenses

*H slot more stable with native lenses with electronic contacts

*H slot also better for use with image stabilization

*hbr is better in good light than in low light

*default version is more stable in SH and H 720p and in HBR than the boson version

*24p 24H and 24L are the same of boson

*great quality in all modes

boson version:

*SH slot improved for low light textures and noise

*H slot better for good light in low iso, better for more complex details scenes in good light

*H slot is more stable for native lenses

*HBR does the low light / good light balance automaticaly for better noise in low light or better detail in good light

*24p has same noise quality in both good light or low light for constant image texture this keeps same random noise in all light conditions, good for intercut with SH

*a little less stable in 720p and HBR than the default version

*best quality in all modes

seta = workhorse default

setb = workhorse boson

setc = workhorse default lower datarate in SH and H for more stability in 720p and hbr

setd = workhorse boson lower datarate in SH and H for more stability in 720p and hbr

sete = same as seta, but the 24H and 24L are optimized to deliver sharpest image for steady complex detail scenes, it does the automatic adaptation in 24p for low light noise or good light steady complex detail scenes

setf = same as setc, but the 24H and 24L are optimized to deliver sharpest image for steady complex detail scenes, it does the automatic adaptation in 24p for low light noise or good light steady complex detail scenes

all tests performed in NTSC with the Sandisk 32GB SDHC Class 10 U1 45Mbps card.

transcode the original mts files to Apple ProRes 422 full range using the 5DtoRGB free software before editing to avoid the diagonal pattern rain problem. Try the ProRes HQ, normal and LT versions to perceive the best balance between quality/file size.

as of september 05 2014 all versions are modified flowmotion 2.02 with extensive careful tweaking

please donate to www.personal-view.com

Music Video Shot with GH2, DW Cluster 7, Moon T6 (modified to 110mbps) and Russian M39 Lenses. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11166/music-video-shot-with-gh2-dw-cluster-7-moon-t6-modified-to-110mbps-and-russian-m39-lenses. Mon, 01 Sep 2014 15:34:35 +0000 IntoCRASH 11166@/talks/discussions

Lenses used: Jupiter 3 50mm f1.5, and Jupiter 9 85mm f2.0 M39 mount adapted to M4/3 A few clips were colored with FilmConvert. Edited in Sony Vegas. Enjoy!

GX7 live video out http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11158/gx7-live-video-out Fri, 29 Aug 2014 23:51:57 +0000 nufan 11158@/talks/discussions Good Day

I'm new to this forum. Have already done some research but havent found the information so far. i'm owning the panasonic lumix gx7 and i'm pretty happy so far. but one big dissapointment is, that there is no live video output during filming. it is not working on hdmi nor on the av out. dissapointed that panasonic does not mentoin that on their product specifications... anyway i wanted to ask if someone here is working on a hack on this camera which would enable live video output. i think it is "only" a firmware related limitation...?


Sony F5 Unlock Enables 4K http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11142/sony-f5-unlock-enables-4k Wed, 27 Aug 2014 19:19:28 +0000 endotoxic 11142@/talks/discussions I find this amusing and good for all

4k XAVC 60p on $16k F5 ....NICE!!! just with an unlock lol, not even hack.

F55 Owners should feel like cat on a goya saturnalf adaptation.


Apefos Top Settings - 6 Patches for GH2 Hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11069/apefos-top-settings-6-patches-for-gh2-hack Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:21:25 +0000 apefos 11069@/talks/discussions These are my 6 Patches with the best settings I found for GH2.

All tested with GH2 + Sandisk SDHC 32GB 45MBps card

I did not test spanning because I do not need it.

seta = modified FlowMotion 2.02 with high datarate for both 1080p 24p and 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and default Panasonic gops for other modes, long gop for 720p is more stable than short gops. avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in 1080p 24p, the other modes needs transcoding with 5DtoRGB free software before editing to avoid the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in dark low light. (best choice, workhorse)

setb = modified FlowMotion 2.02 with high datarate for 1080p 24p and mid datarate for 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and default Panasonic gops for other modes, long gop for 720p is more stable than short gops. avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in 1080p 24p, the other modes needs transcoding with 5DtoRGB free software before editing to avoid the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in dark low light. (for low speed cards)

setc = modified FlowMotion 2.02 with mid datarate for both 1080p 24p and 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and default Panasonic gops for other modes, long gop for 720p is more stable than short gops. avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in 1080p 24p, the other modes needs transcoding with 5DtoRGB free software before editing to avoid the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in dark low light. (for low speed cards)

setd = modified FlowMotion 2.02 with high datarate for both 1080p 24p and 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and gop9 for other modes, avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in 1080p 24p, the other modes needs transcoding with 5DtoRGB free software before editing to avoid the diagonal pattern (rain) noise, more noticeable than in the previous patches in this list. (highest quality for 720p)

sete = conservative settings with just datarate and gop changing, high datarate for 1080p 24p and mid datarate for 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and default Panasonic gops for other modes, avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in all modes.

setf = conservative settings with just datarate and gop changing, mid datarate for both 1080p 24p and 720p 60p, gop3 for 1080p 24p and default Panasonic gops for other modes, avoids the diagonal pattern (rain) noise in all modes. (for low speed cards)

720p 60p GH2 hack: an attempt to improve the quality, stability and reliability. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10650/720p-60p-gh2-hack-an-attempt-to-improve-the-quality-stability-and-reliability. Sat, 21 Jun 2014 17:03:43 +0000 apefos 10650@/talks/discussions I am trying to improve the quality of 720p 60p in GH2.

I did some research in the forum about PTools settings but I did not find the answers I need...

What happens is:

Only GOP which works good for 720p 60p are GOP 30 and GOP 3, all other GOP gives diagonal pattern (rain) in computer monitor. But the GOP 3 in 720p always stops recording and it seems the card is not the problem, I am using Sandisk 45mbps and other people says the Sandisk 95mbps also stops recording in 720p hacks... The GOP 6, 12 and 15 works for some shoots, but they are unstable (sometimes stops recording) and gives diagonal pattern (rain) in computer monitor. GOP 3 stops recording all the time, no matter the bitrate (I tested GOP 3 from 40 to 200mbps). So GOP 30 is the only option.

Problem is: when using the GOP 30 the camera encoder always keeps the bitrate very low when the camera is quiet, when there is no motion in the image, and this gives lots of macroblocking and texture lost in low light. Even when I set the bitrate to 48mbps or 64mbps in PTools the camera does not record 48mbps or 64mbps, StreamParser shows only around 23mbps... (for static low light shoots)

The auto quantizer all to motion or all to details did not make any difference. So I did some try to change settings in TESTER options of PTools. I fount the TOP and BOTTOM bitrate limits and I enabled it with 48000 and 42000 for top and bottom 720p, but this makes no effects in encoding, bitrate is still very low for static shots no matter the bitrate I type in PTools...

Only thing I found to make the bitrate encoding keep high is the GOP 3, but camera stops recording in all 720p shoots, the GOP 3 just works for 1080p.

So I am wondering if there is a way to keep the bitrate high using GOP 30 in 720p...

Any suggestion welcome, thanks.

Could a GH4 hack allow full sensor capture (16:9)? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10834/could-a-gh4-hack-allow-full-sensor-capture-169 Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:28:27 +0000 Adinan 10834@/talks/discussions Hey guys, sorry if anyone's mentioned this already but I didn't find any topics on this.

I've been researching this camera for a while now before I decide to buy it, and a personal problem for me is wider angles, given how the widest I can go is 2.24x with C4k. I'd read a wishlist of ideas for a GH4 hack allowing full sensor width capture at 4608x1920 (2.4:1), which would be awesome. Although, this raised the question for me as to whether or note a full sensor readout of 4608x2592 (16:9) is possible?

As far as I know, 4k writing speed had been clocked at 12.5mb/sec. Assuming the 4k (8.3mp) is written at 12.5mb/s, and C4k (8.85mp) at a slightly higher rate, how taxing would it really be for the camera to record at a full sensor 4608x2592 (12mp)? If we were to simply crunch the number in mp, full sensor 16:9 capture would be 1.44 times the file size, meaning it'd require an 18mb/s writing speed. Also, if that full width recording, 4608x1920 (8.85mp), was hacked for, it doesn't seem to me that it should be any more taxing on the camera and the cards.

I mostly bring this up because of the crop factor, though the increase in resolution for 16:9 would be sweet, frankly. Personally, I'm interested in the GH4 for shorts, so a 4608x1920 recording would still be a wet dream come true, but C4k suffices for the time being. My interest in 16:9 is for potential client work. These are just a few thoughts on possible hacks, custom/2.35 grid lines would be sweet.

Hope this doesn't arouse the ire of pressured hackers, just some thoughts. Thanks for reading :)

Panasonic GH2 Hacks good for a Noob http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10356/panasonic-gh2-hacks-good-for-a-noob Sat, 10 May 2014 16:41:21 +0000 GAH80 10356@/talks/discussions Hi There,

I know the GH2 hack topic has been discussed extensively on this forum and thanks to @driftwood for the great work, but as a noob I was hoping someone can help break down some of the benefits of the following Hacks that seem to be very popular. I want to get the best quality video and stills possible without compromising stability.

From my research these seem to be some of the most popular hacks out there: TerraQuake, Mysteron, Sedna, Quantum...

My main reason for purchasing the camera is to shoot a music video in the park. Lots of greens and earthy colors during the daytime. Yet I want to create my own versatile Cam for great video and stills while being stable.

Not sure if any of the patches I mention can produce stunning images and video in this setting. Would that same patch be good for shooting low light indoor settings? Also, maybe a silly question but do these hacks work with video and stills?

Quantum 9b looks like it does great with lowlight:

However I've seen some videos slight glitches in the footage with more movement involved:

Please keep in mind I will be using a 64 GB SDHC Class 10 UHS-1 Flash Memory Card 95MB/s.

I found this link very useful, for noobs attempting to hack their GH2: http://www.sam-mallery.com/2011/11/an-ez-guide-to-hacking-the-panasonic-gh2/

I'm looking for experienced filmographers who can direct me accordingly - pros and cons.

Any help would be extremely appreciated and help relief a lot of anxiety accompanying this process ; )

Thank you all!!

We need GH4 Hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10617/we-need-gh4-hack Mon, 16 Jun 2014 12:25:33 +0000 endotoxic 10617@/talks/discussions ITs not about the compression, or the bitrates, or even the curves you can achieve and have a grate perceived dynamic range. Its not about nothing of that.

The patches Driftwood manage to make, how he handled the matrices 4x4 no 8x8 matrices...dammnit even 2x2 if its possible on h264, the difference its clear. The looks is clear.

Please vitaliy, opening a film stock world again by hacking this Gh4 beast is something good for the masses.

Its not about performance any more, its about better image.

Add encryption after shooting http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10724/add-encryption-after-shooting Fri, 04 Jul 2014 14:28:07 +0000 lisergicsyn 10724@/talks/discussions Hello, do you think it would be possible to hack a GH-x firmware so that all the data the camera save on the SD card will be somehow encrypted? Since I don't know how deep the panasonic firmware could be customized, before start digging, it would be good to receive a feedback.


Best hack for black&white? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10620/best-hack-for-blackwhite Mon, 16 Jun 2014 21:50:48 +0000 Cimage 10620@/talks/discussions Hello everybody,

Simple question actually, the title says it all : which would be the best hack - or is it even necessary - for black&white on gh2? The black&white I have in mind as an ideal (I must repeat this : as an ideal!) is the film noir style, films like "The killers", "Criss Cross", directed by Siodmak...

Any thoughts and/or knowledge would be highly appreciated.


Teaser for upcoming project HORNS (2014) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9227/teaser-for-upcoming-project-horns-2014 Mon, 30 Dec 2013 11:00:25 +0000 Philldaagony 9227@/talks/discussions http://vimeo.com/bigandsmallproductions/horns

Password: 10111987

Shot on the GH2 using the 25mm Voitglander and running an unspecified intravenus patch.


Shooting In Low-Light! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10584/shooting-in-low-light Wed, 11 Jun 2014 13:08:43 +0000 Gardner 10584@/talks/discussions

ISCO Anamorphic + GH2 + Olympus Manual F1.8 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10551/isco-anamorphic-gh2-olympus-manual-f1.8 Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:40:41 +0000 stucameraman1 10551@/talks/discussions Hi all, Being New to the GH2 world (and what a nice world it is) im trying out all of my canon fitment lenses...It was time for the ISCO Anamorphic!

being a canon user for 4years all of my lenses are for canon fitment, so i bought a EF to M43 adapter. My set up for this video was - EF to M43 adapter, Olympus 50mm F1.8 + OM to EF Adapter, REDSTAN Anamorphic clamp adapter to thread with a step ring. I sold my canon 7D and 50D a few months back to get a used GH2 and i cant see me going back to Canon...ever. Enjoy.

GX7 Hack Question http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10483/gx7-hack-question Thu, 29 May 2014 05:25:57 +0000 Lammy 10483@/talks/discussions Trying to drum up interest here. It costs half as much as the GH4, and it uses the same sensor as the GH4, and the 1080p quality is near identical. Maybe even the same processors too.

We know the priority is on the GH3 hacks right now - and the GH4 and GX7 haven't been de-crypted yet.

Hopefully possible to dump the firmware and coding onto the GX7 in the not too distant future? It could potentially be an even cheaper 4K power house!

The GX7 firmware: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/download/fts/dl/gx7.html

The GH4 firmware: [still waiting]

Another thing interesting is that the mp4 bitrate on 24/25/30p is low compared to the AVCHD (averages 20Mbps vs 28Mbps), but the codec implementation of the mp4 and AVCHD is identical at 50/60P using 28Mbps. Hacking the bitrate higher on the mp4 mode would be ideal too.

Anyway just wanted to put it out there that this little camera is damn amazing and is worth a shot, because it's pretty similar to the GH4 minus a few of the above features.


Music video made with GH2 & GH3 (electronic/dubstep) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10308/music-video-made-with-gh2-gh3-electronicdubstep Sun, 04 May 2014 01:23:39 +0000 elkanah77 10308@/talks/discussions Please read description for details and specs. Thanks for watching.

Where do I see reflected the changes after flow motion v.2 hacking ? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10259/where-do-i-see-reflected-the-changes-after-flow-motion-v.2-hacking- Sat, 26 Apr 2014 11:53:54 +0000 falconking 10259@/talks/discussions Hi. I recently bought my GH2 and decided to hack it with the flow motion v2 hack. But since I am new to this camera, I don´t know where to look to see the changes the hack has made in the system. I searched the entire site, but nobody explains how to operate the new features after the hack, they just explain them, but not how to find them in the camera menus. Can somebody please tell me where to find the new controls ? thanks !

Waterbirds of Lake Wissota http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10167/waterbirds-of-lake-wissota Mon, 14 Apr 2014 23:22:16 +0000 ragnar 10167@/talks/discussions
5min video of some waterbirds found on Lake Wissota, Wisconsin. where I live. Most of these were on their way through headed towards their migratory summer grounds in Canada. Shot on a GH2 using mpgxsvcd's high quality no adverse effects 42 mb/sec hack, except for the very last clip which was shot using the LX7. As for the bald eagles at the end, while they are not actually waterbirds, they spend most of their time near the water, so that's why I included them.

Filmmaking Series! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10096/filmmaking-series Mon, 07 Apr 2014 12:42:36 +0000 Gardner 10096@/talks/discussions Hey personal view, I'm doing a series on YouTube about how I go about shooting my films. I am currently finishing up my film "Ominious", and I plan on showing some BTS on how I went about editing, creating the sound, shot selection, and grading the film. Here's the first video on the series I'm putting together, and I hope to get some support from the users I frequently talk to on the forums!

Panasonic G6 Hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9978/panasonic-g6-hack Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:40:53 +0000 sebastala 9978@/talks/discussions It's possible to hack the Panasonic G6 using the existing GH2 hack?

FS: GH2 with Driftwood hack (from EU to worldwide) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9984/fs-gh2-with-driftwood-hack-from-eu-to-worldwide- Thu, 27 Mar 2014 13:04:20 +0000 yiannis_zach 9984@/talks/discussions As per the title, a used GH2 with the Driftwood hack. Fully working condition, ready for your next project. Camera body + original strap + original battery + original charger with cable. Price: €390 via Paypal, including fees & shipping cost. Shipping from France, to any worldwide destination. If you prefer the sale via the feebay, send me pm so to give you the link. 100% positive feedback & over hundreds of sales. Thanks for your attention.

Blind Faith - (2012) Shot On GH2's http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9631/blind-faith-2012-shot-on-gh2s Sat, 15 Feb 2014 12:16:26 +0000 DRIZZLE01 9631@/talks/discussions Hello everyone we made this short a few years ago and after doing the festival circuits we have now made it public.

We shot this on hacked GH2s, I cant remember which hack we used but I believe it was one of the early Driftwood ones. A big thanks to Vitaliy and Driftwood: enabling us to turn our little cameras into cinema machines!!!!

Blind Faith:

Thanks, Dave

Need to find the right GH2 Hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9806/need-to-find-the-right-gh2-hack Fri, 07 Mar 2014 08:34:17 +0000 nathang2008 9806@/talks/discussions i have a just purchased a gh2 and i have a 95mbps sdhc scan disk memory card. i want the highest data rate possible for that card without it freezing andy suggestions? i have tried various patches and it keeps freezing.


GH2 Hack (Don't kill me for asking this question) lol http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9786/-gh2-hack-dont-kill-me-for-asking-this-question-lol Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:18:20 +0000 bman 9786@/talks/discussions Please don't kill me for this question I've searched these forums for 2 days. I know there's answers out there but can't quite find one to fit me.

Yep I want to hack the GH2. I just am doing green screen and want a nice clear image. Want a very reliable hack that's not going to destroy my camera.

Question 1. Which one do I buy?

Question 2. Once hack is installed do you just press record on the hacked settings to get the best video?

Once again don't kill me, I am just lost. I'll even donate money to the person that helps me out if I need to lol.

Music Video GH2: Creating a vintage look http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9790/music-video-gh2-creating-a-vintage-look- Tue, 04 Mar 2014 16:16:27 +0000 dlzn 9790@/talks/discussions I came up with a concept about a midget traveling around the city, kind of like Alice In Wonderland. Video shot - hand held - and edited by me. Using Panasonic GH2 and just Minolta MD 50mm F1.7. A few close-ups were done with the Sigma 19mm F2.8. Hack Flowmotion 2.

Cheers, D.

trouble reverting back to factory settings from Flowmotion hack http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9754/trouble-reverting-back-to-factory-settings-from-flowmotion-hack Sat, 01 Mar 2014 18:00:16 +0000 niceprguy2 9754@/talks/discussions I installed the latest flow motion hack the other day and when I try to revert back to factory settings the camera does not recognize the new file when I insert my memory card into the camera

Looking for a GH2 Hack For a somewhat specific project. Final Uni Piece, so must be perfect. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9709/looking-for-a-gh2-hack-for-a-somewhat-specific-project.-final-uni-piece-so-must-be-perfect. Tue, 25 Feb 2014 16:28:44 +0000 Wilrus 9709@/talks/discussions Hey guys, next month, I'll be shooting my Final uni film, and im looking to make my shoot look phenomenal... I have a 'Class 10, 45/mbs sandisk Extreme 32GB card' and I will be shooting it on a (if all goes to plan) Canon 50mm (F/1.4) There's alot of dialogue in the film, and im planning to try roll from one end of the convosation to the other (about 10 minuets in length) (im not sure if this will cause 'spanning' (I think its called) ) Long story short... I'm looking for the best cinematic-looking hack that i can can shoot for 10 minuets without fear of overheating and won't fill up my card like crazy (as I have about a 6 hour shoot, so am looking to be able to carry a fair amount of footage (obvously i won't be shooting for 6 hours straight, but i'll still walk away with a fair bit of footage)

Thanks in advance guys
