Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh4/p2/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 13:45:26 +0000 Tagged with gh4 - Personal View Talks en-CA Using GH4 + Shogun for commercial greenscreen production - Our experience http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16580/using-gh4-shogun-for-commercial-greenscreen-production-our-experience Sat, 11 Mar 2017 00:50:21 +0000 Chris74 16580@/talks/discussions I am usually just consuming content on this excellent forum, so I thought it's time to give something back.

We just finished a commercial film production and thought I share some insights on why we have chosen to shoot this with the GH4. Our key requirements have been

  1. 10Bit 4k capability (greenscreen project!)
  2. Light weight (we had challeging camera angles and limited budget for rigging => e.g. birdeye shots with shitty rig)
  3. Long battery life (we didn't want to add external battery solutions => our rig had very low weight limitations)
  4. Problem free (e.g. no overheating)

So after long discussions choosing between Sony A7s II and GH4, we decided to use the latter one and I don't regret this decision.

We had a lot of challenges but they have not been regarding camera choice, more related to the customers corporate colors (yellow turning green in shadows) and lighting the massive greenscreen. The only real challenge on the GH4 for us was the shitty HDMI port but we solved that with adding a Zacuto Port Protector (without that, it would have been a nightmare!).

But judge for yourself, feedback welcome! (note: the project required massive effort in post production)

GH4 model number http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16507/gh4-model-number Fri, 24 Feb 2017 17:10:57 +0000 gizmo 16507@/talks/discussions I have broken micro hdmi connector on my GH4 and service guy say that they can't find same or similar micro hdmi so they need to replace whole main board. Due to camera usage on gimbal and drone bottom part is scratched on some parts and unfortunately sticker with camera model number and serial number missing some small part and is not fully readable. From Panasonic repair center in Germany they need full model or serial number to be able to know exactly which mainboard is inside my GH4. There are few different mainboards. Very strangely there is no any specific part number on the mainboard. Can somebody help me to find out what is the model number of my GH4?

Timecode syncing multiple GH4 cameras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14353/timecode-syncing-multiple-gh4-cameras Sat, 02 Jan 2016 17:56:58 +0000 DouglasHorn 14353@/talks/discussions What is the best way to timecode sync multiple GH4 cameras? From reading the manuals and related threads there seem to be two approaches:

App Method: Use the Lumix Link app to set the timecode for each GH4 to the time on the mobile device and then use Time of Day timecode mode.

YAGH Method: Use a YAGH to jam true timecode to the GH4 from a master clock.

The App Method seems easiest and cheapest if it is accurate enough. Has anyone tried it yet with multiple GH4s?

If the App Method doesn't sync cameras with sufficient accuracy, do you need a YAGH for each camera, or can you attach the YAGH to a GH4 to jam timecode and, once that camera's clock is set, move the YAGH to the other cameras in turn to jam sync timecode. In other words, once the GH4's timecode is set via the YAGH, does the camera retain it when the YAGH is removed? This would let one YAGH serve multiple cameras for timecode jamming purposes.


Panasonic GH4 glitches/issue http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13512/panasonic-gh4-glitchesissue Fri, 07 Aug 2015 09:48:09 +0000 Tjibbe 13512@/talks/discussions Hey guys,

I've been having these glitches(see pictures below). They started a few months ago, (I checked my older footage). But it's not just mine, three rental models had the exact same issue! Is this a known issue with this model? It ruined a quite some of my shoots.

Also, I send for repair and they put in a new 'mainboard'. But that hasn't solved the problem. I returned it again but I don't have a good feeling about it.

Any suggestions?

photo Fuckup1.png

photo Fuckup2.png

photo Fuckup3.png

GH4 4K Panasonic video camera, User reviews and opinions http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10202/gh4-4k-panasonic-video-camera-user-reviews-and-opinions Sat, 19 Apr 2014 12:12:16 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 10202@/talks/discussions Dedicated only to personal reviews, opinions and tests.

GH4 V-LOG contrast/gamma shift on external recorder http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16338/gh4-v-log-contrastgamma-shift-on-external-recorder Tue, 17 Jan 2017 23:03:15 +0000 AlexMcV 16338@/talks/discussions Heya,

Not sure if anyone else has encountered this, I've done a quick search and come up with nothin...

I've been using the atomos assassin with my GH4, and noticed that the footage from the assassin is slightly more contrasty/darker than footage recorded internally. I assume it's something the GH4 is doing, because it only seems to happen with V-LOG, not with standard. (I couldn't really be bothered checking with all the other colour modes...)

Here's a clip of me A/B-ing it on a premiere timeline with the scopes up. V-LOG, then standard. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hiugamp6hfbved4/gh4-assassin-contrast-level.mp4?dl=0

(obviously I don't own a colour chart, a set of pencils was the bet I could manage...)

This was recorded 8-bit, as it was the only way I could record both at the same time, but it happens with 10-bit too. At 4K as well as HD. Both the assassin and GH4 are running the most up-to-date firmware, as of Jan 2017.

Did I mess with some settings somewhere? Is my camera haunted? Is this something other people have noticed?

It doesn't actually bother me that much, I guess this is just a "what's up with that?" kinda question. So yeah. What's up with that?

Christmas film shot with GH4 10bit Vlog http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16210/christmas-film-shot-with-gh4-10bit-vlog Tue, 20 Dec 2016 04:56:11 +0000 Chris74 16210@/talks/discussions It's this time of the year when you have to ask yourself...have I been naughty or nice?

Merry Christmas!

Using Neat Video on GH4 VLOG footage http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16173/using-neat-video-on-gh4-vlog-footage Tue, 13 Dec 2016 10:08:42 +0000 Brian_Siano 16173@/talks/discussions I have some V-log footage where color grading and applying a LUT has made it a bit grainy. I'd like to reduce that with Neat Video. But my question is, which do I apply first?

Do I apply Neat Video on the V-log footage, and then apply a LUT? Or, do I apply a LUT and color correction, and let Neat go to work on the more visible grain and noise?

California Skatepark Trip http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16149/california-skatepark-trip Wed, 07 Dec 2016 03:02:08 +0000 Stiffla 16149@/talks/discussions Did a 3 week trip through California in September Everything shot on GH4 in Cine D and Samyang 7.5mm or Canon 24-105mm

GH4 laptop Requirements? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9956/gh4-laptop-requirements Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:58:47 +0000 mpgxsvcd 9956@/talks/discussions Let me start this off with saying that I know a desktop is a better option for this. However, I absolutely must have a laptop to do my editing on the road while it is happening. I have a matter of hours to edit this footage and not days, weeks, or months.

Also I am a PC guy. I understand that some people use Macs. That just isn’t for me. I want a fast PC laptop that can handle editing the GH4 4K video for less than $2000.

I definitely need to upgrade my laptop before my GH4 gets here. However, I am not sure what specs will help me and what will just cost me more money and not really give me any benefit.

Obviously a 4K screen would be ideal to match the footage. However, is that really necessary? With a 15-19 inch screen is that extra resolution going to matter at all? How much are the 4K laptops going to be? Is 1920x1080 going to look about the same as 4K on this size screen? Do any of you have a 4K laptop already?

What Grpahics processor? I have always been an ATI person before. However, Nvidia makes great video cards as well. What is the minimum ATI and Nvidia card that will work for editing 4k footage? Is the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770M enough?

Processor. It is confusing about what processor are fast and what processors are just pretending to be fast. My understanding is that I7 doesn’t always mean what you think it means. So what processor should I be looking for? Is the i7-4700MQ the best processor to get right now?

Operating system. I really hate Windows 8. I have a laptop with it and I hate it. I really don’t want to get another one with Windows 8. Will Windows 7 hold me back in any way? I have a lot of astrophotography programs that I also run and those won’t work properly under Windows 8.

Ram. I know the more you have the better. However, will you see a difference between 16 Gigs and 32 Gigs? There is usually a significant price difference between those. Is 16GB PC3-12800 DDR3L SDRAM enough?

Hard Drive. I am using USB 3.0 external drives right now. I need a lot more than 250 or even 500 GB so solid state is not really an option for me. Is solid state that much faster than USB 3.0?

Here is one laptop I am looking at. It is an Alienware 17.3" Laptop - 16GB Memory with the components I listed above. Are there better options out there for less than $1850?


1000$ camera... what is the best choice (mainly for video)? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14858/1000-camera...-what-is-the-best-choice-mainly-for-video Thu, 24 Mar 2016 02:07:55 +0000 lumixmaxgh3 14858@/talks/discussions Panasonic GH4 (v-log) Samsung NX1 (upcoming hack) Sony a6300 (S-log3)

your opinion?

Short Film shot on GH4 in Canada http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16075/short-film-shot-on-gh4-in-canada Sun, 20 Nov 2016 18:54:08 +0000 x_worpig_x 16075@/talks/discussions Hey guys. I recently shot a short film using the GH4 and Rokinon lenses.

GH4 footage choppy on XPS15 i7 6700HQ http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/16044/gh4-footage-choppy-on-xps15-i7-6700hq Mon, 14 Nov 2016 08:40:06 +0000 Tjibbe 16044@/talks/discussions I just got a brand new Dell XPS15 with 16gb ram, i7 6700HQ and a Geforce 960m. Why the hell does my 4k footage run like garbage even compared to my old Macbook Air?

Is it Windows 10? Because going by bechmarks, my Windows 7 desktop with FX3850 is not much faster en slower on single treaded operations, but playing back GH4 footage is a piece of cake.

Anyone got some insight?

Blackmagic Video Assist VS Atomos Ninja Blade http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15221/blackmagic-video-assist-vs-atomos-ninja-blade Wed, 15 Jun 2016 04:05:31 +0000 club_irate 15221@/talks/discussions Need to pull the trigger between the Blackmagic Video Assist 5" VS Atomos Ninja Blade for my GH4. Urgently needs suggestion on which is the better one (now that the BMVA has got rid of its small problems via firmware). I have 2 of those recommended SD cards for the BMVA. So, ideally i would save 200$ on the SSD's. Looking at other pros and cons between the two which make the extra spending for Atomos worth or not worth it.

HG3D Gimbal for GH4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15970/hg3d-gimbal-for-gh4 Mon, 31 Oct 2016 10:29:29 +0000 Irfan 15970@/talks/discussions I am looking for cheap two hand gimbal solution for my Lumix GH4. Right now Im looking HG3D Gimbal. I like top hand held for lower angles. Joysticks on side for vertical and horizontal control seems not ergonomic. But I would not use them as much. There is no much video reviews with it so Im interested if anyone used it before. Are there any special requirements to install battery on it? Thinking to use it with GH4 + 12-35mm 2.8 lens. Thanks

Smart Rendering GH4 4K on Windows? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12262/smart-rendering-gh4-4k-on-windows Wed, 28 Jan 2015 06:05:46 +0000 NickHope 12262@/talks/discussions Before I start archiving the best parts of my footage in MagicYUV lossless .avi format at a bitrate 18x bigger than the original, I am wondering if anyone has found a way to reliably smart render (no recompression) 4K UHD MP4 footage from the Panasonic GH4. My typical nature footage features a lot of unwanted head and tail. Really I just want to split the files on the PC, not in-camera. I don't care if it's forced to i-Frames or if the first and final GOPs don't render well.

The "main" NLEs won't do it. I tried TMPGEnc Smart Renderer and that didn't work. I expect it's beyond VideoReDo and Womble.

I have heard that Cyberlink PowerDirector tries it but there are glitches in the result from version 12 (reported at http://www.avsforum.com/forum/161-camcorders/1533217-cambridge-uk-4k.html ). Unfortunately the version 13 trial version doesn't support 4k so it would mean spending $80 on the program to test it.

I also notice that Corel VideoStudio Pro X7 features "4k smart rendering" and there is a fully-functional trial version but it's 800MB.

My first Music video with the GH4 8bit V-Log, anamorphic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15907/my-first-music-video-with-the-gh4-8bit-v-log-anamorphic Wed, 19 Oct 2016 06:03:56 +0000 Iban_Corominas 15907@/talks/discussions Hi guys i want to show you my latest work with the GH4, I used the phantom 3 pro for the aerial shots. V-log at 8bits with a anamorphic adapter. Any feedback will be appreciate it, thanks.

FS: Varavon GH3/4 loupe http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15915/fs-varavon-gh34-loupe Fri, 21 Oct 2016 03:07:47 +0000 wordsofpeace 15915@/talks/discussions Now no longer in manufacture, Varavon loupe for GH3/4 bodies. It's in good condition with only very minor signs of use. It doesn't have the leather strap, that was removed because it just made fitting more awkward, although it doesn't seem to make any difference to the rigidity or light leakage. The only current alternative is the VARY-i €285. Offers around £120+pp. I can mail it abroad.

Fashion Film - GH4 - VLog - Ninja Assassin http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15762/fashion-film-gh4-vlog-ninja-assassin Tue, 20 Sep 2016 02:53:42 +0000 JLemos 15762@/talks/discussions Hello. This project was all filmed with a (sometimes 2) GH4, almost all in V-Log recorded to a Ninja Assassin (the 2nd when used was recording to a Video Assist). In the link bellow there's a section named "Autor", there you can vote in the film for a prize in a festival and you also have a link to watch the film on Vimeo. http://www.vogue.pt/fashionfilmfestival/

We used a lot of lenses, from Voigtlander and Panasonic to Samyang with SpeedBooster XL, passing through some Chinon and Fujian 25mm C-Mount, allways with SLR Magic anamorphic adapters, we wanted the unsqueezed look.

Have a look.

PS: the aerial footage was done with a Phantom 3

GH4 External Vlog White Balance Metadata http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15611/gh4-external-vlog-white-balance-metadata- Tue, 30 Aug 2016 02:00:21 +0000 club_irate 15611@/talks/discussions Is there a way to view the precise Kelvin reading of GH4 footage in Premiere Pro CC metadata or any other software? The DP shot in varied White Balances in V log External & i need to be able to get the accurate temperature data of the footage he shot on.

Also, i am using Filmconvert (GH4+VLOG) to grade. The WB parameter (in Film Convert) is an offset rather than a setting in my past experience. Would it then actually wreck my clip if i dialed the Film Convert WB parameter over to 3200K from it's default position on Daylight if the footage was shot on 3200K too?

GH4 Memory Cards. What works and what doesn’t? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10276/gh4-memory-cards.-what-works-and-what-doesnt Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:22:28 +0000 mpgxsvcd 10276@/talks/discussions I have a GH4 and the following 7 memory cards. Listed in order of their theoretical speed. Some of these cards have failed with the “Motion Recording was cancelled due to the writing speed of the memory card” error message in the GH4 and some have not. If they failed then it was always in the stills mode while recording 1080p @ 60 FPS 200 mb/sec ALL-I video.

These cards all failed at some point

  1. Eye-Fi 8 GB Class 6
  2. Eye-Fi 16 GB Class 10
  3. Transcend 32 GB Class 10
  4. SanDisk 8GB Extreme SDHC 30 MB/sec Class 10
  5. Transcend 64 GB SDXC UHS-I Class 3(Gold Plated Label)

These cards have never failed despite my best efforts to make them fail

  1. Transcend 32 GB SDHC UHS-I Class 1
  2. PNY 64 GB 90 MB/sec UHS-I Class 1

Please post your experiences with different memory cards and the GH4. Please only comment if you have the GH4 and have tried the memory card with it. No comments like “This memory card is better so it must work”. Just actual tests that you have performed yourself.

FS: Panasonic GH4 + Extra OEM Battery - $950 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15493/fs-panasonic-gh4-extra-oem-battery-950 Mon, 08 Aug 2016 13:39:22 +0000 fosterchen 15493@/talks/discussions Selling my GH4 in excellent condition. US Version. Includes extra OEM battery and original box with charger, manual, strap, and usb cable.

$950 includes Priority Mail shipping within 48 US states w/ signature.
PM me if interested!

Panasonic GH4 Audio Levels http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11277/panasonic-gh4-audio-levels Sun, 14 Sep 2014 07:45:55 +0000 cblok 11277@/talks/discussions Hi all,

I'm considering upgrading from a GH2, mainly due to the slightly better audio abilities of the GH4 (headphone jack, 3.5mm input). I shoot a tonne of interviews so it would come in handy. I've just got a few questions about the GH4 which I'm finding difficult to find answers on...

FYI: the audio devices I'll be using with the GH4 are the Rode Video Mic Pro or a Sennheiser wireless lapel mic (e3 kit).

  1. Is it possible to adjust audio levels via a function button or some kind of PHYSICAL button on the camera?
  2. If not, is the touch screen audio level adjustment actually useable during shooting or is it very fiddly?
  3. Assuming I buy a GH4 that doesn't have the buzzing issue, is the audio quality acceptable?
  4. Are there any random quirks to the audio of the GH4 I should know about?
  5. Does the GH4 have any issues like the GH2 where the audio levels change slightly once the 'record' button is pressed?
  6. How is the audio level meter? Is it accurate / helpful etc...?

I'd be keen to hear from anyone shooting and recording audio with the GH4 and get their feedback and opinions. It'd be great to ditch the Zoom H4n recorder that I use with the GH2.


Wireless extenders for cameras and camcorders http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15424/wireless-extenders-for-cameras-and-camcorders Tue, 26 Jul 2016 14:26:45 +0000 DrDave 15424@/talks/discussions I now have a half dozen cameras and camcorders that have some sort of wireless remote capability. Unfortunately, the range is limited. Has anyone had success with wireless extenders, and, also, is there an extender that will handle several different cameras?

GH4 Telephoto Lens http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13140/gh4-telephoto-lens Mon, 08 Jun 2015 14:37:45 +0000 tedbrah 13140@/talks/discussions Micro 4/3 has a very limited amount of telephoto lenses, and the lenses that are native to Micro 4/3 aren't very good (Not very sharp on the long end). I need a relatively inexpensive lens under $450 that will provide at least 200mm reach and is very sharp at the long end. I've looked at some vintage tele lenses from Canon FD, Nikon F-mount(Nikkor), and other old lenses but there isn't enough information on the sharpness of the lenses compared to Micro 4/3 lenses for me to make a decision. Any suggestions for lenses and/or comparisons between modern and vintage lenses would be greatly appreciated.

gh4 or rx10 mark III? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15153/gh4-or-rx10-mark-iii Tue, 31 May 2016 19:31:14 +0000 rezyserzycia 15153@/talks/discussions guys

I had a gh1, later a gh2, now gh3 and today i'm thinking to upgrade my equipment and I got little problem. Go again to the panny family and buy a gh4 or buy a rx10 mark III (the lens and slow motion is crazy for me).What do you think?

Im doing a youtube videos, not something special and pro. Thanks for advice!

Matching a7s and gh4? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/11293/matching-a7s-and-gh4 Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:59:07 +0000 kupchenpo 11293@/talks/discussions Is anyone else using these 2 cameras together? If so, what settings are you using to get them as close as possible for post? What post processes are you using to match?

iFootage Crane mini M1 vs M5 - best decision http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12944/ifootage-crane-mini-m1-vs-m5-best-decision Thu, 07 May 2015 00:56:56 +0000 Alexauwa 12944@/talks/discussions I've compared those to models for using it with my GH4. So far I only see a difference in the material, resulting in 1.4 to 3,4 kg in weight. Are there any other differences over the M5?

How is your experience?

Thank you!

FS: Panasonic GH4 - Complete in box w/extras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15089/fs-panasonic-gh4-complete-in-box-wextras- Wed, 18 May 2016 13:04:59 +0000 thebmillz 15089@/talks/discussions Hello,

Selling a GH4 - gently used and clean, complete in original box with all accessories (shoulder strap still sealed and never used). Basically if you get in the box when you buy it new, it's in here too. The shutter count is 1570.

Throwing in over $100 worth of extras:

Official Panasonic Brand Extra Battery (DMW-BLF19) Panasonic DMW-RSL1 Remote Shutter Release Remote LCD Lens Hood (for shooting in sunny conditions)

$1,200 for everything plus $20 for Insured, Tracked, Shipping. USA only (sorry). Payment via paypal. I've sold electronics online since 1998. Check my eBay name: auctionssince1998 for feedback. Local pickup available in Los Angeles.

ALSO: I have the following other things for sale that I'll post properly throughout the week:

New B+W 52mm MRC 103M Pro .9 ND Filter and Step up rings - $60 - Free Shipping

Think Tank Photo Retrospective 7 Shoulder Bag (Pinestone) - $115 + $5 Shipping

FS: Voigtlander 25mm F0.95 + Gear for follow focus + 77mm step up ring - all boxed. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15054/fs-voigtlander-25mm-f0.95-gear-for-follow-focus-77mm-step-up-ring-all-boxed.- Sat, 07 May 2016 05:46:29 +0000 thougts2uk 15054@/talks/discussions Hi there,

I am selling my Voigtlander 25mm F0.95 lens. It comes boxed as new. I am also including a follow focus gear and step up ring (77mm).

$490 USD including postage.

