Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh2/p2/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 13:55:15 +0000 Tagged with gh2 - Personal View Talks en-CA Hacked GH2 for live streaming and recording at the same time? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24126/hacked-gh2-for-live-streaming-and-recording-at-the-same-time Thu, 23 Jul 2020 10:27:14 +0000 thiswayup 24126@/talks/discussions I'm helping a local music studio with a live stream show that is usually between 30-45mins. They don't have much budget and I thought a hacked GH2 would be perfect for this.

I was hoping to record and stream at the same time, plus need to bypass the 30min recording limit. I am using my own GH5 and use the CIne-V colour profile and if possible recording at 422 All-I.

Would like some advice on: - Which hacked firmware to use? - Any experience with this setup? - What alternatives which I could potentially use with my M43 lenses under £400 / $500 secondhand?

GH2 hack HDMI output testing http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/356/gh2-hack-hdmi-output-testing Fri, 08 Jul 2011 14:57:32 +0000 EOSHD 356@/talks/discussions
- When a monitor is connected to the HDMI port, camera switches to an interlaced mode both on LCD / EVF and HDMI output
- When progressive 1080i -> 1080p patch enabled, camera can record without the usual hang if HDMI monitor is connected
- However AVCHD encoder still writes garbage to the card
- Garbage AVCHD files will playback in camera and not crash, if HDMI screen was connected at time of recording
- The output to LCD and HDMI is not garbage - seems 100% unaffected by current PTools AVCHD patches
- Pulling HDMI cable during recording ends clip, camera switches to live view mode
- Output is always 1080i on 'auto', never progressive regardless of camera mode or PTools config (I am now testing with HDMI option in menu set to 720p)

@Vitaliy_Kiselev has interesting comment - "Good thing is that some HDMI related functions names are present is some debug messages as well as their arguments names"

I am using a SmallHD DP6 as monitor, we can also use TV or PC screen with HDMI, be sure that it displays reported input signal type (i.e. 1080i or 1080p).

Aim: clean high bitrate progressive video instead of current bad cadence 24p -> 1080i.
Or even uncompressed signal. 1080/60p would also be great target but let's start small!

Testing continues...]]>
// Phab : Ladakh, Discovering Tibetan Buddhisme http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23933/-phab-ladakh-discovering-tibetan-buddhisme Mon, 01 Jun 2020 20:13:02 +0000 etreetsoi 23933@/talks/discussions Good morning all, Here is my first mini documentary "Ladakh, discovering Tibetan Buddhism". I had the subtitles translated into English and if you encounter translation errors, let us know ;)

Good viewing Phab

Download PTool v3.64d in 2020 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23459/download-ptool-v3.64d-in-2020 Wed, 29 Jan 2020 10:31:50 +0000 JimmySuarez1981 23459@/talks/discussions Hey guys! I want to hack my GH2, but I'm struggling to find links to download PTool v3.64d? I have searched the forums and the web, but I getting linked back to a link that no longer exists. Any help with this would be most appreciated. Thanks

Noctilux f/0.95 vs Hyperprime T0.95, shot on GH2 ! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2613/noctilux-f0.95-vs-hyperprime-t0.95-shot-on-gh2- Mon, 19 Mar 2012 05:18:19 +0000 sebfarges 2613@/talks/discussions

Yesterday I had the opportunity of using for 30mn the Leica Noctilux 50mm f/0.95. I went to shot some video in the funfair of Bordeaux. I did not have ND variable filter (Leica is 60mm filter thread), so I had to use fast shutter speed, so sorry for the jitter effect... I try to do my best in this short time with this 8000€ lens. Today I went to the same place at the same hour with my SLR Hyperprime 50mm T0.95 lens, and I did the same shot, in the same condition (short time and no ND filter). This movie is a quick test where you can see in a alternate editing the difference between these two lens, wide opened at 0.95. This was not shot the same day so the light is a little different, but the weather was quite the same (cloudy with sun sometime).

All is shot at full aperture, 0.95

My opinion ? mmmm the Noctilux is an extraordinary lens, good rendering at f/0.95, smooth aperture ring. This lens is a little smaller and lighter than the SLR Magic lens. It's in M mount (Leica). The problem : the Noctilux is too expensive for me, 8000€ (10600$) !!! Please note that the SLR Magic I've used here is a prototype lens. It's be available in september in M mount, it's price is not fixed yet, but it will be around 2300€ (3000$), 3.5X less cheaper than the Leica.

The music mix is an homage to a movie director and one of his movie. The first who will find the name of the director and the title of the movie will win the two lenses... (I'm joking ;) ).

GH2 24P no hack Leica Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 SLR Magic Hyperprime 50mm T0.95 Nostalgic mode No ND filter so fast shutter speed to compensate (from 1/1000 to 1/4000 160 iso Full aperture 0.95 No color correction

GH2 Mode dial stuck on Auto mode http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23785/gh2-mode-dial-stuck-on-auto-mode Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:33:45 +0000 LawrenceDee 23785@/talks/discussions Hi there. I'm new to this forum and recently purchased a few Panasonic GH2s and patched them with Sanity X hack with plans to use them to film small concerts. One of the three that I purchased has an interesting issue where the mode dial at the top of the camera seems to be fixed in Auto mode and doesn't seem to change to other modes except for Progressive. The letter on the bottom left side of the LCD displays A mode and only changes to P when I move the mode dial to P. The camera does not seem to switch over to Movie mode or AI or any of the other modes when I turn the dial at the top of the camera. This particular issues was already present before the installation of the Sanity X hack and the issue continues to persist. I would like to use this camera for it's manual video mode in Cinema 24p and would like to know if there is a solution for this issue.

I have a quick video of both my cameras. The first camera is the one with the issue and I have followed by another GH2 which is functioning reliably and well with the Sanity X hack patched in. [


Ideas and/or suggestions on what I could try would be appreciated.

A big thanks to those who have placed so much effort into creating hacks for the gh2. I hope to explore the true value of a hacked GH2 as I navigate my way around this site.

Used GH2, sensor streaking or flaring http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23748/used-gh2-sensor-streaking-or-flaring Mon, 06 Apr 2020 18:05:57 +0000 TreyM 23748@/talks/discussions Hello all,

I just bought a used GH2 from eBay. When I got the camera, I quickly noticed some horizontal magenta sensor flaring/streaking when pointing at a bright light over a dark background. I tested the same lens on a GH4 and the issue was not present, so I am certain this is from the sensor. I sent the following video to the seller and he refunded me and told me to keep the camera. Is the behavior in the video below known behavior for the GH2, or is it indeed faulty? This is the only lighting scenario where the camera does this. It is otherwise perfectly fine and usable. Admittedly, the ISO is really high at 3200, but I'm hoping it's not normal GH2 behavior.

Cannot find old(1.1) firmware http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20149/cannot-find-old1.1-firmware Mon, 30 Jul 2018 02:43:29 +0000 ersvltan 20149@/talks/discussions Hello, gh2 users!

When new gh2 firmware(1.2) came out, the old(1.1) one was removed. And I can't install a hack with the new one.

Can anyone please send me an old gh2's 1.1 firmware?

Thank you very much!

14mm F2.5 Panasonic lens and comparison with 20mm 1.7 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/406/14mm-f2.5-panasonic-lens-and-comparison-with-20mm-1.7- Sun, 17 Jul 2011 10:28:31 +0000 feha 406@/talks/discussions Any one tested 14mm 2.5 AF ? DOF ?
Lumix GH2 Hack in 2020 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23525/lumix-gh2-hack-in-2020 Fri, 14 Feb 2020 00:46:42 +0000 marcinblicharski 23525@/talks/discussions Hi everyone! I just buy GH2 in very good condition and for a little money. But... I have big problem with hack my GH2, I'm try everything, unfortunately my camera had installed v1.11 firmware. I've got every necessary thing, PTools, hack (driftwood) and of course older 1.11 firmware who's I found on this forum. When I try to do it (I put green preview) I only see - "image could not be found"... Please forgive if I double topic but I can't find any information about. I hope the someone help me with this...


GH2 moon T7 problems with photos http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/23506/gh2-moon-t7-problems-with-photos Sun, 09 Feb 2020 12:12:00 +0000 kot0991 23506@/talks/discussions The firmware moon T7, the video recording quality is excellent, everything is clear, sharp, the lenses are clean, without dust and scratches. But the photos turn out bad, I didn’t try to adjust the photo settings, it wasn’t detailed and not clear, the jpeg codec was pinched, raw is not very good either. I tried to install the official firmware and reset to factory settings - it did not help. Does moon T7 firmware affect the quality of the photo, Flow Motion v2 also tried, the same everywhere, Help with the settings, or on the GH2 all just shoot video? https://yadi.sk/d/b6O3QXzwNgU1-A

Easy script for drag&drop merging of spanned AVCHD .MTS files (in Windows) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19340/easy-script-for-dragdrop-merging-of-spanned-avchd-.mts-files-in-windows Mon, 02 Apr 2018 12:15:02 +0000 MrZz 19340@/talks/discussions Today I needed to merge some spanned AVCHD/MTS files (because of the 4gb file soize limit on the fat32 capture card) together into one on my workstation. I just searched for this script which I normally used but since I couldn't find the script on my system, I rewrote it and thought I'd share it. Just for everyone else who has some use for this handy little script here's the code:

echo off
title Merge Files

set /p choice="Enter path to merge to: (eg. C:\video\test.MTS)"

if "%~1"=="" exit
if not "%~1"=="" SET one=%1
if not "%~2"=="" SET two= + %2
if not "%~3"=="" SET three= + %3
if not "%~4"=="" SET four= + %4
if not "%~5"=="" SET five= + %5
if not "%~6"=="" SET six= + %6
if not "%~7"=="" SET seven= + %7
if not "%~8"=="" SET eight= + %8
if not "%~9"=="" SET nine= + %9

copy /b %one%%two%%three%%four%%five%%six%%seven%%eight%%nine% "%choice%"

echo AVCHD Joining Complete.

Just copy this code into a .txt and rename into .bat. Then you can just drag and drop the files, by selecting them and drag the first one on the .bat. You will then be prompted to input a destination path and name. You can merge a total of nine files into one this way.


Do we really need the GH4 and 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file? GH1 and GH2 still rock for me http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9608/do-we-really-need-the-gh4-and-422-10-bit-4k-raw-file-gh1-and-gh2-still-rock-for-me Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:20:33 +0000 eurocameraman 9608@/talks/discussions I am just asking myself a simple question I would like to share with the independent filmmaking community: Do I really need all of this? 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file, ProRes… Do I really need to invest as soon as something new and fancy is coming out?

On my own experience, I would say not so sure as I am very pleased with the result I am getting out of my GH1, GH2 and now GH3. And my GH3’s video is not making a huge difference compare to what I got with the GH1 or GH2. I am still using the hacked GH1 every summer, as a copy is stored in my home country (France) and I love its color rendition compare to GH2/3. FYI, I am living and working in China since 9 years.

Every year I am shooting a short movie or an experiment with the hacked GH1. Some complained about the AVCHD format, but I never got problem in post with it as I am using Premiere CS6 on a powerful enough PC (Dell M6400). I also tested heavy color grading without problem on my GH1 footage, as you can see here on the following videos. Sorry one of the short film doesn’t get English sub yet, but I am posting a link to those video for their visual quality first, so enjoy that part. La Deuche from Hell HD (US sub Version) (there is a longer French version too)

Revolverte HD (F)

In China, I am also using my GH camera beside a Panasonic AF100, which is well known to NOT be the most exciting camera on the market (4:2:0 8 bits, AVCHD at 28MB/s, what a shame!). I had to buy an AF100 as no serious client in my field would accept to pay my usual fee (I was working with a HVX200 + Letus Ultimate prior to the AF+GH) if I were shooting with a GH2 only. After 2 jobs my AF100 got paid back and I can enjoy the use of it with my GH2 and GH3 on project now. ,

AVCHD, 4:2:0, bits… Nevertheless, I shot this Making Of video on huge project with my newly arrived AF100 and GH2 (not hacked yet). Production house, agency and client were delighted by the result. I did everything: shooting, lighting (for interview), sound recording and editing… I am a one man crew shooter (kind of MacGyver sometime) and I prefer to keep things, cheap, simple and light. CrossPolo TVC Making OF HD (US)

To keep the story short, since 2012, I had completed bunch of projects with my M43 equipment without any complain from clients (VW, Audi, French Consulate, TV Channel…) and I might invest in the GH4 if it solves the 3 main problems of the GH3: Viewfinder definition (GH3 is a nightmare compare to GH2 for manual focusing) + real video assistance (Peaking + zebra + waveform) + full time display of histogram and sound recording level while shooting.

4K or higher bit rate are not important to me as my video will NEVER be projected on a big screen and the file of the GH3 are already big enough in term of storage. Quality wise, I really like some of my GH1, GH2 or GH3 shots, and I don’t see much of a difference in term of emotion, and I think this is a more important feature for an independent filmmaker than pixel count or comparing numbers on data sheets…

You can see more of my work here: http://vimeo.com/channels/659428/videos

Voigtlander lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1390/-voigtlander-lenses Tue, 08 Nov 2011 18:42:54 +0000 Alexauwa 1390@/talks/discussions
I'd be great to hear your feedback on it in term of sharpness, DOF, Bokeh and types.

I am primarily interest in the 25 mm 0.95 as it fits straight on the GH2 but als on
the Voigtländer Nokton Classic 35mm F1.4, 50 mm f1.1. and 50mm f1,5 which
require an adapter.

What experiences do did you make? What adapter do you recommand and whats
the difference using on?

Looking forward to your replies.

Why no 400mm or longer M43 Lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6349/why-no-400mm-or-longer-m43-lenses Wed, 06 Mar 2013 17:46:54 +0000 ragnar 6349@/talks/discussions I might be answering this question myself but I would still like to hear from others on this topic. As far as I know 300mm is the top end for M43 lenses. I own the Pana 100-300 lens and use it a lot for bird photography and I enjoy its qualities. I'm wondering if there is a specific technological reason why neither Pana or Oly have not come out with a longer M43 lens. Is it just a size consideration as it would be too big for M43 cams? I guess I could understand that. Maybe there is no demand for anything longer than 300mm for M43?

I've adapted several longers FD lenses to my GH2 and it works of course but I would really love a true M43 400mm or longer lens. I suppose with the Metabones thingy I could adapt a Canon 600mm EF lens and go that route but that'll cost many benjamins for sure. My 100-300 lens is very portable so I think that 400mm could be done but perhaps 300mm is the technological sweet spot for M43 cams and lenses and going 400mm would be just too difficult?


GH2 with Sanity 5.1: files recorded in 24P appear as 1080i in Lightworks editor http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/22226/gh2-with-sanity-5.1-files-recorded-in-24p-appear-as-1080i-in-lightworks-editor Tue, 25 Jun 2019 21:54:36 +0000 jimwill 22226@/talks/discussions Any idea why files recorded in 24P appear as 1080i instead of 1080p? Also in Windows properties, frame rate is 29.97 instead of 24?

Can't get GH2 to go to "BODY VERSION UP" http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21995/cant-get-gh2-to-go-to-body-version-up Thu, 02 May 2019 07:06:04 +0000 murphy 21995@/talks/discussions Hi, really like this website, I've been looking at it for a good while but today I've finally decide to hack my GH2. I've followed all the steps but just at the final part I cannot get it to update.

I have the hack on the freshly formatted card but when I turn on the camera and press the green play button, it just says "NO VALID PICTURE TO PLAY", when I should really get the option of "BODY VERSION UP". I know it must be something simple I'm missing but any help would be great.

Thanks a lot M

GH2 to super-8 cinema format http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21676/gh2-to-super-8-cinema-format Thu, 07 Mar 2019 06:39:56 +0000 agaraster 21676@/talks/discussions I'm trying to setup a patch to make the GH2 as similar as possible to a super-8 cinema camera. On the hardware side I have mounted an angenieux 8-68 f1.9 and it's all good with the ex tele mode.

I would like to change the sensor coverage of the MJPG mode, but it's hard for me to find a way.

The patch i'm starting with is flowmotion 2. Sensor coverage is great on ex-tele combined with both "cinema 24P mode" and "HBR" mode. On MJPG and 720p the sensor coverage is smaller than the above, and this is what i'd like to fix.

What I'm trying to achieve, at the end, is a final result of film 3:2 aspect ratio 1920x1280 frame, possibly @24p or 25p.

Any suggestion?

thanks in advance

GH2 - Memory/ SDHC cards? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/19118/gh2-memory-sdhc-cards Sat, 03 Mar 2018 03:07:44 +0000 good 19118@/talks/discussions I note that Vitaliy and others have in the past recommended the following memory cards, especially for higher bitrate hacks:

SanDisk Extreme Pro SDHC 95 MB/s, 32 GB

SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 95 MB/s, 64 GB

But today much faster cards with much larger memory are available. Are there any advantages/ disadvantages to using these newer cards in the GH2?

GH2 bit rate problems http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21555/gh2-bit-rate-problems Sat, 16 Feb 2019 03:38:45 +0000 LunaNa 21555@/talks/discussions Good day. Help is needed. Before the firmware, the camera wrote a video with a bitrate of about 22,000. Is always. After flashing the camera all the time to issue a different bit rate. If I rent in the studio sometimes gives 9 thousand. If the light is low about 15-20 thousand. Sometimes, right after the firmware, it gives out 39 or so. But it happens on a pair of frames. Then the bitrate falls again. I tried to flash again on the official firmware,but the bitrate still jumps.

Choosing a GH2 Hack in 2018 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21154/choosing-a-gh2-hack-in-2018- Tue, 18 Dec 2018 08:21:22 +0000 Fujizen 21154@/talks/discussions Hi,

I have a GH2 with MD rokkor vintage lenses, im gonna shoot mainly music videos (with a lot of moving shots, slow motion, low lights and exterior) and some short films in the future. 30min of clips is enought for me I need quality but i really like the vintage look, im lost there is too much patch and informations, so i call your experience, what is the best possibility for me ?

Thank you for your help

GH2 Third party batteries http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/74/gh2-third-party-batteries Tue, 10 May 2011 23:58:09 +0000 Vitaliy_Kiselev 74@/talks/discussions


None of them show level indicator as far as I know.

Power rating is mostly true, so it holds the same or even longer than original battery.

P.S. Panasonic original batteries are real scam :-) Hard to find and could cost you a fortune.]]>
Replacement for the stock battery for G7, GH2, possibly the new G85 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15833/replacement-for-the-stock-battery-for-g7-gh2-possibly-the-new-g85 Sun, 02 Oct 2016 11:32:48 +0000 DrDave 15833@/talks/discussions Actually, a good replacement for the stock battery. Maybe more. For G7, GH2 &c. possibly the new G85

I use a lot of the BLC12 Batteries. I buy the Panasonic ones; they aren't cheap but they last the longest and don't turn the camera off with no warning.
However, I do buy aftermarket batteries for testing from time to time. They often have very high ratings, and they never work very well.
A few years ago, I bought the DSTE "1600mah" battery. It had about 70 percent of the stock battery's power, and the stock battery is 1200 mah. So that's 840mah, or about half the advertised capacity.
A few weeks ago, I purchased the 1700 mah version at this link:
It weighs 55 gm as opposed to the stock 50gm. Previous clones weighed 46 and 48 gm.
Now before you get excited, the extra weight is probably ballast, since you can't squeeze more cells into a battery, as a general rule.
However, after extensive testing, this battery is equal to--not better--but equal to stock. The only difference is that the shutdown curve is a bit steeper.
So it isn't "1700" mah, but it is basically a stock battery.
This was quite a shock, but I repeated the tests several times. In one test, I simply turn on the camera and record video until the battery croaks, and measure the time. Both the stock battery and the DSTE run the G7 for two hours of video, sometimes a few minutes more, sometimes a few minutes less. So, finally, an inexpensive option. At least for this batch. Also, see my post on the cheap external battery that will run your camera all day.

Panasonic Firmware http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/21043/panasonic-firmware Mon, 03 Dec 2018 19:54:02 +0000 durian 21043@/talks/discussions I am having trouble adding the panasonic firmware to ptools. I see that GH2 v1.1: http://panasonic.jp/support/global/cs/dsc/download/fts/index2.html has a dead link. It is not possible for me to upload the new v1.2 firmware to ptools. Does anyone else have this issue?

Hello. Old Lumix GH2. Can I use cable, tablet, computer, any wifi adapter to control my camera? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20877/hello.-old-lumix-gh2.-can-i-use-cable-tablet-computer-any-wifi-adapter-to-control-my-camera Tue, 13 Nov 2018 08:34:29 +0000 kamil1234 20877@/talks/discussions Hello. I have my old GH2 and want to control it with some external device. I see that there is a mic input/remote entrance. Maybe there are some adapters for that? How many poles have this remote input? I already found that somebody was selling some cable to use with a crane https://m.aliexpress.com/item/32799573642.html Here is also some topic http://www.doc-diy.net/photo/remote_pinout/#lumix There are also some devices https://sites.google.com/site/foiulprty/professional-timer-remote-control-shutter-for-panasonic-lumix-gh2-g2-gh3-g3-g1-gh1-gf1-gx1-g10-fz50-fz30-fz20-fz150-fz100-lc1-l10-l1-leica-digilux-2-3-and-v-lux-1-2-4pcs-gp-aaa-ultra-plus-alkaline-battery-magicfiber-microfiber Can anybody help me with that? Shortly: I mostly want to control shutter with my Mac, Pc, or Android phone. By cable, or some wifi adapter, or bluetooth, whatever. Thank you.

What hack costs gh2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20825/what-hack-costs-gh2 Tue, 06 Nov 2018 11:43:48 +0000 Panasonicovich 20825@/talks/discussions How do I know what hacking is now on my gh2? what hack is worth?

Lens Mount Identification http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/2377/lens-mount-identification Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:30:55 +0000 bostonmike 2377@/talks/discussions I'm reaching a dead end trying to figure out what kind of lens mount this is. The lens is a Sigma 24mm f2.8 manual focus that I picked up on Amazon. The seller is unsure what mount it is and I've researched a ton of websites to no avail. I know a few mounts that it isn't because I own adapters for Minolta MD, Canon FD and Konica AR and none of them fit. Hoping someone might recognize it. Trying to buy an appropriate adapter to fit my gh2, thanks a lot!

Panasonic GH2 Hack - PTool Error message opening Firmware V12 file http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20351/panasonic-gh2-hack-ptool-error-message-opening-firmware-v12-file Thu, 30 Aug 2018 09:14:07 +0000 laru1977 20351@/talks/discussions Hi everybody,

I am new here. I just bought an used GH2 in good condition. As the firmware on it is 1.0 (body) and I anyway wanted to try a hack, I just followed the instructions, downloaded latest firmware (1.2.) and the flowmotion hack. All in the same folder as PTool as well. Now PTool gives me the following message after selecting the Firmware GH2__V12file: "wrong file or trying to use already patched file".

No clue what is wrong and how to go ahead. Would be great to get some help here, thank you !

Best Lars

GH2 Main PCB part number http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/6508/gh2-main-pcb-part-number Tue, 26 Mar 2013 12:20:15 +0000 silbrat 6508@/talks/discussions Does anyone have the Panasonic part number for the "Main PCB" ? I'm trying to check price and availability, but I need the actual part number before Panasonic can find it.

... I MIGHT buy a hacked GH2 but it's not turning on, and I'm considering the worst case scenario (other than "unrepairable"). It's a camera that was hacked and worked fine, but one day didn't wake up after sitting unused for a while.


Just bought a stock Panasonic GH2....what now http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/20500/just-bought-a-stock-panasonic-gh2....what-now Sun, 23 Sep 2018 23:39:53 +0000 shoutingdog74 20500@/talks/discussions So, just bought an old GH2 and want to hack it as I intend to use this ONLY for video...not photography.

Would someone (all of you) suggest the best stable hack for video quality.

Please include links as to where I can download.

