Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh1/p4/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 12:04:48 +0000 Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks en-CA Lenses to achieve Cinematic/Filmic look on m43 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5845/lenses-to-achieve-cinematicfilmic-look-on-m43 Sun, 20 Jan 2013 01:19:47 +0000 kronstadt 5845@/talks/discussions This topic was inspired from another discussion here, where @feha suggested that achieving that "Holy Grail" filmic look depends a lot also on the choice of lenses. @endotoxic went on list his favourite Takumar lenses achieve that much desired filmic look on GH1.

So I invite you all to list your favorite lenses that have helped you to achieve that filmic look on GH1, GH2 and GH3.

Hacked GH1 vs. Hacked GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/451/hacked-gh1-vs.-hacked-gh2 Thu, 21 Jul 2011 00:49:04 +0000 MrAnthony 451@/talks/discussions
The obvious ones seem to be the teleconverter feature and the possibility of live HDMI out. But what else? Are the videos better? Is the 24p a better codec and worth the upgrade? Is high ISO performance dramatically better? Or am I better off dropping $1000 towards lenses, lighting, stabilizers, focus followers, rig, etc? Or is the GH2 so sweet that I should be getting that body?

Good cheap SDHC for hacked cameras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/286/good-cheap-sdhc-for-hacked-cameras Sat, 25 Jun 2011 18:15:56 +0000 vishalrana 286@/talks/discussions
What are the best/fastest SDHC cards you guys have had success with for HD videos with GH1 without breaking the bank?
I'm looking to buy a class 10 but what brands/type(speed/transfer rate/kind) would you recommend? I'm not concerned about the size(GB) of the card but I am keen about the type of the card.

I'm your average/casual user.

Please let me know what's the best price/performance point for a good SDHC? Patriot seems good but then sandisk are supposed to be the best. Aren't they but there are just so many choices. Not sure which ones will even work with GH1. The site just says SDHC.

Thanks in advance.

Vishal ]]>
GH1 and 14-140 kit crunches out another Classic http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5592/gh1-and-14-140-kit-crunches-out-another-classic Thu, 27 Dec 2012 15:31:03 +0000 Rambo 5592@/talks/discussions GH1 & 14-140, LPowell 75peak patch, 720 60p 1/120, ND4, shot off a jetski platform. 10mbps export/upload to Vimeo.

Low shutter speed by GH1 Fhd Mode? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5594/low-shutter-speed-by-gh1-fhd-mode Thu, 27 Dec 2012 17:50:16 +0000 simurg 5594@/talks/discussions I wonder, why do not the shutter speed 20,10, 4,2 at Gh1 (FHD Mode) ? Is it possible to Gh2 and Gh3? Is there a solution with ptool?

Wider Fov with a 28 mm and wrong adapter! http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5580/wider-fov-with-a-28-mm-and-wrong-adapter Tue, 25 Dec 2012 13:02:43 +0000 AlbertZ 5580@/talks/discussions I've bought a Pentax K Mount lens (28mm) and since I haven't yet an adapter ring pk-mount -> m4/3, I've tried to use directly on my gh1 with an adaptor FD-m4/3. Of course, the adaptor doesn't fit correctly but..if you watch the result just holding the lens attached to the ring,you will able to focus and...you will get a remarkable WIDER FoV than 50mm eq (28x1.8 on gh1)!!! Anyone could explain me the reason?

A+A's Wedding Highlights | GH Cameras http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5564/a-as-wedding-highlights-gh-cameras Sun, 23 Dec 2012 12:31:27 +0000 pchristoph 5564@/talks/discussions
Weddings are challenging. The GH cameras are my field weapons of choice. Speedy setups, quality of image, and peoples ability to relax around the gear we shoot on. For this shoot I used 3 GH2's and the camera that started it all for me - the Gh1. I employed mostly Takumar glass, with the wide angle stuff shot on the 12mm SLR Magic. I really likethe asthetic of the 12mm magic, but she's a contrasty girl compared to the Takumar glass. With a little help in post - everything cut together nicely though. These are great tools. Once you learn their strengths and weaknesses - then the best part of knowing your gear is being able to forget about it, and instead keep your attention on finding the story taking place around you.

Monopods, Glidecam HD4000, PBPocket Dolly, and manfrotto sticks. LPowell's Flowmotion 2.02and 75mbit reliability settings were used in the cameras respectively. Post done in FPX. Continued thanks to Vitally for unlocking these cameras potential, and the pioneers who test and produce the settings we need for our work. And to Driftwood and LPowell to whom I've used the most settings. Merry Christmas to everyone here at personal-view.com. May there be peace on earth, and good will toward men. Paul Christopher (pchristoph)

GH1 Can it still be improved http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1012/gh1-can-it-still-be-improved Thu, 22 Sep 2011 21:11:43 +0000 rigs 1012@/talks/discussions ]]> Viva Venezuela! GH1 used in short documentary about socialism in Venezuela http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5237/viva-venezuela-gh1-used-in-short-documentary-about-socialism-in-venezuela Mon, 19 Nov 2012 06:40:39 +0000 leftedit 5237@/talks/discussions let me know your thoughts! Long live the GH1 ! This is our first documentary filmed in Venezuela this year. Part 2 coming soon (longer, more depth, more interviews, more information!)

Another Codec Busting Vid shot in Hong Kong http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5359/another-codec-busting-vid-shot-in-hong-kong- Sun, 02 Dec 2012 19:43:12 +0000 Rambo 5359@/talks/discussions GH1 LPowell 75Peak patch, 720p50 1/100 shutter, 14-140 kit. GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 HBR 1080p25 1/50, 14mm kit pancake. Sennheiser K6 Shotgun direct into GH2 mic socket level 1setting. Exported 720p 25fps 10Mbps for Vimeo

This stuff really stresses the AVCHD codec and the poor bugger that has to shoot it :-)

ColorGHear TOOLKIT- color grading SYSTEM for AE http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1817/colorghear-toolkit-color-grading-system-for-ae Thu, 22 Dec 2011 22:41:24 +0000 shian 1817@/talks/discussions
So as not to be misleading, ColorGHear is an add-on of MODULAR PRESETS, and not a true plug-in.

The toolkit isn't just a collection of drag and drop "looks." It is a series of modular presets, or nodes, specially designed to contend with the codec limitations native to HDSLR footage. Along with these modular nodes, comes a system of use - learned through the online tutorials - which will open up the full power and functionality of After Effects to absolute beginners as well as long time users. Doing so will give users amazing power and flexibility to reduce noise and artifacts, and apply vibrant, astounding color grading to DSLR footage. In short, ColorGHear transforms After Effects from a Animation and Compositing tool, into a Color Grading Monster!

The power of ColorGHear is presented in the video demonstrations below.

ColorGHear is available at http://www.ColorGHear.com

CGT retails for $50

With your purchase of ColorGHear, you will get a free subscription to my video tutorial series showing how to unleash the power of After Effects using ColorGHear to turn your footage into stunning, film-like images.

As of July 1st, 2012 CGT will only be available under a subscription plan. $50 will get you CGT and access to all Grading and Filmschool tutorials for one year. If you choose not to renew, you can keep the GHears, but will lose access to the tutorials, and oh, the tutorials I have yet to show you. (Yes, a mild Hellraiser reference)

All of you who currently have CGT or buy it before July 1st, 2012 will be grandfathered in (no annual subscription rate for the current "CGT for AFX" version....ever. I did say early adopters would be rewarded, did I not?)

Subscription plans for other platforms will vary. Those currently in development are Davinci Resolve and Premiere Pro. And while CGT won't really work in FCP X there will be tutorials for getting the most out of the grading tools in FCP X, as well as creation and integration of SpeedGrade LUTs into AFX. '

Also, as I promised, all CGT Members will get discounted prices on versions for other platforms.

Below is a link to our special deals portal, which will change often, and without notice. Some days you will come here and find fantastic deals on ColorGHear products, and on other days you'll find no deals at all. We reserve the right to offer our products at our set price, and give discounts when we see fit. If you come here and see a price lower than what you paid for a product we will not offer any kind of rebate or refund. It's the beauty and wonder of chance at work.

GoPro on Smoothee, GH1, GH2 mixed same project - Hong Kong http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5291/gopro-on-smoothee-gh1-gh2-mixed-same-project-hong-kong Sat, 24 Nov 2012 21:45:34 +0000 Rambo 5291@/talks/discussions GoPro HD1, Gh1 LPowell 75Peak patch, 720p50 1/100 shutter, 14-140 kit, GH2 Flowmotion 2.02 HBR 1080p25 1/50, 14mm kit pancake, Sennheiser k6 direct into GH2 mic socket level 1setting ( little bit overdriven if mic placement is too close - watch out or this is you use a sensitive mic)

Shot in Hong Hong in killer humidity two weeks ago, minimalistic, everything in a 10kg carry-on bag No tripod. ( I wore the same shorts and top for three days - how's that for commitment ...lol)

Rewrite - Trailer for small feature shot on GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5245/rewrite-trailer-for-small-feature-shot-on-gh1 Mon, 19 Nov 2012 15:50:46 +0000 jerrytrieus 5245@/talks/discussions The trailer for my first small feature that I shot last year. Any comments or feedback much appreciated, thanks!

Hacked GH1 Used in Music Video For Wasteful Consumption Patterns http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5236/hacked-gh1-used-in-music-video-for-wasteful-consumption-patterns Mon, 19 Nov 2012 01:45:03 +0000 IntoleranceRecords 5236@/talks/discussions Shot this mostly with the hacked GH1. Also used a GoPro HD and a Samsung WM90 for a few shots.

GH1 still getting some use on this music video I shot http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5139/gh1-still-getting-some-use-on-this-music-video-i-shot Thu, 08 Nov 2012 01:22:50 +0000 n5p 5139@/talks/discussions Shot this before I had my GH2, now I use both to cut down shooting times.

Video Info Software http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4937/video-info-software Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:09:58 +0000 producer 4937@/talks/discussions Does anybody know a software which gives complete info about a video file?

What I mean is like MediaInfo, but what I need is full information of GH1/2 video file: Shutter, WB, ISO, etc.

Wide Converter 0.45x....what about it? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5175/wide-converter-0.45x....what-about-it Mon, 12 Nov 2012 10:55:20 +0000 AlbertZ 5175@/talks/discussions What about cheap vivitar wide converter (mainly x0.45)? I've seen that they are very cheap,you can get it for 40$...I have in mind to attach one of this converter to my canon fd 28 f 2.8 in order to achieve a 25-mm-like FoV for my video (I use gh1 and gf1)...what about its performance (vivitar or other cheap wide converter in general)? A friend of mine has told me that 28 2.8 fd + vivitar wide converter 0.45x is pretty similar to the panny 14mm as lumonosity (but it's really less sharp)

external monitor GF1/GH1/GF2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3676/external-monitor-gf1gh1gf2 Sat, 23 Jun 2012 11:49:24 +0000 AlbertZ 3676@/talks/discussions Is it posssible to control via external monitor GF1/GF2' s live output? And on GH1? It's not necessary to get HD signal in real time..just SD signal would be fine...

GH1 low light - best settings http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3242/gh1-low-light-best-settings Thu, 17 May 2012 20:14:45 +0000 m_c 3242@/talks/discussions hi, hope you can suggest best patch for shooting with gh1 in indoors low-light situations with only available light using gh13 with FD 50/1.8 finding no matter what i try, i'm getting some undesirable noise in the images the test shots so far are ok, i'd just like to get as best possible shooting a no-budget short very soon THANKS

Gh1 External Monitoring http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4162/gh1-external-monitoring Mon, 06 Aug 2012 10:24:58 +0000 010101 4162@/talks/discussions I remember sometimes ago Vitaliy was working on live monitoring out of HDMI of GH1. Did a search in PV for the subject to no avail ! Setting a GH1 on a Jib for a couple of shots and we need to monitor the framing on that GH1. Any help will be appreciated.

Extreme wide resolution video (3840x1080@24p) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4850/extreme-wide-resolution-video-3840x108024p Tue, 09 Oct 2012 16:16:12 +0000 sakattaq76 4850@/talks/discussions Using 2 cameras (GH1-GH2) side by side making this extreme wide resolution video (3840x1080@24p). Didn't have time for color correction. So this is just a test! Watch original quality view setting although youtube compression won't let you enjoy it on full resolution. If you want to watch this clip on full scale, you will need 2 monitors Full HD on landscape mode. For some of you would seem ridiculous but I would like to know if someone has tried this before. The test itself is very poor executed and poor equipment, I just did it in 5 minutes. Didn't have the same lenses or the same cameras. Is there a program like making photo panoramas but for videos as well? Will this be as good as anamorphic solution wide images? Let me know about your thoughts. Cheers!!!

GH2+GH1 camera cage http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1714/gh2-gh1-camera-cage Mon, 12 Dec 2011 09:55:33 +0000 pc_bel 1714@/talks/discussions My name is Pau and I am a long time fan of this forum, but never before had done a post. I'm gh2 and gh1 user and, of course, a hack user... Searching for a cage for my cameras I saw Rewo one and really liked, but too expensive and no suitable for gh1 made me discard it. No one in the market seemed to be adequated for my needs, so long time ago I decided to build it myself.
Now with the great help of a friend we have a prototipe almost finish. Attached are some images from the 3D model. The cage is made in CNC aluminium and in few days I'll post real images. Real prototipe will have some improvements like two ridges in the front of the base plate to prevent the camera turns and some more... The intent is to be much cheaper than the Rewo, so some improvements as helicoids on the threads I did not think possible. All the threads in the top and some more (not yet in the 3D model) in laterals will be 1/4".
If there were enough people interested in buying it (at least 50), we could give a price.

Thanks to everyone and especially to Vitaliy Kiselev. Thanks to him, this revolution has been possible.

GH-1 gh1 Good settings for no rolling shutter in 720p http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4286/gh-1-gh1-good-settings-for-no-rolling-shutter-in-720p Sat, 18 Aug 2012 17:44:27 +0000 disease8 4286@/talks/discussions I am afraid I have been overwhelmed by the amount of different info on here. I really am just trying to find a collection of the best GH-1 hacks to download in the .bin format. I have been looking for hours but its hard it seems there are so many topics and its all a bit of a mess, which is normal for a forum.

I like the look of pappa arts settings or anything that will at least give me no rolling shutter in at least 720p, I have worked out its pretty much impossible to avoid in 1080p...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Here are the settings I am using at the moment...

DVANZ cage for GH2 and GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3657/dvanz-cage-for-gh2-and-gh1 Thu, 21 Jun 2012 23:45:50 +0000 DVANZ 3657@/talks/discussions Hello,

Here is some info about a new cage. Similar to Rewo and Gini cage.

I have just had built a GH2 cage with the help of the engineer from Panavision New Zealand. I have made 1 of version 1 (that had a hotshoe mount) and improved it to version 2 which I have made 4 of. Im keeping 2 but have 2 to sell. I have made a few products before, one of which was the PIX240 Video Assist Bracket by DVANZ. I have sold all 40 of them. See http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150928803712977&set=a.10150928803697977.522345.105987732976&type=1&theater

If people are interested in a DVANZ GH2 cage, Version 2, then you can purchase these from me. They are flatpack, include the top handle and the Hoga right angle audio adapter. If I get more interest I can make some more. I just got sick of waiting for the Rewo cage so I built my own. To recover costs, im asking for US$400 per cage plus $40 shipping, payable via Paypal. If someone wanted 2, then shipping would be $60.

I hope you like the cage. 2 rubber strips at the base and 4 rubber recessed points that hold the camera very stable. Annodised alloy with 1/4" threads everywhere and 2 x 3/8" on top too.



GH1 hack question (may apply to all hacks too) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4163/gh1-hack-question-may-apply-to-all-hacks-too Mon, 06 Aug 2012 11:26:52 +0000 debuys 4163@/talks/discussions I've been shooting with Lpowell's reliable in camera patch for over a year. It's been great but I wanted to push it a little harder and get native 24p out of the camera. I'm using a Sandisk 45MB/s card. The Lpowell 100mbps 24p patch works fine but I loose the 60p with it. I tried unchecking the frame rate change, the GOP change and did a tiny bit more tinkering but couldn't get 60p back.

The Lpowell 75mbps retains the 60p but is a lower bit rate (duh) and doesn't feature native 24p.

Then there's also the 50mbps patch that has what I want with the exception of the screaming data rate.

Since the Video Bitrate of FHD and SD modes is shared is it impossible to get native 24p, 60p and 100mbps in one patch?

Also I'd like to have access to a mode for quick, unedited uploads to the net. I was thinking of using the MPEG modes for this but I haven't gotten past the thinking stage.

I apologize to anyone who thinks I should have toiled more before posting.

The future of GH series. ? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4158/the-future-of-gh-series.- Sun, 05 Aug 2012 19:16:49 +0000 simurg 4158@/talks/discussions Less time left: Last 6 weeks for Photokina. GH series will not continue? Why no news? What do you think friends?

Short Film "What Stays the Same" (2011) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/4009/-short-film-what-stays-the-same-2011 Sun, 22 Jul 2012 15:08:53 +0000 kromanek 4009@/talks/discussions I have since upgraded to the GH2 in which I currently have a 156mbps hack active. This film I shot late last year and my sole purpose of the film was to test the ability of the GH1 @ a low end patch, this was approx 50mbps. It went to a few festivals but I think that it should be notable enough that with an extremely low budget, a few hacks and limited equipment (cheap glass, no mechanical tools and strictly handheld) this still impresses me today. Only one issue, and it will forever be there.... shame. Let me know what you think. I shot this late last year during a 2 week break from film school, this year I plan to do big things with the GH2 and/or soon to be GH3.

50 mm in academy ratio - Hitchcock / Ozu with a GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3628/50-mm-in-academy-ratio-hitchcock-ozu-with-a-gh2 Tue, 19 Jun 2012 08:37:33 +0000 AlbertZ 3628@/talks/discussions You know that lots of masterpieces had been shooted only with a "normal" lens: just think of Hitchcock's Psycho or Ozu's film. I am "studying" Ozu's films realized using only a 50mm; many people believe it's necessary to get a 25 mm on GH2 (due to crop factor) in order to emulate Ozu's look , however I've found this discussion on the net:

50 in academy ratio is actually what a 50 on a GH2 would give... Or almost. A GH2 is the same size as academy matted to 1.78:1 (so horizontally and DoF characteristics are the same, but different vertically). Speaking of which... Hitchcock used a 50 almost exclusively in the 50s and 60s, so a 50 on a GH2 is more or less identical to what you'd get in Psycho.

I feel a bit confused...should I get a 50mm or a 25 mm?

GF2 Black and White Mode in VIDEO http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3609/gf2-black-and-white-mode-in-video Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:04:56 +0000 AlbertZ 3609@/talks/discussions I've read that GF2 doesn't have a B/W Mode like GH1/GF1...do you know any trick/turnaround to get black and white in camera? It's very important to me to watch the B/W final result directly when I am shooting...

Honest price used GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/3608/honest-price-used-gh1 Sun, 17 Jun 2012 15:01:07 +0000 AlbertZ 3608@/talks/discussions I'm looking for a used GH1 body as my B-camera, however the bodies I've found in Italy cost about 400€. However, a fiend told me that he got an used GH1 body for 270€.Could suggest me a "fair" price? I feel a bit disorientated...
