Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussions/tagged/gh1/p1/feed.rss Sun, 02 Jun 24 13:48:37 +0000 Tagged with gh1 - Personal View Talks en-CA GH1: setting "Varigop" - superb IQ - integrated timelapse in MJPEG http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5959/gh1-setting-varigop-superb-iq-integrated-timelapse-in-mjpeg Wed, 30 Jan 2013 12:40:05 +0000 tetakpatak 5959@/talks/discussions
  • "Varigop" setting for the GH1, features:
    • Excellent IQ in AVCHD 1920x1080p 24fps (3GOP)
    • in-camera playback (AVCHD files) is possible
    • absolutely reliable spanning as long as battery lasts / until end of memory space of the SD card (max 32GB)
    • integrated timelapse function in MJPEG (By Jordan Noblet)
    • Usage of all camera working modes (A, S, M)
    • Usage of all lenses, legacy Panasonic lenses as well as vintage ones
    • highest achievable bitrates on the GH1 and very high average recording bitrates in NTSC (considerably lower in PAL)
    • top reliability and in-camera-playback for most of the files
  • NTSC:
    AVCHD FHD = 1080p24 3GOP superb detail in highlights and shadows / smooth looking motions / very high bitrates / spanning works very reliable
    AVCHD SH = 720p60 3GOP with even higher bitrates (bitrates about 10% higher than in 1080p24) / IQ looks good, needs more testing as this mode was not primar target of the patch

    AVCHD FHD = 1080p25 13GOP looks good, needs more testing (bitrates about 60% of 1080p24)
    AVCHD SH = 720p50 26GOP looks good, needs more testing (bitrates about 40% of 1080p24)

    MJPEG (both in PAL and NTSC):
    Integrated timelapse settings by Jordan Noblet / 2fps in "HD" 1920x1080 / colors 4:2:2 / It is ideal to use 1/2s exposure to get beautifully looking subject's motions in the blending frames, so strong ND filters are necessary in the daylight. Of course, shorter exposures are also possible- with sharper looking motions. In 2fps mode maximal file size (in MJPEG not avoidable) will be achieved after ca 1h25m. One can stop-and-start again the recording for longer recordings and edit later. For rendering is recommended to use Jordan Noblet's free software, you can download it on his website http://www.timelapser.net
    All other MJPEG modes (WXGA, XGA, VGA) are also influented by the 2fps setting in HD mode, so rather forget them. File format after rendering in "Timelapser": AVI 1920x1080p 25fps

    Bugs reports:
    The released beta version of the "Varigop" runs in many situations stable, but it is regularly freezing if the object is well-lit grass or trees. All users of this setting should please keep me informed about observed bugs and feel free to post directly here. All those information will be very helpful for the development of the setting until the stage when "alpha" version can be released some day.

    If you use this patch and like it, please don't forget who made all this with his tireless work possible and make donation to Vitaliy on the top of this page and support that way his hacking projects.

    (beta-version released on January 30th, 2013)

    Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1 GOP Solid Patch http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/27184/panasonic-lumix-dmc-gh1-gop-solid-patch Thu, 30 Jun 2022 01:48:51 +0000 jimbo1169 27184@/talks/discussions I'm revisiting the Panasonic Lumix GH1. There's just something sweet about the image that this 2009 Lumix camera produces. Today, for less than $200 globally, the GH1 is an amazing bargain. The GH1 provides great colours and textures straight out of the camera. It may seem as though the M43 big brands are moving towards a more polished, digital looking image. While the GH1 does not have 4K or IBIS, it does possess a unique sensor which actually kicked off the micro four thirds 1080p revolution. There are some great programs available now that allow cinema buffs like yourself to upscale 1080p footage into detailed, vivid looking 4K video. Couple this with an OIS lens and the limitations of this camera can really work for you. I've reviewed and tested most (if not all) of the Lumix GH1 patches in existence since 2011. I've now created what I believe to be one of the most resilient "Native 24p/25p" patches to date. The "GOP Solid" patch combines low to moderate bitrates with long '15' GOP settings across the board to ensure maximum stability. This patch also incorporates settings from; LPowell's Blackout patch, Rigs' GOP3 patch and Tetakpatak's Varigop patch. It is only due to their time and effort I can hope to extend interest in the GH1. I have intentionally tested this patch in PAL mode on detailed, over-exposed, grassy and leafy scenes. Attached to my GH1 is the Panasonic Lumix 14-42mm (H-FS014042) lens at 14mm (the widest end). I am using a SanDisk Ultra 120MB/s SDHC 32GB SD card (pictured below). I got zero write errors or card lock-ups with this patch. Bitrates can vary depending on lighting and scene detail. Please download, stress test this patch yourself and let me know your results. N.B. I have not tested this patch in 24p or 720p40/50 modes. I chose the 'Nature' picture profile with the following settings: Contrast: -2, Sharpness: 0, Saturation: 0, Noise Reduction: -2. Please fine tune these settings to your liking and report back.


    PTool: https://www.personal-view.com/gh1hack/ptool3d.zip

    GH1 firmware: https://av.jpn.support.panasonic.com/support/global/cs/dsc/download/fts/dl/gh1.html

    live signal from composite out - GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/25574/live-signal-from-composite-out-gh1 Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:39:50 +0000 FFrank 25574@/talks/discussions Hi, I own an old GH1. This can be hacked. I want to use it as an security camera (I work in the music busines and want to check what it going on on stage). I do not need to record or anything. I just want to send the live picture out of the composite out. I can not achive this. Is this possible?

    Thanks for the help.

    Best. F. Frank

    Lumix G6 vs GH1 vs GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/24742/lumix-g6-vs-gh1-vs-gh2 Thu, 19 Nov 2020 02:14:34 +0000 pablomorado 24742@/talks/discussions Hi! I am new to the photography world and am currently looking for a overall good-for-video camera on a REALLY tight budget (mainly for people close-ups, YouTube related content). I've found an used Lumix GH1 which I would love to hack for about 70€, which I think is a really nice price... The thing is that I also have available an 80€ used Lumix G6, which I've heard is a bit better than the GH1, but I dunno with the bitrate improvements on the hacks available... And to top It all I've been offered a 130€ almost brand new GH2, which I think would give me the best results out of the 3...

    What do you think? Is it worth it the 40€+ for the GH2 compared to the G6? I've seen some footage comparisons and they seem to be really close, but that is without the crazy 100+MBs bitrate you can get out of some GH2's hacks...

    Is the GH1 just good enough with stable 50MB's±? Maybe It is worth it to expend more on a way better lens? I am not focusing on features btw. Just pure IQ. Man I just love the Lumix look! but if you know of other hackable/Bang for buck (better than any of these in any case) cameras I should look for, please just tell me!

    I know it's a lot but would really love some feedback. :) Cheers and thank you!!

    LUMIX GH1 Config for travel channel? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/22874/lumix-gh1-config-for-travel-channel Tue, 29 Oct 2019 05:08:03 +0000 juantonioconde 22874@/talks/discussions Hi, I'm quite a rookie in the world of video. I have a second-hand GH1 with the 14-45 MEGA OIS lens. My intention is to use the camera to record travel videos, in fact I am already using it, but I would like to know which configuration is the most appropriate to then upload the videos to YouTube and what hacks you recommend. I have no interest in timelapse or slow motion. I give more importance to the images being clear with beautiful colors and without unwanted movements. I have some manual lenses, such as Pentacon 50 1.8, Pentancon 29 2.8, HELIOS 44-2 58 f / 2. My specific questions are what hack to use and what camera settings. OIS MODE 1, 2 OR 3, autofocus or manual ... etc ... Thank you very much.

    Do we really need the GH4 and 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file? GH1 and GH2 still rock for me http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/9608/do-we-really-need-the-gh4-and-422-10-bit-4k-raw-file-gh1-and-gh2-still-rock-for-me Thu, 13 Feb 2014 04:20:33 +0000 eurocameraman 9608@/talks/discussions I am just asking myself a simple question I would like to share with the independent filmmaking community: Do I really need all of this? 4:2:2, 10 bit, 4K, Raw file, ProRes… Do I really need to invest as soon as something new and fancy is coming out?

    On my own experience, I would say not so sure as I am very pleased with the result I am getting out of my GH1, GH2 and now GH3. And my GH3’s video is not making a huge difference compare to what I got with the GH1 or GH2. I am still using the hacked GH1 every summer, as a copy is stored in my home country (France) and I love its color rendition compare to GH2/3. FYI, I am living and working in China since 9 years.

    Every year I am shooting a short movie or an experiment with the hacked GH1. Some complained about the AVCHD format, but I never got problem in post with it as I am using Premiere CS6 on a powerful enough PC (Dell M6400). I also tested heavy color grading without problem on my GH1 footage, as you can see here on the following videos. Sorry one of the short film doesn’t get English sub yet, but I am posting a link to those video for their visual quality first, so enjoy that part. La Deuche from Hell HD (US sub Version) (there is a longer French version too)

    Revolverte HD (F)

    In China, I am also using my GH camera beside a Panasonic AF100, which is well known to NOT be the most exciting camera on the market (4:2:0 8 bits, AVCHD at 28MB/s, what a shame!). I had to buy an AF100 as no serious client in my field would accept to pay my usual fee (I was working with a HVX200 + Letus Ultimate prior to the AF+GH) if I were shooting with a GH2 only. After 2 jobs my AF100 got paid back and I can enjoy the use of it with my GH2 and GH3 on project now. ,

    AVCHD, 4:2:0, bits… Nevertheless, I shot this Making Of video on huge project with my newly arrived AF100 and GH2 (not hacked yet). Production house, agency and client were delighted by the result. I did everything: shooting, lighting (for interview), sound recording and editing… I am a one man crew shooter (kind of MacGyver sometime) and I prefer to keep things, cheap, simple and light. CrossPolo TVC Making OF HD (US)

    To keep the story short, since 2012, I had completed bunch of projects with my M43 equipment without any complain from clients (VW, Audi, French Consulate, TV Channel…) and I might invest in the GH4 if it solves the 3 main problems of the GH3: Viewfinder definition (GH3 is a nightmare compare to GH2 for manual focusing) + real video assistance (Peaking + zebra + waveform) + full time display of histogram and sound recording level while shooting.

    4K or higher bit rate are not important to me as my video will NEVER be projected on a big screen and the file of the GH3 are already big enough in term of storage. Quality wise, I really like some of my GH1, GH2 or GH3 shots, and I don’t see much of a difference in term of emotion, and I think this is a more important feature for an independent filmmaker than pixel count or comparing numbers on data sheets…

    You can see more of my work here: http://vimeo.com/channels/659428/videos

    Panasonic GH1 firmware research, testing http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/8601/panasonic-gh1-firmware-research-testing Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:15:54 +0000 humpman 8601@/talks/discussions i'm looking for constants in the encoder of gh1 to stabilize and improve image qualaty. One of my targets is get stable gop1 settings. I did tons tests and i tired to do this work alone. So i need testers, if someone still want improve gh1 qualaty and want to help in testing, please send me PM. I have found some new settings, i list it below.

    • QP step sizes table.
    • Scaling tables just like in GH2.
    • Min and Max QP.
    • All intra turner.
    • I-frame or somelike limit constant.
    • Min frame size limit(works incorrectly)

    Main problem is i can't control min bitrate, for example when shooting deep black scenes. There is steel error out after 3 sec shooting in such scenes. There is min frame size limit, i guess, i have found. But it's just increases last frame in 1-sec sequence. So need more and more testing.

    Wishes for the GH6 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17968/wishes-for-the-gh6 Thu, 12 Oct 2017 00:05:54 +0000 AKED 17968@/talks/discussions Everybody is working and talking about the 2.0 and now 2.1 firmware update for the GH5.

    But for sure the Panasonic engeneers are alreday working on the GH6. For Panasonic claims and has prooven, that they listen to the customers, let us tell them early in the process of the development, what features we would like to see in the GH6, that can not be implemented in the GH5 through firmware update.

    Let me start with a wish for a 2nd screen:

    I think it is great to have the controls like waveform, histogram, sound etc. to have all the settings in sight, but as we all know, they take up a lot of space and cover up the video picture on the screen.

    So my idea is, to have a second screen on the body where the screen normally rests. So that, when the normal, video screen, is flipped in, they face each other.

    I would call it a "service screen", where you can have and see all the helping tools without covering the screen with the picture. All other settings like aputure, ss, ISO etc could also be shown and maybe one can also change the settings of the camera on that screeen. As you like. One should be able to assign, what you want to see on that screen.

    I would make it a touch screen as well, so that the camera would have a double touch-screen, so the you can move things to the video screen if you need it, for example when you do overhead work and can not see the service screen but need the wave or sound controls. Once you are back in normal use, you can push them out of the way to the service screen again. If you do not need it, you could switch it off to save battery.

    Nowadays, screens are so thin, that I doubt that it would make the camera bigger.

    I think this would be a great help to have all the controls in sight, without them covering the main video screen.

    Also, NO other Mirrorless or DSLR camera has that feature which would really give Panasonic another advantage over his competitors.

    One could also think about transmitting the information of the service screen maybe via bluetooth to a mobile device, so one can have it in sight if a look on the camera is difficult or a 2nd person can have a look or even adjust the settings, while the camera man takes care of the framing.

    What do you think about this? Would that make sense and help?

    FS: Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1K (PAL) Complete Photo / Video Kit http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/17878/fs-panasonic-lumix-dmc-gh1k-pal-complete-photo-video-kit- Mon, 02 Oct 2017 01:30:46 +0000 Spectra 17878@/talks/discussions Included are the following items...

    1 x Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH1K (PAL) Camera Body This camera body was bought new by me around 2010 - Excellent condition.

    1 x Panasonic DE-A49C Battery Charger / AC PSU Adapter

    1 x Genuine Panasonic Battery

    1 x Powermart Battery

    1 x GH1 Camera Body Strap

    1 x Pixco Konica Mount to M43 Adapter

    1 x Pixco Nikon F-Mount to M43 Adapter

    1 x Konica Hexanon 40mm f1.8 Full Frame Pancake Lens. It is a VERY sharp lens (as good as my Nikkor AIS Primes) and in mint condition - No dust, fungus or scratches. Aperture blades and focus ring are perfect.

    1 x 55mm Kalimar Skylight 1B Warming Filter

    1 x 8 Gb San Disk Extreme Pro 45Mb/s SD Card

    4 x SD Cards (up to 2 Gb) with multiple GH-1 patches

    1 x Sescom LN2MIC-ZMH4-GH1 Mic level to Line level 25dB Attenuation cable This cable allows professional audio mixers and recorders like Tascam DR-100 Zoom H4 etc to be plugged in.

    1 x JJC Remote trigger / Timelapse intervalometer (2x AAA Battery Powered)

    1 x Metz 20BC4 Mecablitz Flash (3x AA Battery Powered)

    1 x Software CD-ROM + Printed Manual

    This camera is in excellent condition and has had very little use over the past few years. I am not sure what shutter count is on the body (maybe less than 10K actuations) but can upload a photo taken recently so you can check yourself. Video quality is superb in good light.

    Tested and working with Mecablitz Flash - works great and syncs at up to 1/160th Shutter Speed.

    The only known issue I have with the camera is the Nikon F to m43 Adapter can sometimes be difficult to remove and when you plug in the remote it sometimes doesn't trigger due to Panasonics design of the input jack. Just make sure it is securely plugged in and it works fine.

    Asking Price $250 USD for everything. Paypal only.

    I will also throw in these 2 C-Mount lenses for an extra $50 USD if interested.


    GH1: 75Mbps Peak Reliability Setting - V2 update http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/334/gh1-75mbps-peak-reliability-setting-v2-update Tue, 05 Jul 2011 15:00:44 +0000 LPowell 334@/talks/discussions
    At the time the original 75Mbps GH1 Peak Performance Patch was released, I along with many other patch developers had reluctantly concluded that a stable Native 24/25p video mode could not be perfected for the GH1. It was not long after, however, that I discovered new stabilization techniques that led to the development of the Blackout-Powell Native 24p Patch and the Max Latitude Native 24/25p Patch. More recently, with Vitaliy's release of PTool 3.56d, all previously unhackable versions of the GH1 have been liberated for use with freshly upgraded versions of my patches.

    The primary focus of recent patches has been the optimization of 1080p Native 24/25p FHD video modes. In order to achieve bitrates as high as 100Mbps, however, it was necessary to restrict the 720p SH video modes to 25p in PAL mode and 30p in NTSC mode. For 720p SH mode recorded at the standard 50/60p frame rates, the 75Mbps peak bitrate of the Peak Performance Patch remains the highest I've achieved. With the aid of new stabilization techniques provided in PTool 3.56d, I have been able to significantly improve the patch's high-bitrate reliability as well. Based on the comparison tests I've conducted, the stability of the updated 75Mbps GH1 Peak Reliability Patch is second only to that of my Reliable In-Camera Playback Patch.

    Here are short descriptions of the updated properties of this patch:

    75Mbps AVCHD 1280x720 SH mode @ 50/60 fps
    While the unhacked 720p50/60 SH video mode offers high frame rates, its low 17Mbps maximum bitrate and long-GOP frame compression hamper its ability to track fast-moving subjects. In 60p mode, this patch reduces the length of each GOP to 20 frames, producing 3 key-frames per second. In addition, the codec's 75Mbps peak bitrate allows it to encode a large amount of image detail into each key-frame. Compression efficiency remains high enough, however, to limit average bitrates to less than 50Mbps.

    75Mbps AVCHD Interlaced 1920x1080 FHD mode @ 24/25 fps
    For those who do not require Native 24/25p video files, this mode produces the highest quality images available from the GH1 in both 24p and 25p interlaced FHD video modes. Turbo-charged with a 75Mbps maximum bitrate, the codec's ability to track moving objects without producing mud is significantly improved. As with the 75Mbps SH patch, the FHD encoder maintains an average bitrate no higher than 50Mbps.

    75Mbps MJPEG 4:2:2 Color 1536x864 HD mode @ 30 fps
    The MJPEG Intra-frame codec's unique advantage is its ability to produce highly detailed images in 4:2:2 color depth. This is especially valuable in green-screen rotoscoping, where you want to use the highest chroma resolution available. To maximize its usefulness, I've increased the MJPEG frame size to 1536x864 pixels, while maintaining the camera's normal16:9 aspect ratio. This frame size is exactly 20% taller than SH 720p mode, and 80% as tall as FHD 1080p mode. While it is non-standard, the intermediate frame size allows you to either flexibly crop the edited frame down to 720p, or upsample it to 1080p with minimal loss of resolution. And at 75Mbps max, the MJPEG encoder maintains consistently higher bitrates than the AVCHD encoder, particularly in dimly lit situations.

    30Mbps MJPEG 960x720 VGA mode @ 30 fps
    This iPod-compatible video mode produces HD-resolution 960x720 videos in a standard 4:3 aspect ratio. Its bitrate averages around 30Mbps.

    Overall Patch Considerations
    While no GH1 patch can claim to be absolutely bulletproof, I have tested these settings in a wide variety of extreme circumstances. However, with bitrates as high as 75Mbps, the safety margin is inherently narrower than my Reliable In-Camera Playback Patch. This patch is designed and tested only for the fastest Class 10 SDHC cards currently available.

    Additional points of interest:

    * The 75Mbps Peak Reliability Patch is compatible with all hackable GH1 cameras, and is switchable between NTSC and PAL modes.

    * I recommend using the camera to format your SD at the start of each shoot, to guard against SD card memory fragmentation.

    * Peak bitrates are obtained only with well-lit, sharply-focused, highly-detailed subject matter. Average scenes will produce average bitrates.

    * High bitrate AVCHD videos may not play back reliably in-camera. The MJPEG videos produced by this patch will not be playable in-camera.

    * If shutter speed is set longer than the frame rate (e.g. slower than 1/60 at 60p), low-quality video files may be produced.

    * AVCHD 4GB file-spanning for long video takes may not work reliably at high bitrates. For reliable recording of takes longer than about 12 minutes, I recommend selecting the "H" video mode instead of "SH". This will produce average bitrates of about 28Mbps in 720p50/60 modes.

    * For extended recording times at moderate bitrates, selecting the "L" video mode instead of "SH" will produce bitrates comparable to the camera's unhacked SH video mode.

    * While AVCHD bitrates may drop to very low levels in extremely dark situations, this patch should continue to record even in total darkness.

    *** WARNING ***

    The 75Mbps Peak Reliability Patch will not work properly with previous versions of PTool. My thanks once again go to Vitaliy Kiselev, for his pioneering work on PTool, and to cbrandin for his invaluable Stream Parser tool.

    The best way to insure that you have the latest PTool release is to download it directly from the following link:

    Download PTool here: https://www.personal-view.com/faqs/gh2-hack/ptool-software

    75Mbps Peak Reliability Patch Settings File:

    This zipped INI file can be used to apply complete patch settings to firmware loaded into PTool 3.56d. To use, unzip the INI file into the same folder as the PTool application. Launch PTool and load the firmware for GH1 v1.32. The settings contained in the INI file will automatically be installed in the "H" button at the bottom of the PTool main window.

    Note that with the following PTool Settings File, you may at any time re-install the original Panasonic GH1 v1.32 firmware into the camera. You may also copy each type of patched or original firmware to separate SD cards, and use them to quickly switch between patches as often as you like. ]]>
    Replacement LCD panel for GH1 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/5319/replacement-lcd-panel-for-gh1 Wed, 28 Nov 2012 01:46:43 +0000 fredkaf 5319@/talks/discussions hi everybody , i'm looking around the web to find a new lcd screen for my GH1 .. mine as broken .. but i couldn't find it even on ebay or other .. my search " GH1 lcd panel " am i right ? ( i'm french so .. lol )

    any help are welcome

    fred ++

    Panasonic GH1 SD Card Door http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/15579/panasonic-gh1-sd-card-door Wed, 24 Aug 2016 08:44:32 +0000 adamxp12 15579@/talks/discussions OK so I have been a reader on this forum for quite a long time, even before I made an account, but this is my first post, I have a GH1 which I still think is an awesome camera for the work I do, I don't see the point in spending lots of money on a newer model if the GH1 does all I want + without the stupid EU 30 minute time limit thanks to the hack, I like to do timelapse's and so the no limit recording time is a feature that only a brand new GH4 can support but £1k is way too much for a 17y/o to spend on a camera

    So that's where this comes in, the SD card door on my GH1 recently broke, not sure how but it has, it don't latch properly at the front of the camera making it protrude, I saw a post about this on personal-view where someone fixed it by gluing a needle to it, but with quite vague directions, the only other solution I can think of is either buying a used G1/GH1 just for a door, or to somehow figure out how to fix my door

    Does anyone have an idea of how it can be fixed? pictures would really help here as I have no idea what a non broken door looks like, its not one of them things I really paid attention to before it broke

    GH1: Blackout-Powell Native 24p settings v2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/184/gh1-blackout-powell-native-24p-settings-v2- Sun, 05 Jun 2011 23:52:43 +0000 LPowell 184@/talks/discussions
    To make use of these new features, download PTool 3.55d from the following link:


    For version 2 of the Blackout-Powell Native 24p Patch, I've prepared a choice of two INI settings files that differ only in the settings for the MJPEG 30p modes:

    * For use with standard lenses, the standard patch will produce two types of MJPEG videos:

    HD mode: 1280x720 HD videos in 4:2:2 color depth, with peak bitrates up to around 60Mbps.
    VGA mode: 960x720 iPad-compatible videos, with peak bitrates up to 30Mbps.

    * For use with anamorphic lenses, the anamorphic patch supports two different squeeze ratios:

    HD mode: 1920x720 videos optimized for 1.5X anamorphic lenses, with peak bitrates up to 50Mbps.
    VGA mode: 1920x720 videos optimized for 2X anamorphic lenses, with peak bitrates up to 50Mbps.

    GH1 apefos patches http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13082/gh1-apefos-patches Sun, 31 May 2015 13:33:56 +0000 apefos 13082@/talks/discussions GH1 apefos patches: custom matrix and qp for 1080 and 720, matrix design is customized for GH1 from The End NR4 GH2 patches

    setE = 24p 60p, FHD/SH 32Mbps (36Mbps Overall), H 28Mbps, L 24Mbps (24p wrapped in 60i needs pulldown in post production)

    setF = 24p 60p, FHD/SH 32Mbps (34Mbps Overall), H 28Mbps, L 24Mbps (24p wrapped in 60i needs pulldown in post production)

    (setE and SetF is improved for 24p and 60p but also works for 25p inside 50i and for 50p)

    setI = 25p 50p, FHD/SH 32Mbps (36Mbps Overall), H 28Mbps, L 24Mbps (25p is native)

    setJ = 25p 50p, FHD/SH 32Mbps (34Mbps Overall), H 28Mbps, L 24Mbps (25p is native)

    (setI and setJ can have bug in 24p, but can work good for 25p, 50p and 60p)

    Overall is the datarate peak, considering 34 and 36, one of them will be more stable, please try both

    Put user.ini, patches, ptool and firmware in same folder to create the hacked firmwares


    Panasonic Leica 25mm f 1.4 Lumix Lens (H-X025) http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14783/panasonic-leica-25mm-f-1.4-lumix-lens-h-x025 Sun, 13 Mar 2016 16:08:39 +0000 koyahd 14783@/talks/discussions I have a Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 in mint condition. Has always had the Hoya UV filter on it. Comes with everything included upon retail purchase (box, hood, manuals etc.) plus the Hoya filter.

    Asking $395 (or best offer) all inclusive to the U.S. (no duties) and $385 all inclusive to Canada. Pickup in Vancouver. I also have a GH1 for sale (also listed here) - buy both for only $500 shipped OBO.

    References: mu-43 and eBay.

    RARE Gold Panasonic LUMIX DMC-GH1 12.1 MP Digital Camera http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14762/rare-gold-panasonic-lumix-dmc-gh1-12.1-mp-digital-camera Wed, 09 Mar 2016 17:38:26 +0000 koyahd 14762@/talks/discussions Rare hard to find Golden GH1 variation sold in Japan only in limited quantities I believe. It was hacked recently with the best possible settings after extensive research on forums. The camera was originally in Japanese before the language was switched to English after the hack. Well taken care of. Video quality rivals the hacked GH2 with the hack applied. I may post a sample video if I have time. The hack/patch allows you to switch between NTSC and PAL modes, supports multiple language selection, unrestricted recording time, and third-party batteries.

    Shutter count only 5374!! (see picture).

    Comes with everything pictured: Hacked Golden GH1 (try finding this colourway elsewhere at the moment) Condition 9.5/10 (regular wear on a few buttons and such) Sony UHS-I 16GB SDHC card Class 10 (good enough for the hacked GH1) Body cap New small camera bag from Henry's (can fit GH1 and pancake lens etc., no shoulder strap) Original Panasonic Battery Original Panasonic battery charger AV out cables for live view USB cable

    Asking: $185 USD OBO all inclusive to the U.S. (no duties) $175 USD OBO all inclusive to Canada.

    GH1: 100Mbps Max Latitude Settings V2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/162/gh1-100mbps-max-latitude-settings-v2 Wed, 01 Jun 2011 23:16:23 +0000 LPowell 162@/talks/discussions
    As you've no doubt heard, the latest version of PTool3.55d liberates all previously unhackable versions of the GH1. In addition, it provides a variety of new patches that I've been able to incorporate into the 100Mbps Max Latitude Native 24/25p Patch, making it more versatile than ever. Here's a summary of the new features supported in Version 2 of this patch:

    * Works on all Panasonic GH1 cameras, both hacked and unhacked.

    * Expanded video and audio buffers to guard against recording failures at high bitrates.

    * 15-frame GOP-size in both PAL Native 25p and NTSC Native 24p video modes.

    * Standard patch: 30Mbps iPad-compatible VGA MJPEG mode records in 960x720 resolution.

    * Anamorphic patch: 65Mbps 2X anamorphic VGA MJPEG mode records in 1920x720 resolution.

    Click the following links to download the latest version of the 100Mbps Max Latitude Native 24/25p Patch PTool3.55d INI files:

    Download standard

    Download anamorphic
    How to view ISO Metadata in GH2 AVCHD footage!? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1928/how-to-view-iso-metadata-in-gh2-avchd-footage Wed, 04 Jan 2012 06:14:30 +0000 Alexauwa 1928@/talks/discussions
    I was taking a few test shoots at night. I was wondering if I can afterwards view the ISO value I recorded each file at.

    Do you have any ideas? Does Adobe offer such a feature?

    Looking forward to you replies.

    FS: GH1 Body Mint Condition, Like New http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14411/fs-gh1-body-mint-condition-like-new Mon, 11 Jan 2016 06:34:49 +0000 apefos 14411@/talks/discussions For Sale: GH1 Body Mint Condition, Like New

    This camera was used to develop the "No Diagonal Rain Patch" which is instaled on it.

    The power count is only 369, The shutter count is only 1027, the flash count is only 109

    The camera is like new, no details.

    It has the acessories showed on the photo: battery, charger, ac adapter, manual book, cd, shoulder strap.

    the AV cable and the USB cable are missing.

    No lens included, only the body.

    Asking 375 usd shipped, Paypal.

    GH1 Hack 1920x1080 24p w/ 50mbps< 4:2:2? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/14377/gh1-hack-1920x1080-24p-w-50mbps-422 Tue, 05 Jan 2016 05:09:28 +0000 imortallegacy 14377@/talks/discussions Could someone please direct me to a hack for the GH1, which allows me to shoot at 1920x1080 24p with a bit rate that will get me a detailed image and possibly do 4:2:2? Thank you!

    English menu for Japanese GH4 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/10424/english-menu-for-japanese-gh4 Tue, 20 May 2014 23:33:00 +0000 ValS 10424@/talks/discussions Can we hope to get hack that adds English or multilingual menu in GH4?

    Nikon D5100 compared to Panasonic GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/1195/nikon-d5100-compared-to-panasonic-gh2 Sun, 16 Oct 2011 02:30:09 +0000 LPowell 1195@/talks/discussions
    * A swiveling, side-hinged LCD screen with 920K pixels
    * 1080p & 720p video at 24, 25, and 30fps, H.264 format

    While the semi-pro D7000 provides numerous refinements for still photography, it lacks the D5100's 1080p25 and 1080p30 video modes, as well as its swiveling LCD screen. These omissions make the D7000 less well-adapted to DSLR video purposes than the D5100. However, the D5100 has its own shortcomings:

    * Auto-focus works only with AF-S G-style lenses.
    * Aperture can only be set in-camera, not by lens aperture ring.
    * Manual exposure settings do not work for video recording.
    * White balance cannot be manually set in Kelvin degrees.

    Compared with the GH2, both D5100 and D7000 cameras lack several key features:

    * No histogram display during video recording.
    * No visible exposure meter in Live View mode.
    * No 50/60fps video modes for slow motion.
    * Each video recording is limited to 20 minutes.
    * Firmware has not yet been hacked!

    In most other respects, the D5100 works similarly to the GH2, and its 20Mbps, B-frame-enabled H.264 encoder produces image quality comparable to an unhacked GH2. On the surface, the D5100 would appear to be a high-quality, semi-automated DSLR that doesn't quite measure up to the GH2's video capabilities. In several respects, however, it surpasses the GH2's weak spots:

    * Highest dynamic range of current crop-sensor DSLRs
    * Lowest high-ISO noise of current crop-sensor DSLRs
    * Imperceptible banding from 14-bit RAW image sensor

    DxOMark test comparisons here:

    One more notable feature: The D5100's Nikon AF-D lenses can be shared with the GH2.

    It was this lens compatibility factor that led me to consider the D5100's merits as a backup video camera. For mobile filming purposes, I had built a pair of shoulder mount rigs with traditional follow focus and matte box. I quickly realized that Micro 4/3 and Canon FD still photography lenses are poorly suited for this purpose, and that for proper focus ring rotation with a follow focus, I needed to use Nikon F-mount lenses. I chose the following set of moderately-priced lenses, all of which have manual focus rings with hard stops and fixed outer lens barrels that neither extend nor rotate:

    Rokinon/Samyang 35mm f1.4
    Rokinon/Samyang 85mm f1.4
    Tokina AT-X 235 Pro 20-35mm f2.8
    Tokina AT-X 270 Pro 28-70mm f2.8

    These lenses work beautifully with the GH2 in all but two situations - low-light video shooting and portrait photography. For that, I needed a camera with less noise at high ISO's and finer color depth than the GH2's 12-bit RAW image sensor. Hence, the Nikon D5100.

    After using the D5100 along with my GH2 and GH1 for a while, I came to some general conclusions about their ISO settings. With video footage, I'm quite intolerant of high-ISO noise, and have placed strict limits on each camera's maximum usable ISO:

    GH1: ISO 400 or less, 800 when desperate
    GH2: ISO 800 or less, 1600 when desperate
    D5100: ISO 1600 or less, 3200 when desperate

    Recently I ran controlled high-ISO tests at 1080p24 on all three cameras mounted on a tripod. I used the same lens, the Tokina AT-X Pro 28-70mm f2.8, set at f11. To produce the same field of view on all three, I set the lens to about 50mm on GH1 and GH2, and to about 65mm on the D5100. On the GH1, I installed the 100Mbps Max Latitude Native 24p patch. On the GH2, I installed cbrandin's 66Mbps AQ2 patch. I used the light meter (set to sunlight) in each camera to set exposure at ISO 1600. This produced videos that were reasonably close in exposure levels. More significant variations were visible in the three camera's color balances, which I adjusted to match more closely in each camera (the GH1 really needs its green toned down to match the GH2). I then imported each video file into Premiere CS55.5 and combined them into the following video, with GH1, GH2, and D5100 clips in order:

    I also exported a still frame from each clip, which I center-cropped at 100% resolution:

    Searching for a new camera companion http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13638/searching-for-a-new-camera-companion Tue, 01 Sep 2015 06:51:26 +0000 kolinko 13638@/talks/discussions hi everybody!

    I've been following various posts for some days regarding research for a new camera for my video works after having used the canon sx200 for several years to shoot video. For my last work (degree show video at art school) I borrowed a gh1 and I quite liked it, but only due to the existence of this enormous lively community which enriches video life to such a high degree! thanks for that girls and guys!! For the work with the hacked (using mostly 100Mbps Max Latitude Settings V2) gh1 I bought myself two voigtlander noctron prime lenses, one 42.5mm (equiv. 85mm) and one 17.5mm (equiv. 35mm) which I quite enjoyed. I also used a photo tripod, one LED extra light and the great sound device t702 with a great 20 yrs old neumann mic from my school. I search for a camera that works well with these two micro4/3 prime lenses.

    I now think about getting either the nx500, gh2/3/4(?), nx1, maximum 1000 EUR. But then I still want to have a lot of extra equipment like for sound, tripod, monitoring and so on. By the way is it possible to use a Mac-Book Air as a live monitor with any of these? I have absolutely no experience and I feel a little bit overwhelmed with all that extra research/equipment, trying to figure out everything here at the forum. Getting a lot of extra gear slowly is wanted, I want to grow up using more and more specific equipment for monitoring, recording sound, follow focus...

    For my approach to video/cinema I never worked for money (except for one apprenticeship) so far, my personal projects are non-funded projects and I do operate everything myself (sound, video, editing, even standing in front of the camera) so far. I’d like to shoot either still or handheld mostly, considering the possibility to buy a rig or something similar one day. I’m not so much the studio and big team guy until now...

    Since I'm so unsure about what I need maybe I should for the start just go for the gh1 body only costing me 240EUR?

    The fact that panasonic goes to three years of guarantee (gh3/4) sounds tempting to me as well. I guess I'm too unsure/experimental and too easy to manipulate.

    Thanks in advance! kolinko

    MJPEG FPS setting for Timelapse on GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/595/mjpeg-fps-setting-for-timelapse-on-gh2 Fri, 05 Aug 2011 07:47:46 +0000 GH13Timelapser 595@/talks/discussions
    It works by taking footage from a GH13 with the mjpeg frame rate changed to 2fps using ptool - it can stream copy the frames out and reassemble them losslessly - but more interestingly has interval/shutter settings that will blend frames together to simulate a longer interval/shutter as required. The frame blending has the added benefit of reducing low-light noise significantly.

    I put together a demo here:

    Here's the tool GH13Timelapser: http://timelapser.net/

    I've had a few people contact me about using GH13Timelapser with a hacked GH2 but from what I can tell, the MJPEG fps setting hasn't been implemented in GH2 ptool - probably because it was deemed as not being useful (it has no purpose other than timelapse from what I can tell)

    Is there any way to add MJPEG x/fps support for the GH2?]]>
    Lumixstories.ca a website for Panasonic Storytellers http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13482/lumixstories.ca-a-website-for-panasonic-storytellers- Thu, 30 Jul 2015 10:01:43 +0000 tylerknight 13482@/talks/discussions It's been a while since I've had time to post anything on the forum, but I have been holding out for something big!

    I was approached by Panasonic several months ago to speak at the Canadian G7 release in Toronto on my experience with Panasonic cameras and my move to 4K video.

    Since that time, more opportunities have come to light and I couldn't be more excited to share this with everyone!

    Panasonic Canada has created a new website called http://www.lumixstories.ca which highlights several videographers and photographers and I was lucky enough to be featured on the site for my work with the gh1 through gh4. Have a look through the site and check out some of my work as well as some of the other talented shooters!

    On top of that, I will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia this long weekend to do an in-store hands-on test day at Henry's with the G7 and new GX8 as well as teaching a 1 hour workshop on my 4K video workflow in Adobe Premiere!

    If anyone is from the east coast of Canada and is interested in participating in the workshop, or would like to show me around the beautiful city of Halifax, please message me on here! The link to the workshop is here:


    There is a lot more in the works and I can't wait to share it with everyone!

    Is the GH1 woth the effort to improve the Hack/Patch? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13045/is-the-gh1-woth-the-effort-to-improve-the-hackpatch Sun, 24 May 2015 12:42:44 +0000 apefos 13045@/talks/discussions I was away for some weeks... and I started to think about the GH1.

    If I can remember, it was the first cheap 24p shallow dof camera, and it started the revolution in digital cinema together with the 5D Mark II.

    And it started all the hack revolution also... Tester13

    GH1: how many people are using it these days?

    Is the GH1 woth the effort to improve the Hack/Patch for it in the GH4/G7 4K world?

    GH1 hacks: reliability, priority for weddings. Which one? http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/13016/gh1-hacks-reliability-priority-for-weddings.-which-one Wed, 20 May 2015 23:06:27 +0000 IronFilm 13016@/talks/discussions What hack is best with the GH1 for prioritizing reliability? (Working with mid level SD cards) As I use mine for weddings, and have had it glitch a couple of times, thus looking for something reliable.

    FS: Panasonic Lumix GH1 in box with a ton of vintage prime lenses http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12422/fs-panasonic-lumix-gh1-in-box-with-a-ton-of-vintage-prime-lenses Sat, 21 Feb 2015 20:32:07 +0000 LiftCM 12422@/talks/discussions I am sadly selling my trusty GH1 with its lovely 1080/24p 75Mbps hack included with accessories in BOX. Ask me for video samples. I last used it on a two cam corporate video shoot for a major Pharma company and for a broadcast commercial. Its been the B-Cam companion to my GH2 for the last 8 months but I am wanting a second GH2.

    I am throwing in an assortment of vintage lenses along with their m4/3 lens adapters! The highly sought after Minolta MD Rokkor-X 24mm f2.8 AND the Minolta MD Rokkor - X 45mm F2 Konica Hexanon AR 28mm f3.5 Brand New in Box New Old Stock never used Kalimar 28mm f2.8! Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f1.4 Konica Hexanon 57mm f1.8 (needs work) Konica Zoom Hexanon 65-135mm f4 (needs cleaning).

    I also have a spare Chinar 28mm f2.8 I'll throw in as well if you need more than one 28mm or need an extra 28mm prime for a second camera. This is a ton of glass all in very good shape. Im only asking for $350 for all of the above and not really interested in selling just one lens for 50 bucks. I really need to clean out my camera bag and raise some cash to get another GH2. Anyone have a GH2 and willing to trade for all the above...that would be nice too!

    Cheers, C

    Which camera shouId I buy to get GH1 colors? Hacked GH1 freezes. http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12790/which-camera-shouid-i-buy-to-get-gh1-colors-hacked-gh1-freezes. Mon, 13 Apr 2015 08:05:43 +0000 slabik 12790@/talks/discussions I love the colors and the detail of the hacked GH1 video, but unfortunately it freezes from time time, which is really annoying. Is there any camera in the GH1 price range that does not freeze and has similar video detail and colors?

    Horror movie shoot on GH1, GH2 http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/12767/horror-movie-shoot-on-gh1-gh2 Thu, 09 Apr 2015 22:09:07 +0000 endotoxic 12767@/talks/discussions This is the new trailer we have done.

    Im begening to roll again my movie, so im happy.

